Training Time

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A/N: here's chapter 15 for ya guys

Class 1-A Dorm

Halibel is sitting on one of the couches with Nel sitting on her lap, Nel is still wearing her bone mask because she is still recovering from her injury."You know you're quite warm Halibel". Nel says with a slight tired tone as Halibel lets out a quick chuckle as she replies."I did not know that". Nel smiles as she gives Halibel a kiss on the cheek lightly while she responds."Not as warm as Grimmjow though". Halibel shakes her head lightly but before she can say anything she can feel someone's gaze upon her and Nel, Halibel shifts her gaze to the person staring at them only to see both Izumi and Uraraka standing there with massive blushes on their faces.

"Ah Izumi and Uraraka, how may I help you"? Halibel asks with Izumi replying with a heavy stutter."H-h-hello Halibel, I w-was wondering w-w-where G-Grimmjow is"? Nel was the one to reply to Izumi."Grimm is in his room at the moment"."Wrong Nel, I was taking a bath". A deep voice calls out causing everyone in the room to turn their heads to see Grimmjow standing in the doorway shirtless while wearing a pair of dark blue jeans however Grimmjow does have bandages wrapped around his lower torso and back. Izumi and Uraraka blush upon seeing this but Uraraka then takes notice of the bandages and asks. "Grimmjow did you hurt yourself"? Grimmjow chuckles as he replies "Nope I'm fine just want to keep a secret that you guys may or may not get to know". Both Izumi and Uraraka nod knowing not to press the issue any further however the group hear a chuckle as everyone turns to see Halibel with a sly grin on her face."And you didn't invite me to have a bath with you, I'm hurt Grimmjow". Halibel jokes with a slight flirtatious undertone as Grimmjow chuckles as he turns his attention to Izumi and asked."Did you need me for something Izumi"? Izumi gulps slightly as she is still afraid of Grimmjow after she heard about what he did to the Nomu during the attack on the USJ."U-um I w-was w-wondering if y-y-you w-wanted to t-train t-t-together t-today because I w-want to g-get s-stronger"? Grimmjow quickly replies."Sorry Izumi but I promised Shiho that I would train with her today, but I can train with you  tomorrow if that's okay"? Izumi looks down with an upset look on her face, Grimmjow walks over to Izumi and places a hand on her head as he speaks."I'm not say that I will never train with you Izumi, its just I promised someone else that would spend time with them today, how about next time we train together". Izumi looks up at Grimmjow and nods her head, Grimmjow smiles at Izumi and ruffles her hair as he leaves to go and train with Shiho.

"Halibel are you here"? A voice calls out causing Halibel to call out in return."Yes I'm in the common room". As the person comes towards the group of four they realise the voice belongs to Momo almost immediately Nel removes herself from Halibel's lap and leaps towards Momo and embraces the black haired female."Yay! Momo's here"! Nel yells as everyone in the room giggles as Halibel asks Momo."Did you need me for something Momo"? Momo nods her head in response as she asks."Do you want to hang out today? Izumi and Uraraka you're welcome to join us"? However before they could reply Nel pouts as she looks up at Momo and asks."Hey! What about me"? Momo smiles at the pouting Nel and responds."You can join us as well Nel". Nel smiles back as she let Momo go, Halibel smiles at the little exchange as she replied to Momo's question.

"I'd love to hang out since Grimm is training with Shiho". Momo nodded her head since her second question was answered before she could ask it. Halibel stood up as the now group of five left the dorm to hang out for the day.

With Grimmjow and Shiho

In one of the training rooms two students can be seen training extremely hard."That all you got Shiho"? Grimmjow asks with a bit of a smug tone with Shiho scoffing in response."Please I'm barely trying". Grimmjow lets out a loud laugh as he replies."I can tell since you're not using you're not even using your left arm, why is that"? Immediately Shiho recoils heavily and began to hug herself as tears threatening to fall from her eyes, Grimmjow immediately regrets his question as he rushes over to Shiho and embraces her as he apologies."I'm sorry Shiho I didn't mean to upset you. If you're not comfortable to talk about it then I won't pry since we all have secrets we'd don't want to tell people". Shiho nods her head as she throws her arms around Grimmjow's neck as she replies."Thank you Grimmjow, maybe one day I'll be able to tell you and everyone about it but not right now the scars are still too fresh". Grimmjow nods as he responds "I fully understand since I myself have secrets I'd rather not say". Shiho smiles at Grimmjow as she asked."You want to continue our training session"? Grimmjow nods in response as the pair disengage from their embrace jump back to gain some distance between the two.

Timeskip: Evening

Grimmjow is sitting on one of the couches in the common room of the dorm with Nel sitting on his right side with her head resting on his right shoulder, Halibel is sitting on the left side of Grimmjow with her head resting on his left shoulder and Momo is sitting on his lap face Grimmjow as her face is nuzzled into his chest."You look like a big old playboy right now Grimm". Halibel says out loud as Grimmjow chuckled while he replies."I know but hey at least all my girlfriends are strong badass woman". Nel, Halibel and Momo giggle as Grimmjow let out a loud yawn as he announces in a slightly hushed tone."I'm kinda tired you girls wanna go to bed"? Nel, Halibel and Momo let out a small moan of agreeance as Grimmjow stands up with Momo wrapping her legs around Grimmjow's waist and Nel and Halibel loosely wrapping their arms around Grimmjow's arms while the group of four made their way to Grimmjow's room.

A/N: and that concludes chapter 15 for ya guys, hopefully ya guys enjoyed and I'll see ya guys in the next chapter.

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