Final Round: Panther VS Shark Rematch

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A/N: here's chapter 24 for ya guys, I do have an important announcement at the end of this chapter. 

Inside the arena 

Grimmjow walks onto the arena stage where standing across from him is his blonde haired girlfriend Halibel. "Are you ready Halibel"? Grimmjow almost seem to growl as he gets into his fighting stance. "Of course Grimmjow". Halibel answers in a very similar fashion as she too gets into a fighting stance, Midnight starts the fight as the pair rush towards each other. Grimmjow throws a wild right hook which Halibel dodges fairly easily, he then follows it up with a left uppercut which Halibel also manages to move her head out of the way of the oncoming attack. Grimmjow keeps up his aggressive pace with a quick left jab however Halibel was just out of range however Grimmjow takes a quick step forward and swings a powerful right overhand connects on the jaw of Halibel sending the blonde haired girl onto her back as Grimmjow rushes forward and lunges towards Halibel and gets into a full mount and begins to throw quick punches. 

After four or five punches Halibel manages to grab both of Grimmjow's hands, she then pulls Grimmjow towards her and then proceeds to headbutt him causing the light blue haired boy to get up and stumble backwards. Halibel then moves forward with precision and begins to unleash a six hit combination, beginning with a stiff kick to the left leg of Grimmjow, she then throws a short yet powerful digging right hook to the body, she then throws a left uppercut causing Grimmjow's head to snap backwards, Halibel then throws a left spinning heel kick to the body, as Halibel's left leg lands on the floor she then jumps into the air and delivers a powerful jumping roundhouse to Grimmjow's head causing the light blue haired boy to bend down slightly and finally she delivers a downward spinning left elbow causing Grimmjow to go to one knee. 

Grimmjow smiles to himself as he rolls out of the way to get some distance between him and Halibel. He then uses his increased speed to rush forward at Halibel with blonde haired girl throwing a flying left knee however Grimmjow manages to get behind her and grab her around the waist and suplex her, throwing her backwards towards the edge of the arena. Grimmjow then rushes towards Halibel and tries to double knee her in the face in an effort to knock her out of the arena, but Halibel manages to spring up to her and tackle Grimmjow mid air and begins to rain down punches onto Grimmjow. After about 15 seconds of uninterrupted punches Grimmjow manages to push Halibel off and the pair get to their feet, both look at each other as they start to charge up a Cero each. 

The pair fire their individual Ceros causing a huge explosion as the crowd roars in appreciation. As the smoke clears both combatants weren't there however a large clashing sound can be heard throughout the arena. 

In the stands 

Nel was watching in both excitement and concern as she watches the two people she loves beat the shit out of each other. "Are you okay Nel"? Shiho asks as Nel turns to the white and red haired girl and replies. "Yeah I'm okay just worried for both Grimmjow and Halibel that's all". Shiho nods as she responds. "The fight itself is great though". Nel smiles and replies. "Indeed whenever those two fight it's always good". Shiho nods as Momo pipes up and asks. "Do you have any preferences on which Hero you'd like to work for Nel"? The teal haired girl turns to Momo and replies. "Probably the Wild Wild Pussycats because I'd like to learn more about working in a team with Grimm and Halibel". Momo nods as they turn their attention back to the fight. 

Back to the arena 

Grimmjow and Halibel skid backwards and as the pair come to a stop both are panting heavily, Grimmjow rushes towards Halibel however as he got closer Halibel throws a quick two jab combo and then a spinning right backfist causing Grimmjow to stumble however as Halibel begins to press her advantage however she only takes one step then she was immediately blitzed and knocked out of the arena before she could even comprehend what has happened. As she collects her thoughts and her vision comes back she sees a brief glimpse of Grimmjow but he looks similar to how he did during the USJ invasion. "Tia Halibel has been eliminated, the winner for this match and the winner of the tournament is Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez"! Midnight announces as the crowd goes wild while Grimmjow walks towards Halibel and scoops her up and walks to the back. 


"Sorry for going all Resurreccion on you there"? Grimmjow apologises to Halibel with the blonde haired girl chuckling as she replies. "It's okay Kitty, do you have control of it now"? Grimmjow shakes his as he replies. "I guess it's more of a primal thing. Maybe when my body is running on instincts that's when it triggers". Halibel hums in response however the two are then tackled by Nel while Momo is walking behind her. "What an amazing fight you two, are you guys okay"? Nel asks as both Grimmjow and Halibel nod as the now group of three make their way to the infirmary so the two fighters could get patched up, Nel intertwines her fingers with Halibel while Momo does the same but with Grimmjow. 

A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys. For the announcement I mentioned at the beginning of the story, unfortunately I will be stopping this story. The reason for this is a couple of reasons. The first reason is because I haven't really had the motivation to continue writing this story and the second reason is because I've kinda fallen out of watch MHA and I really no longer enjoy watching it, it's not because I think the series is bad or anything like that but it's because I've had some bad experiences with the MHA fandom and it kind of ruined the series for me. But there is some good news to this, I am currently working on a couple of new stories. These new ones are in the early stages but when I feel like they are ready I will publish them for ya guys. 

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