Shadow Shark

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A/N: here's chapter 20 for ya guys, sorry this one took a while to come out I was a busy with other projects both here and on my YouTube channel but I am back with this story so hopefully ya guys enjoy this chapter.

Sports Festival Arena

Halibel walked out to the area with small air of confidence about her and as she stepped up to the arena she was met with the sight of a short boy however his head was that of a black bird that some what resembled a crow's head. His head has a tan yellowish beak along with red eyes that have small black pupils, however unlike his head the boy's body was like that of a normal human with fair skin."Hello Halibel I will give you my utmost in this fight". The boy spoke with a rather professional tone, Halibel just nodded as she replied."Hello as well Tokoyami and I shall respect your wishes by also giving you my utmost in this fight". The now named Tokoyami also nodded his head as the fight began.

Tokoyami yelled out."Dark Shadow"! As a shadow like clone of Tokoyami appeared from his stomach and rush towards Halibel and took three claw swipes at her however Halibel managed to barely dodge all three attack as she back stepped out of the way. In return Halibel pointed a finger at Tokoyami and yelled."Bala"! As a small yellow energy orb flew towards Tokoyami with boy managing to dodge the attack although just barely. Dark Shadow rushed Halibel but this time came at her from the right side a slashed at her side twice with the first attack being with its right claw that Halibel managed to dodge by side stepping and the left claw she managed to dodge by back stepping however Dark Shadow swung its right claw up like an uppercut and it caught Halibel on the chin causing the blonde haired girl to stumble slightly. Tokoyami knew he had a slight advantage and he pressed forward with Dark Shadow.

Halibel managed to regain her footing only to just about duck under the wildly swung left claw and lunged forwards while she was still ducked and threw a powerful right straight to the mid section of Tokoyami who recoiled from the impact and was sent flying across the arena but Tokoyami managed to recover quickly and get back to his feet."Your physical strength is very impressive Halibel I commend you". Halibel chuckled as she replied."Thank you, I must commend you on the speed for your attacks". Tokoyami nodded as he and Halibel rushed at each other.

In the stands

"This is an intriguing match". Grimmjow spoke out loud as Nel nodded her head."I wonder if Halibel will win this one". Momo replied with Grimmjow just nodding his head, Shiho then said. "I think this will be Halibel's closest match so far, I feel as if Tokoyami has the advantage when it comes to attack speed". Grimmjow hummed in response as replied."I agree but I still have faith in Halibel since out of us three when it comes to thinking on her feet she is the smartest". Nel quickly replied."So are you saying that you're dumb in a fight". Everyone laughed at that including Grimmjow as he replied."Yep I prefer my instincts over a plan".

Back to the Arena

Both Halibel and Tokoyami skidded backwards with the pair of them panting."Damn you put up one hell of a fight Tokoyami". Halibel said as Tokoyami responded."I will same the same about you". 'His quirk is really strong however whenever he uses his quirk he himself is vulnerable. I just need to find a way to get close to him '. Halibel thought as she instinctively ducked the on coming attack and threw a powerful left hook to the body but Tokoyami managed to back step out of the way as Dark Shadow rushed Halibel and tried to rapid swipe her but the blonde haired girl managed to dodge some of the attacks while her Hierro blocked the attacks she couldn't avoid.

Halibel jumped back to create space between the two fighters however the space between the two didn't last long as Halibel rushed forward and didn't show any sign of dodging any incoming attacks. Dark Shadow just wailed on Halibel but the blonde haired girl just shrugged of the attacks with her Hierro as she jumped into the air and connected with a superman punch right to the side of Tokoyami's head stunning the boy however Halibel was not done as she then threw a spinning roundhouse kick that landed causing Tokoyami to stumble. Halibel then followed up with a wild swinging overhand right that caught the top of Tokoyami's beak then that was immedatly followed up with the a powerful short left uppercut to Tokoyami's lower jaw, Halibel wasn't done as she threw a knee right to Tokoyami's sternum and as she did so she grabbed Tokoyami's tracksuit and charged up a Bala in her left palm and slammed it right into Tokoyami's face kicking up a massive amount of dust.

Once the dust settled Tokoyami was lying on the ground unconscious with Halibel panting a bit heavily."Tokoyami is out and the winner is Halibel"! Midnight yelled as the crowd roared in appreciation with Halibel picking Tokoyami up and helping him to the infirmary.

Behind the scenes

Halibel passed through the halls and on her way to the stands she passed Nel who had a small scowl on her face."Are you okay Nel"? Halibel asked as she was bit concerned for her girlfriend, Nel just gave Halibel a kiss on the cheek and replied."I've gotta fight Tenri now so I'm a little bit emotional". Halibel nodded her head in understanding as she replied."I see, well go show her how you feel about Grimmjow". Nel nodded her head as she left for the arena.

A/N: and that concludes this chapter for ya guys, I'm really sorry this chapter came out so late its like I said earlier I was busy with other projects but now that those projects are set in stone and I know what I'm doing with them I can bring my attention back this story. So hopefully ya guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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