Entrance Exam Begins

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A/N: here's chapter 2 for ya guys.

Inside the Practical Test Arena

Explosions can be heard all throughout the arena as hopeful students try to score as many points as possible to try and get into the famous hero high school. However if one listens closely they can hear laughter coming from one of the examinees, this laughter comes from a boy with short light blue hair. Other examinees near the boy begin to murmur saying things like "Is he okay"? or "Why is he laughing"? The boy shakes his head as he says to himself."Here I thought this was supposed to be a challenge, lets go I wonder how Nel and Halibel are doing". The boy then begins to walk away to find his friends. However before he could find them he hears a loud scream but as he looks around he sees that no one else had heard the scream Grimmjow sighs as he says to himself."Guess I should go and help". Grimmjow heads towards the scream and as he got there he sees a petite fair-skinned girl with a slender build. Her eyes are triangular, onyx and lazy looking with notably long lower eyelashes, and rather small eyebrows. Her hair has a short, only around the length of her chin, and it was dark purple in colour with an asymmetrical fringe that has two reflections that are shaped like sound waves on either side of her head. However the most prominent feature the girl had are the flexible earphone jacks that hang from each of her earlobes.

The female is surrounded by four easy villains and two medium villains, the girl looks exhausted as the villains began to close in on the girl but suddenly four easy villains explode as did the two medium villains not long afterwards. The female looks up to see a boy with short light blue hair standing with his back to her, the boy then turns around to look at her and then he asks."Are you okay"? The girl nods as she replies."Sure, names Kyoka Jiro. What's yours"? The boy gives a small smile as he replies."Names Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez, see ya later". Grimmjow then vanishes in the blink of an eye leaving the now named Kyoka stunned for a second before she continued with the exam.

With Nel and Halibel

"Damn it where the fuck is Grimmjow"! Halibel yells out as she destroys another hard level villain. "Halibel calm down please". Nel says as she tries to plead with Halibel to calm down but to no avail as Halibel quickly replies."He promised that he'd stay with us while we did this entrance exam"! Halibel turns around to see an arena trap villain coming towards her, every other U.A hopeful began to murmur about what to do however before Halibel or Nel could do anything it is destroyed. Halibel and Nel could make out a falling body from where the arena trap villain had been destroyed Nel squints her eyes to try and focus on the falling body ."Hey isn't that Izumi"? Nel asked as Halibel nodded but almost as soon as the two girls recognise the body disappeared and appeared next to them.

"You're pretty messed up there Izumi". Grimmjow says but before Izumi or anyone else could say anything Grimmjow is sent flying by an irate Halibel."Where the hell have you been"! Halibel yells as Grimmjow gets up and yells right back."Doing this exam, what else would I be doing"! Everyone except Nel and Izumi begin to back away from the Halibel and Grimmjow as the pair begin to shout and yell at each other."You said we'd stick together for this exam"! Halibel screams as Grimmjow retorts."Wasn't my fault I lost you two in the confusion"! Halibel stops what she was about to say and simply replies in a calm tone."Fine lets just get this exam over with". Grimmjow shakes his head and mutters to himself."Stupid shark". Nel slightly giggles to herself as she, Halibel and Grimmjow stay with Izumi until the entrance exam is over and Grimmjow carries her over to the infirmary so she can get healed.

At Grimmjow, Halibel and Nel's home

Grimmjow sat on a black leather couch as himself, Halibel and Nel are watching TV, there was another report about a villain attack in Hosu City."Damn there seems to be more villain attacks". Grimmjow says out loud and to no one in particular as Halibel and Nel just nod as the door to their house opens and in steps a thin man of average height. The man has long messy black hair along with stubble, the man wore a long sleeved black with matching black pants that were tucked into black boots."I'm back". The man says in a tired voice as Grimmjow replied."Welcome back dad". The man nods as he sits down in a dark brown leather armchair as he looks at his three adopted children as he speaks."I got your results from U.A and all three of you passed". Nel jumps up off of the couch and begins to cheer while Halibel and Grimmjow smile and nod."However Grimmjow you only just passed the written part of the exam". The man said as he stares at Grimmjow, who just looks away and pouted, the man then continued saying."Grimmjow you need to learn to study more, you can't just rely on brute strength to win all your fights". Grimmjow just nodded as he replied."Yeah I'll get on that dad".v

A/N: and that concludes chapter two for ya guys, hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry that this chapter is a little shorter than normal I promise to make the next chapter longer. And with that I'll see ya in the next chapter.

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