No one complained about him like it was an Amazon review.

Everyone just assumed that he would be the one to call it off.

Jungkook hated it every time they broke up with him, but he couldn't do anything about it so he just lets it go and goes on to a new one.

I mean he's still able to flirt and make every person's legs like jelly.

Jungkook walked into his History class and sat next to his best friends, Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin, who seemed to be having an intense conversation about eating pineapples.

Kim Namjoon was the smartest and the most skeptical among the trio. When I say that, it means that he strongly believes that there is no such thing as ghosts and the Earth is flat. He thinks that Jungkook and Jimin's antics are never the best, but supported them. When they suffered the consequences, he'd be the first one to say 'I told you so.'

Park Jimin was the nicest and 'wholesome' of the group. Wholesome as in he is the most religious. He's an active member of his church and the lead of the youth worship team. When either of his friends is feeling down or struggling, he constantly reminds them that "God has a path for you and this is just an obstacle you need to overcome."

The trio has been friends as long as they can remember. Though they seem to be completely different from one another, they balance each other out and give a new perspective on things.

Jungkook plopped his body onto the chair in between the two and sunk into his seat. His best friends stopped their conversation and watched their youngest.

"I know that look." Jimin sighed as he shifted himself on his seat.

Namjoon also shifted and rubbed Jungkook's chest. "Did she break up with you?"

"This is my third relationship this month!" The youngest's face fell into his palm to cover the agony. "I thought she was the one."

"You say that with every relationship." Namjoon rolled his eyes. "It's okay, buddy."

"No, it's not!" Jungkook whined. "I want love! When is it gonna be my turn?"

"It'll be your turn once God says it will." Jimin smiled sympathetically.

He knew he was being serious, but Jungkook eyed out his religious friend in disgust.

"You can't chase love. Love has to come to you." The so-called "pastor" of the group continued on. "And don't you think getting a girl right after a previous relationship is excessive?"

The youngest shook his head, "It isn't because love is never excessive. If she isn't the one, then I'm sure the next one will."

"Jungkook, I agree with Jimin except for bringing God into this," Namjoon stated.

"Hey, God is all-knowing, love, and power."

"As I was saying, stop chasing after these girls!" The smart one said, ignoring his friend's "Word of God" speech. "You can't assume any girl that comes your way wants love from you. I don't know how, but you're lucky that no one knows how ludicrous you are when it comes to relationships."

"I am not ludicrous!" Jungkook scoffed. "Why would you even compare me to a rapper right now?"

Namjoon opened his mouth but closed it in disappointment.

"Why don't you try guys for a change?" Jimin suggested, half-kidding half-not.

"I am not gay," Jungkook confirmed. "Hell, I wish I was. I wish I could escape the steel grip of heterosexuality but it's got me in my fat juicy balls." His expression made a few of his peers turn out and look at him, but he didn't seem fazed.

"I see in the past, many girls did enjoy being in a relationship with you." Jimin pointed out. "But all in all, they probably want your dick, man."

"But love and dick is the perfect relationship for a girl or gay." The youngest pouted. "I want love. That's my perfect relationship."

"You are also right." The shortest nodded. "But you're also bat shit crazy the second you start a relationship, so chill."

"I will never chill." Jungkook seethed.

The professor walked in and placed their bag on the front table, cueing everyone that class is in session. They pulled out their dry erase markers and started writing on the board. As they were doing so, someone from the admissions office came in to talk to the professor.

"What now?" The history professor scoffed. "I pushed myself out of my bed today, I don't want any stress."

"We have a new student coming in." The random admissions worker informed them.

"It's like the middle of the semester? I thought we don't accept students midway?"

"Yes, but there was a whole process and they were able to get in." The worker replied. "They said they'll be okay with catching up. Be sure to introduce them to the class."

"Ma'am, this is a university. We don't do introductions for new students." The professor complained.

"But we do ice breakers."

"True." The professor nodded. "Okay, bring her or him or whatever they are in." The admissions worker left the classroom to bring the new student inside.

The history professor informed the class, "We have someone coming in. I don't know how but they'll be a part of your class I guess. By the way, turn in your homework right now."

As the students passed their papers forward, the trio talked amongst themselves.

"New student? Cool. I hope they're open to coming to my church's youth nights." Jimin smiled as he handed the stack of papers to their professor.

"Jimin, no one wants to be part of your cult," Namjoon muttered. "Having a new student in class won't make a difference in our lives so it doesn't matter."

On the contrary, Jungkook's lips parted once the door opened to reveal an angel strutting in with grace. Her long legs, curvaceous body, supple-like skin mixed with long raven hair and coffee-toned eyes mesmerized the hopeless romantic. Her pink fluffy lips had on the prettiest smile he has ever seen as she greeted their professor.

He felt like he was looking at art.

Fine art.

"Okay, shut up and listen." The professor yelled to the silent class. "This is our new student. It's not an introduction but an ice breaker." They turned to the new girl and gently said, "Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

"Well," She opened her mouth.

Jungkook thought she had the cutest voice in the entire world. It was velvety smooth and high pitched.

But from an outsider's perspective or in Namjoon's way, she had a regular voice. A tone lower than what he's used to.

She smiled only bigger, "My name is Park Mina and it's nice to meet you guys."


Everyone, welcome to the story? How do you like it so far?

Do not fret with her name. There's a reason behind it...just keeping reading hehe.

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