Full Obedience

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Rolling over onto your back you winced under the pressure put on your sore ass.
'What the fuck?'
You got out of bed heading to the bathroom as you groggily tried to piece together what happened last night. Standing in front of the mirror you traced the forming bruises over your hips, admiring more of the damage you twisted farther to the side. Seeing an angry red mark over your right cheek you suddenly felt nauseous.
'Shit. Oliver, I need to talk to Oliver'
You felt guilt begin to claw at your heart as you thought of having to break things off with him. But despite how sick you felt about the situation, you couldn't bring yourself to regret what happened.
Hearing your data pad ding, you pushed away your thoughts checking the notification.

From:General Hux
All Stormtrooper Commanders are to report in an hour for a meeting discussing a new training program.

Reading the message you felt like hurling the nearest object into the wall.
'I didn't even get time to think things over, and now I have to see him in an hour. Fan-fucking-tastic!'
Trying to ignore the building anxiety in your chest you fumbled to put on your teal uniform and pulled your hair into a low bun. Freshening up and putting on a bit of makeup, you headed off for the meeting

You scrubbed your hands aggressively on your pants wiping off the sweat coating your palm as you walked into the room.
'Are you kidding me? It's like the galaxy is conspiring against me'
"Commander Y/N are you okay?" Hearing Phasma's concern you snapped out of it, realizing you were standing at the doorway slack jawed.
"Yes Captain, I apologize". Ignoring Kylo's amused stare, you went and stood next to another commander, trying to put as much distance between you and both Kylo and Oliver. Adding to your discomfort you felt Oliver's confused gaze.
'Stars, can they both stop looking at me?'
A fresh coat of sweat began to glaze your palms before you heard Hux stride into the room. Relieved to have a distraction you watched him interact with the other captains there. Besides Kylo, Captain Phasma was there along with Captain Cardinal and a couple others who you didn't recognize.
"Morning" Hux greeted turning towards you and the other five commanders, "as you were informed in my message there have been some additional training I would like you all to receive. Do not worry this will not affect your position, I will assign each of you to a Captain who you will be regularly training with one on one. However we are short one Captain, so one lucky person will get to train with Kylo, the Supreme leaders apprentice." He sniffed seeming amused with the situation.
Continuing to swipe through his holo pad Hux began pairing each Commander off, "Y/N it seems you are assigned to.."
'Please be Phasma, please be Phasma'
"Captain Phasma"
'Oh thank the stars, at least one thing went right today'

"No. " Your head snapped to the side as you stared at Kylo incredulously.
"I'm sorry did you say something Kylo?" Hux threatened.
"I said no. She will be training with me" he returned Hux's glare, daring him to refuse.
You watched as the General's face turn red and screw up in fury. However he didn't seem perturbed enough to retaliate.
"Fine, Y/N you will be working with Kylo. Have fun with that"
Your face burned with a mix of rage and embarrassment as you felt everyone's eyes on you in curiosity. "But General, I'm more than happy to train with Captain Phasma".
Brushing off your pleas Hux continued, "I'm not dealing with this, you may discuss it with Kylo''.
'Discuss? Yeah right! As if Kylo would ever take into consideration anything I asked of him'
"Your training will begin next week, I sent you all a copy of your schedules to your holo pads. That's all for now you're dismissed". Avoiding contact with anyone you shot straight out the door, you had gotten a good distance away before hearing someone come jogging up behind you.
"Y/N where are you going?"
You stopped turning to meet Oliver, the panic of talking to him came crashing back. The floor suddenly became super interesting while you avoided his eyes.
"Y/N what's wrong?" Looking up you felt another stab to your chest, his face was etched with worry as he lifted a hand hold the side of your face. Hearing more commotion as the rest of the people began to exit the meeting room, you pulled Oliver into the nearest janitor closet before Kylo could see you.
"What are you doing? Why are we in here?"
"I'm sorry Oliver, it's just that.. I needed to talk to you in private" you flicked on the dim light and made sure the door was locked.
"Right now? What's going on?" He tried to reach for your face again but you avoided it. You couldn't stand how nice he was being. Here he was comforting you, while you were trying to cut things off because you ended up sleeping with someone else after your guy's first date.
"Oliver I'm so sorry.." you choked
"Hey it's okay, what happened?" He soothed pulling you into a hug. You halfheartedly resisted before collapsing into his chest.
"No it's not, I'm a terrible person". Sure you had only knew him for a couple of days, but what upset you the most was letting go of what you maybe could have had. If you chose Oliver, if things worked out, then you could have a happy (well as happy as working for the first order could get) life. He was so kind, understanding, and stable.
With Kylo, you dont think you would ever have anything near that. There was no stable relationship, as far as you knew he just wanted a fuck-buddy. And the sad thing was, you were okay with just that, even if it meant giving up a chance at a stable relationship.
"I can't do this. You and I.."
"What?" Oliver froze under your grip. You pulled away trying to put space between the two of you.
"I'm really sorry".
He continued to stare at you in shock, "what changed? Did I do something wrong?"
"No it's nothing like that. It's just, it's not going to work out. We're way too different and.." you tried to grapple for any excuse.
"Something happened didn't it? After I left you, with Kylo Ren".
"Oh no! Oliver it's nothing like that, nothing happened I swear.." your heart felt like it was going to explode with how fast it was beating. If he found out what would happen to Oliver would Kylo kill him?
"That's why he was being weird about training with you. Y/N what's going on? You can tell me.." you stepped back as he continued to move closer to you.
"Oliver no.." hearing the doorknob rattle the door suddenly flew open.
Kylo was standing there seething, "Get out".
"Y/N tell me what's happening" Oliver ignored Kylo and taking a step closer to you.
"I won't say it again. Get out".
"Oliver please listen to him". You begged, he shot you one last look of betrayal before storming out.

"What were you doing in here alone with him?" Kylo demanded, stepping inside himself and shutting the door.
"Kylo it's not what you think. I was just ending things with him."
"In a dark, locked closet?"
You rolled your eyes, "I just fucking told you I was ending things with him, I just wanted some privacy".
He moved in closer backing you against the wall, "I've already told you to watch that mouth of yours". He traced his gloved thumb around your lips before sticking it into your mouth. The taste of leather filling your palate as he pressed down on your tongue making you gag.
"Suck" Kylo growled. You whined in protest around his finger, "Shut the fuck up and suck".
Humiliation flooded your face as you wrapped your lips around him and began to suck, moaning as you traced your tongue over the seams at the tip.
"Mmm, that's better" he watched your mouth mesmerized as he continued thrusting his thumb in and out, sending chills of pleasure through your body. "If I'm going to be training you, I need to have your full obedience. And I have a few ideas on how to make sure of it" pulling his finger out, he straightened himself out. "I expect you at my quarters tonight, I'll send directions to your holo pad."
You were panting softly against the wall, still in shock. "Why?"
"I'm going to teach you a lesson in respect".


Just wanted to thank you guys for the support I got on my last chapter💕
Thank you for leaving Kudos and comments, it helps me see what you guys like and how I can improve

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