Deserve to be Here

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Walking through the Finalizer you tried to steady your breathing, you'd been through these hallways thousands of times however today was different. Today, you were finally getting to meet the first squad of stormtroopers you would be in charge of. 
Although you'd worked with most of these people all your life, and had a pretty good reputation with them, you were still nervous about how it would go. There were still lots of troopers you didn't know, and some got jealous when there comrades were promoted rather than themselves.
On top of all that today was also the first time you would finally be able to sit through a private First Order meeting, not that you would even have much to contribute to the meeting. At most they'd probably just inform you on the latest mission to prepare for, then continue on. The part you were worried about was that the Supreme Leader's apprentice, Kylo Ren, would be there.
While you always disliked the man you were always able to avoid being around him as much as possible.
Rumors went around that he was able to read minds, and seeing that you would consistently trash talk him in your head whenever his name was mentioned, the fact that you would have to sit in a room with him for Stars knows how long was not a good thing.
"Commander Y/N"
Turning you were met with Captain Phasma in her usual chrome armor
"I see you've gotten your new Pauldron" she said motioning to the red piece attached to the shoulder of your regular stormtrooper armor.
"Yes Captain, I'm honored to start my duty as Commander today"
"Very good, I trust meeting your new troops will go well." She continued down the hallway her black side cape flowing behind her.
You smiled under your helmet goofily following after her out into the hanger. Hearing that from her helped put you at ease a little more as you marched over to the group of Stormtroopers waiting in uniform.
'You can do this.' Taking in a deep breath you stood before them, "Hello my name is Captain Y/N, I may have worked with some of you before. I was previously known as stormtrooper KT-3129, I'm excited to work with you all."
It was mostly silent, but hearing a small scoff someone whispered, "She's a girl?"
Marching over you leaned in close to the helmet of the trooper that said it, "Yes if you must know I am a woman. Regardless I still worked my way up to this position, and demand the respect you would have given if I were a man. Understood?" 
"Yes Commander"
"Very good." Content you returned to the front of the group, " I have a meeting to attend, however while I am gone you will continue your regular training until I return to offer further instructions"
The troops marched off and you walked away joining Captain Phasma who was watching from the hanger entrance.
"Good job out there Commander"
You blushed but couldn't ignore the sweat prickling the back of your neck, you hated having to get in peoples faces. "Thank you Captain, overall it went well I guess? I just hate to seem like a... you know, a bitch"
She chuckled but her voice seemed to be laced with sympathy, " I know what you mean, but you did what's necessary. They need to respect you, otherwise they won't listen to your orders in training and in battle." Nodding for you to join her she walked off, "We must leave for the meeting, wouldn't want to be late to your first one".

Walking into the room there was a long black table in the middle with chairs all around the sides where generals sat along with other admirals. You went to go stand next to the wall where all the other stormtrooper Commanders were.
General Hux stood making his way to the front, "Seeing as though Kylo Ren is once again late, I will begin the meeting. First off we have a new Commander, this is Commander Y/N she will be in charge of troop D-17"
You gave and awkward small wave as some turned to look at you. Sighing in annoyance Hux continued, " Today we will be discussing a mission on Jakku, as you all know we are trying to attain the map leading to Luke Skywalker. We have attained information that a BB- 8 unit droid is carrying it there, we will send troop B-10 out to attain it"
"Yes General" another Commander next to you nodded.
"Very well as for..." the sound of the door sliding open and loud boots storming in cut Hux off. A large man walked in swathed in all black cloth. The sight of is mask making your skin crawl. "Kylo Ren" Hux spat, "So nice of you to finally join us, however it seems as though I've already covered everything in your absence"
"If that's so then what was the purpose of you having me attend this meeting at all, seeing as though you could handle it all yourself General?" his voice was deep and the voice modulator made it seem 10 times more menacing.
"The Supreme Leader informed me he'd like to have you involved in such meetings, he won't be happy when I inform him your missing them" Hux grinned smugly. "Also I was positive you'd be excited to hear about our newest stormtrooper Commander" he added mockingly. You shrank back when he mentioned you.
"General Hux, do not antagonize me with such useless news. If that's all this is about I will speak to Snoke myself about not attending these pointless meetings. I have better things to do with my time than hear about a pathetic new Commander" Kylo spat and began to walk off towards the door.
'Pathetic? Pathetic! Who does he think he is, calling me pathetic?' you thought angrily "I'm not afraid of you! I earned and worked for my job, I didn't get it just because my grandpa was hot shit. At least I Deserve to be Here."
Suddenly Kylo Ren stopped at the door "What was that?" He boomed
'No? No way? Can he actually hear my thoughts?' you shifted in your spot anxiously feeling your face grow warm, the air in your helmet was suddenly hot and stuffy. 'Shit, I'm going to die on my first day'
Each pound of his boot hitting the floor as he walked closer to you made your heart race. You looked down and squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation. Hearing the pounding stop and feeling a warm presence in your space, you opened your eyes. Two huge boots were planted in front of you
and a large hand suddenly slammed into the wall next to your head.
He leaned his mask in next to you, "Watch your thoughts Commander, I expect nothing less than respect from my team" he seethed into your ear, the voice modulator sending chills down your spine. "I will not warn you again, next time I'll show you why you should be afraid."

Hi! This is my first story with multiple chapters so I'm still trying to figure out how long I want them to be. Sorry if this first chapter was kinda slow, I'm just trying to set the base for the story and introduce Y/N and her job & everything.
Let me know what you think, if chapters should be longer or whatnot, I should update soon and things are going to start to pick up pretty quickly

Let me know what you think, if chapters should be longer or whatnot, I should update soon and things are going to start to pick up pretty quickly  Thanks💕

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