Chapter 19: nothing left

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Marinette came by to Adrian's house the next day seeing if he was free.
She also saw Nino at the door and when he almost walked off. Marinette called him and he turned around and was shocked to see Marinette.

"yo, Marinette..."
"hey, Nino what's up?"
"well looks like Adrian's really busy nowadays... Looks like he doesn't have time for us-"
"NO NINO YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE... Maybe he's just busy adapting to homeschool he has a lot of pressure-"
"Marinette do you really believe that? He hasn't texted us or said anything since the last day..."
"Nino he just needs time... It's completely normal. He's getting used to his homeschooling-"
"has he even talked to you since the last day? Of course not! He's ignoring us for a reason and you know it!"
"or maybe..."
"maybe what Marinette? What are you thinking?"
"maybe... Adrian's being blocked by his father! Maybe his father is keeping him inside since he got hurt that other day and maybe he took his phone!"
"do you seriously believe that dudette?"
"Obviously it isn't like Adrian to ignore us!"
"how do you know that?"
"well, his father does control his whole routine. So I kinda guessed... But maybe I am right."
"do you really think so... So this whole time from the very start he didn't tell me? I feel so bad... I can't do anything-"
"Maybe we can't but I know who can..."
"Who are you referring to..."
"wait and see. I have a plan but you have to listen carefully..."
"i'll do anything for my dude! And if that old man is keeping him inside we will need a plan to get him out of there!"
Nino whispers to himself.
"I hope my bro is staying up alright. Who knows what his father can do to him. It's not fair that he has to keep up with Fathers expectations..."

Marinette and Nino discussed what they were going to do in their plans to bring back Adrian. And they knew exactly who to ask for help.

Marinette and Nino parted ways as soon as they knew what they were doing.

Mission bring back Adrian:

**at Gabriel's house**

"Plag what am I going to do now? All my friends might think by now that I am ignoring them... But it's my father.
I really don't know what to do?"
Adrian was panicking even more and he was almost losing control until Plag reassured him
"Adrian you gotta snap out of it! You're losing control. It's going to be all right! At least your friends tried to come to visit that's a starter. And your friends came maybe because they're worried about you. Who knew humans don't use their brains..."

Adrian sighed and took a deep breath and looked towards Plag and he smiled.

"at least I know you're looking out for me... Thanks, Plag you're the best Kwami ever!"

Plag blushed and looked completely frizzled and said.

"well, I said it because you were being a huge baby so I had to say something to keep you-"

Adrian laughed.

"or maybe you actually cared about me. Haha who knew that Kwamis actually had a heart."

Plag blushed even more and replied.

"Can you please be quiet! and keep this between you and me."

they both laughed but the laughter ended when Adrian looked out of his window.

"what's up kid?"
"do you know it feels to be outside."

Plag became confused and asked.

"what do you mean? You've been outside before-"
"no... I meant you're a free Kwami. You can go whenever and wherever you wish. How does it feel to be free?"
"Kid. It feels amazing. But you know what kid. I feel the happiest when I'm with you... I feel freer when I'm with you."
Adrian blinked a few times and tears fell from his eyes. He didn't realise that he had a best Kwami that took care of him until now.

"thank you so much Plag..."

Plag felt happy by his side and Plag knew at that instant that he had the best owner in the whole world.

"kid your the best owner I've ever had! Now cheer up or else you're going o make me cry as well"

They both smiled and at that moment they knew they're friendship was stronger...

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