Reunion of destiny, the return of Fuyu Dragneel, Asuka Shimada & Genji Shimada

Start from the beginning

Neptune: no problem..... beside we want to help your brother against GRIM REAPER, those guys who ruined your lifes.

Mina "tears": *sniff* *sob* *sob*

Chika: Mina.....

Seeing me crying like this, Fuyu advance toward me and give me a big hug to comfort me, it feel so warmth, tears still coming from my eyes as he do so.

Fuyu: Mina, i'd like to personally thank you.

Mina "tears": Fuyu...... *sob*

Fuyu: it's all thanks to you that we are alive once again, we are eternally grateful for what you done for us.

Mina "tears": *sob* Fuyu..... i...... i..... *sniff*

Fuyu: it's okay Mina i'm here now, let it all out i'm here and i'm proud that Hansuke consider you, Chika, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and everyone as part of our family, i'm happy that you are a part of our family Mina.

Mina "tears": *sob* wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *sniff*

Meiun: this is such a touching reunion.

MAGES: i agree with you Meiun.

Noire: what do you think Blanc ?

Blanc: this is a touching reunion, i guess Mina spend a lot of time trying to bring them back and she succeeded..... i'm so happy for her.

Vert: yes, that explain everything.

Genji: everyone, Hansuke may have told you all about me, my granddaughter and Fuyu, but allow us to properly introduce ourselves.

Everyone begin to listen to Genji as him, Asuka and Fuyu introduce themselves properly to us, the legendary heros that stopped The Reaper long ago are right in front of us, it is really a big surprise.

Genji: greetings everyone, my name is Genji Shimada the great-grandfather of Asuka Shimada, a member of the Shimada Family and the legendary cyborg ninja.

Asuka: hello everyone it's a pleasure to meet you all, my name is Asuka Shimada also known as the greatest ninja, i'm the great-granddaughter of Genji and the wife of Fuyu Dragneel, thank you all for taking care of my brothers all this time.

Chika: it's no problem Asuka *smile*

Fuyu: i'm also grateful to you all for what you did for my family, my name is Fuyu Dragneel, the legendary black swordsman, the savior of worlds and the strongest swordsman in the world, i'm also one of the heros who saved the world from destruction.

Noire: it's a pleasure to finally meet you three.

Blanc: really, it's an honor to meet the legends such as yourselves.

Fuyu: the pleasure is all ours, beside we had the chance to know each other better, as you six are my brother's girlfriends.

Mina: *blushing* gir-gir-gir-girlfriend !

Noire: what's wrong Mina ? you look so shy.

Mina: *blushing* me ? his girlfriend ? really ?

Asuka: you don't have to be shy Mina, Noire, Neptune, Blanc, Vert and Chika did it with my brother, so there's no need to be shy about it.

Mina: *blushing* oh..... okay.

Fuyu: anyway, let's go to the living room of the Basilicom, we have much to talk about.

Asuka: and beside, we need to know what transpired during these last years that passed ever since our sacrifice.

Mina: off course, please everyone follow me.

HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends returnWhere stories live. Discover now