Not that Old

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Requested by the great Onyx_The_Crystal_Gem!!! I hope it's okay and sorry for taking so long!!!

Pairing: Chubby!Reader X Mick Mars

You were just dreaming of your favorite band of all time when you heard a knock on your door. You groaned and managed to sit on the edge of the bed when you heard another knock this time a bit louder."Be there! Fuck." You walked to the door and opened it.

"(Y/N)!!!" One of your best friends, Hanna, yelled making you deaf. She hugged you tight and walked into your apartment.

"Sorry about her. You know how is she with birthdays." Amanda sighed glancing at you. "Happy birthday, (Y/N)!"

"Thank you, Amanda! To be honest, I didn't even remember it when I woke up." You giggled closing the door and letting your calmer bestie in the house. Hanna was already decorating your small living room.

"So where we are going to tonight?" Hanna asked eagerly still bothering with a 'Happy Birthday Girl' paper decoration.

"Can't we just stay here and have a girls' night or something?" Parties and clubs weren't your things. You loved listening to rock music, but your friends weren't fond of it.

"No, (Y/N)! You need to go to a real party sometime! Anyway, we already know where we are going, I just wanted to pretend if I was polite." She laughed heading to your bedroom and gesturing to follow her. You and Amanda shared a look and made your ways towards your bedroom.

"Don't worry, you will love it." Amanda took your hand and squeezed it and gave you an encouraging smile. This made you a bit relieved. She was a truly honest person and she knew your taste in almost everything...even if it was about boys. When you entered the room, Hanna was already throwing clothes out from your closet.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Just choosing the perfect dress for the night."

"Why can't I decide what to wear?"

"Cause you would choose a boring black trouser with a band merch which you always wear!"

"And what's your problem with that?" You asked adjusting your large wireframe glasses on the top of your nose. The blood froze in your veins when Hanna was holding a tight black dress in her hands smiling.

"Hanna, I don't think (Y/N) would be happy in that. Remember that she needs to be happy on her birthday." Amanda said in a calm tone. She always got your back. You loved both of them but Amanda understood you better. Hanna put the dress back while making a face and started searching again.

"Then, there is nothing here!" She pouted. "Wait, I think there is hope!" She grabbed your black leather pants and showed it to you. You had a mix of emotions for that piece of clothing. You would kill for pants like that but you didn't have the guts to wear it.

"Umm, I don't know." You rubbed the back of your head.

"(Y/N), it's perfect, believe me!" Amanda said admiring your pants. "Go put it on." You still hesitated.

"You heard Amanda. If she says it's perfect then it's hella perfect!" Hanna handed the pants and a black shirt to you and sat down on your bed while you went to your bathroom to change. 

"Maybe, these leather pants aren't that bad." You thought when you saw yourself in the mirror adjusting it.

"Come on, (Y/N), we are almost there!" Hanna was already a bit tipsy. She was dragging you towards the surprise place.

"You know I don't like surprises!" You yelled.

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