Family Tour pt2

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Summary: (Y/N) is pretty worn-out. Some fluff moments at the beach, rehearsals and John being John?

"(Y/N)! Hey, are you even listening?" Vince asked when you barely said a word since he sat down to your table in the café of the hotel. You were supporting your head with your hand and stirring your coffee.

"What? Oh, sorry, Vinnie. What did you say?" You murmured.

"That I and the guys will go to a bar tonight so don't look for us. And what is going on with you? You look horrible."

"Thanks. You are being very kind, as always. I didn't expect anything else. And to answer to your outgoing tonight, I don't care, to be honest. At least, you will damage the rooms there and not here."

"You have serious problems, (Y/N). Go and have some sleep cause you look like who hasn't slept in 3 days." He was almost right. You slept an hour or two last night. And less the previous one. You had dark circles under your eyes and your eyes were crimson red. When you didn't react anything, Vince stood up and bend down next to you. "I'm worried about you. Take care." He placed a soft kiss on your cheek to assure you about what he said and left the café. You were happy that someone was worried about you, though this fact couldn't help your situation. The tour and the fact that John could appear at any time made you exhausted and worn-out. The constant worrying and stress just beat you.

You were reading the daily news and sipping your coffee when you heard a little yell. You lifted your head and saw Zoe and Mick, hand in hand approaching you. Zoe let Mick's hand and rushed to you as you spread your arms wide.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" You asked while picking her up and sat her on your knees. You rested your chin on her shoulders and filled your lungs with the scent of her hair and clothes. You smiled when she snuggled closer to you.

"Yes, mommy. And imagine I had a marvelous dream!" She said while she gesticulated.

"Really? And will you tell me?" You asked tickling her belly. In the meantime, Mick took the seat which Vince sat on before and was gazing at you and your daughter with pure love.

"No." She shook her head.

"And why not?"

"Daddy said that if I tell you then it won't happen. And I want this to happen." You raised an eyebrow to Mick who just shrugged but the corner of his mouth lifted.

"I see. Then I hope it will come true." You kissed the top of her head and hugged her tight. She was one of the reasons you didn't get mad. You tried to keep your promise to Mick that you won't neglect her, even it wasn't your intention on the first day. As Mick was peering you and Zoe, he noticed the small details of your look. He hated that you looked this bad, and he respected you the most. He somehow had a bad feeling though. You won't bear this long, even if you are a though person. Zoe's eyes lit up when Neil and Elizabeth appeared in the room, too, along with Heather and Tommy.

"Sorry, guys for disturbing." Heather started. "Just these two little troublemakers wanted to see Zoe. Is it a problem if I bring her with us?"

"You never disturb Heather. And I don't know what would I do without you, to be honest. And where are you going?"

"Just McDonald's to grab some food. Neil has been nagging me that he wants to eat burgers for two days." You just shook your head at the kid who just giggled. Your brows drew together.

"Would you mind if we join, too?"

Heather, Tommy, and Vince's children were sitting in the backseat of the car while Mick drove and Zoe in your lap. Joan Jett's I Love Rock 'n' Roll was played on the radio, and you all sang along with it. Tommy's voice was pretty annoying but you laughed whenever he tried the high notes. Zoe played her air guitar earning a chuckle from Mick. You shared a look with him, he was happy that you spent some time with him and your daughter. Even if it was just a morning.

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