Trust pt3 (final chapter)

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Summary: family time at the beach and finally a proper ending for this story
Warnings: none, FLUFFY FLUFF with a pinch of sadness, I said just a PINCH!

"I'm glad Beth let your daughter came with you, Vinnie." You smiled watching Zoe and the bit older Elizabeth playing in the sandpit.

"It's been long since I saw her, so it was time now..." Vince said playing with her daughter's bag. You hardly saw him this devastated.

"I'm so sorry, Vinnie." You placed your hand on his shoulder and pulled him in a sideways hug.

"Thanks, (Y/N)."

"But hey, let's take advantage of it! Let's spend all the time together. The girls and all of us at the beach or just at home grilling maybe. What do you think?" You tried to cheer him up. He looked concerned for a bit but then his lips curved into a smile.

"I'm in."

"(Y/N), have you packed the sandwiches already?" Mick yelled from the kitchen packing some drinks into the basket. Zoe was sitting on the counter, which she always enjoyed, and was helping Mick.

"They are in the fridge." Zoe answered since you didn't hear it. Mick opened the fridge and when he noticed the food he smiled at her.

"Thanks, darling. Where I would be without you?" He placed a kiss on her cheek and ruffled her hair making her giggle.

You were packing in the bags in your bedroom. You moved into this house with Mick, now not so long ago and you still needed time to find things in the house. Luckily, your daughter adjusted to this whole new life pretty easily so you were glad she didn't mind it all. You felt you were the luckiest mother on the Earth. You were watching the little hat in your hand Zoe liked so much. You smiled and hummed remembering all the good memories it brought. When you put it in the bag you felt a light touch on your waist. You slowly turned and faced with Mick. You intertwined your hands behind his neck to be closer to him

"Did you manage to pack the food?" You asked.

"Yes. Tho I had some problems but I had someone who helped me out." He grinned and pulled into a kiss. You were truly happy about how Mick's and Zoe's connection were amazing.

"I hoped so. Then if you are ready let's find this little girl and let's go." Mick flinched not liking the idea of the beach but you and Zoe managed to convince him about it. Well, you offered him to say yes to his proposal and Zoe promised that she will let Mick teach her some tricks on his guitar. Before exiting the bedroom Mick pulled you into another final kiss and taking the bag from your hand.

"Are you ready, pirate?" You asked Zoe who was wearing a swimsuit with a tiny pirate on it.

"Aye, aye Captain." She saluted.

"Seriously, Zoe, you spend too much time with Tommy." Mick sighed and headed towards the car. You just gave her a look and grabbed her and helped her fromthe counter.

"Mommy, can you please turn on some music?" She asked when you were all in the car."Sure. Do you want anything exact?" You glanced in the rear-view mirror to see her on the backseat.

"Mmm. Maybe something from Axl, please?" You snickered at Mick's facial expression.

"You should be happy she didn't want Kiss." You said while putting the tape in the player, more precisely the Appetite for Destruction album. It came out a couple of weeks ago but Zoe had already listened to at least 10 times. Needless to say, you adored this album, too as well as the whole band. Axl was kind to you and Zoe, tho he had some disagreement with Vince. Slash was weird but Izzy was as humble as Mick, and Steven and Duff were as goofy as Tommy and Nikki.

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