Secret of a Guitar(ist) pt 3

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I will correct everything tomorrow! I just wanted to get it out for you, guys!

The weekend ended pretty quickly, you mostly spent it with reading, listening to music, and leaning for your upcoming tests. When you woke up Monday morning you looked out of the window to see it was a bleak day and the raindrops held races on your window. For others, it was a bad, colorless day, while you preferred this weather over those shiny and dazzling summer days. The sound and the touch of the rain gave you the strength you needed that day.

On your way to the school, you promised that nothing can piss you off, neither the band nor your nosy friends. You just enjoyed the rainy weather and filled your lungs with the scent of the rain touching the soil. Even, during lessons, you were just staring out of the window. Whenever Emma, Helen, or Simon asked anything you tried your best to stay kind and friendly. You apologized to them for being this introvert and not telling them your problems. Though, you still didn't tell them about Mick. You just warned them that if you tell them about it, they also have to keep this as a secret and you only wanted to protect them from it. They kinda understood it luckily.

"(Y/N)." Simon called when he saw you in your closet. You were admiring your Queen poster on the inside.

"What's up?" You asked looking up at him and closing your closet. You adjusted your bag and headed towards class, Simon following you next to you.

"Are you free on Friday?" He questioned shyly while he shoves his hands in his pockets. The question hit you hard, you didn't expect this. Simon one of your best friends, the only guy whom you loved, but only as a friend. You recalled your talk with Mick. "Does he know about that?"

"Um, well, I-I...I'm not quite sure." You didn't want to make him sad nor disappointed, though you still didn't intend to do something you weren't fond of. "I still had this math exam coming up and I should also carry on practicing on my guitar."

"I see. Then see you later, (Y/N)." He fastened his pace up and left you there. He was a nice guy but he didn't deserve someone who doesn't like him back in the way he wanted. When you arrived in class, earlier this time, you settled down next to Helen. Emma still wasn't there.

"Hey, girl." Helen greeted and turned to you. "How are you?"

"Well, I feel Simon hates me. I, I just lied to him and it was so obvious. I'm a monster." You put your hoodie on and laid your forehead on the desk. Later, you felt a hand rubbing your back.

"You are not a monster so stop telling that. And I think you are doing the right thing. If you started to date, you both be unhappy. He just hasn't realized yet."

"Who hasn't realized what?" Emma arrived and sat down. She was soaking wet from the rain and looked pretty exhausted.

"What happened to you?" You asked.

"Rain. That's what happened. But nevermind. So what is your issue?" She took off her coat and do her hair in a bun.

"Nothing important."

"(Y/N)!" Luckily, the bell rang saving you from telling her your problem. You gave her a victorious look and opened your book, already full ears.

"Okay, you are improving. That was pretty badass." Mick stated when you finished one of the riffs he had already shown you. Your hand almost recovered, although it still hurt when you played the guitar. You tried to hide the pain but during the complex ones, you can't help but flinch.

"Really? Cause I don't think so." You chuckled and put down the guitar, rubbing your wrist.

"Are you okay? Or should we rest?" He asked softly.

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