Chapter 65: I Want It All

Comenzar desde el principio

I was happy to show the world my boyfriend. A part of me wanted to brag to the hot girls that would walk down the street, pointing and giggling at him. He didn't pay attention, he just grinned and shook his head. His grip on my hand would become tighter, as a means of reassurance. He could tell I was concerned. I mean, he's a Greek God for Pete's sake. With his brown curly locks on top of his head, and the freshly buzzed fade on the sides, he was perfect. His aviators gave off the dangerous, sexy, kind of vibe. Although he did seem pretty naked without his leather jacket.

He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, gray joggers that hung a little too low on his hips (I'm usually more okay with it, when it's just the two of us.) and black high top converses.

Andrew brings me to a small cafe just a few minutes from the hotel. It was such an aesthetic place. There were dark wood floors, black chairs and tables, and plants hung from the ceiling. The smell of coffee filled my lungs, and I wasn't complaining.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Just a small black coffee—two creams and two sugars." I told him, and he took of his sunglasses and gave me a look.

"No." He said.

"What do you mean, no? That's what I want." I put my hand on my hip.

"Coffee and anxiety don't mix well. If anything you'll feel more anxious if you drink coffee. I'm gonna order you a tea."

"Who are you? A nutritionist?" I scowled are him, and he smiled at me.


I huffed, finding a table for us to sit at while he ordered. While he was talking to the barista, I had received a text message from Megan.

Where are you? Coach wants us to meet for breakfast.

I know. Andrew is taking me out. Can you cover for me?

Of course. Have fun. :)

I smiled, putting my phone down as I noticed Andrew sit down with two paper cups in his hand. He placed mine in front of me and then started to drink his.

"So, how are you feeling since yesterday?" Andrew asked me, putting his coffee cup down on the table. He grasps my hands, and entangles his fingers with mine.

I sighed, looking away from his eyes. "Worse."

"What? Why?"

"Because the game is tonight, Chelsea is gonna play with her rage and most likely hurt someone." I confessed, remembering my nightmares from last night.

"You don't know that for sure."

"Exactly! I hate not knowing anything. If someone's about to happen, I want to know!" I bite my lip in nervousness.

Andrew pulls my hand, and places a soft kiss on my hand. I half-smile at him, and he gives me a soft look.

"You're going to do great." He said. "And I hope you get everything you want."

"I already have everything I want." I said, grabbing his other hand. "You are everything."

"Nope, You're my everything." He challenges me.

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