30- Kota

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Sorry I haven't posted recently, life happened and all that, anyway enjoy the story.
Deku's pov

I get out of the building and drag the two unconscious people into the woods.

I really need to get to a vantage point. Looking around I see mostly trees but If I remember correctly there is a mountain/cliff thing. I could go there and get Kurogiri's attention and he could teleport them to wherever they're going to be held.

Yes that plan should work I just hope I don't run into anyone.

Kota's pov

What do I do. This guy is big. He's going to kill me.

"Wait your up here, god darnnit I thought I was going to be alone" a voice behind me says. I turn around to face whoever was talking. He looks at the two people he's carrying, "well alone plus these unconscious hero's."

Oh no I'm really dead now, two villains. And one of them already took out two of the hero's in training. He's also blocking the way down so I can't even run.

The two villains look at one another. They do not seem happy to see each other.

"You are really annoying being one of shigarakis favorites." The bigger one says.

The green haired one responds by... laughing. I back out from being in between them and am now pressed against the wall trying to avoid any trouble that might happen.

Is laughter stops and he drops whoever he was carrying.

"Listen muscle for brains" he has a smirk on his face, I don't want to be here when things go down between them. "I am far from a favorite, I am just trying to survive. Anyway who's that child that you were tormenting."

Me, he's talking about me. "Hey I'm not a child." I yell, I'm already dead might as well go down fighting, hopefully that would make my parents proud. Not giving up and all.

"You are a child. I am also a child." He starts walking towards me with a knife in hand. "He is not a child tormenting a child and I just think that he shouldn't take down such an easy prey" he kneels in front of me so we are now eye level "and instead actually do some of the work." He turned his head back to the muscular guy. "You know like we came here for."

"You sound like your picking a fight"

The one if front of me whispers to me "go" as he stands up and walks slowly over to the other guy

I start slowly backing away

"Why must everyone want to fight, you know you could just leave me be and I could give the body's to Shigi and you will never have to see me again."

"Oh no, once I take you out i am going to claim those captures for myself"

"Hm always the ego"

I'm now close to the way out and I take off running. In the distance I hear the big guy yell "he's getting away" the other guy responds with "what's he going to do, tell the teachers"

I should do that. But wait I don't think he's scared of them. The way he said it makes it sound like they can take them down.


What if there already dead. No no no not more hero's dead because of stupid quirks.

I look back to the mountain and see blood falling from the edge of the cliff. That's too much blood for someone to loose while still being alive. I just hope it's not the small one dead.

I keep running.

I see someone in the distance. Please be a adult.

It looks like the tired teacher guy. I run up to him getting his attention.

"There's, *pant* *pant* villains *pant* pant* blood *pant* *pant* an-"

Breath we know about the villains attack and right now we need to get you to safety.

I nod my head still exhausted from running.

The adult takes me to the classroom building and leads me inside. As soon as we enter we immediately stop in our tracks.

Oh no

Aizawa's pov


Three of my students knocked out and one from class 1b as-well.

I move Kota behind me so he doesn't have to see this sight. He shoves past me though and he goes up so some of the student.

I watch as he uses his water quirk to wash some of the injury's.

Wait, two of them are missing. Kirishima and Kaminari. They didn't go and fight, did they?


"Try and wake them up, I'll be back"

And with that I run out of the room and head towards where the child was running from.

Eventually I reach the mountain and see a cliff with blood pooling off the side. Please don't let that be my student's blood.

I climb the cliff and reach where the blood was from. I immediately see Deku lifting up two of my students. Carrying them close to a portal

"Wait" I yell before he throws Kirishima into the portal.

This catches him off guard and looks back at me. His face wasn't villainous. I know a villain when I see one and he just looks like a broken child.

"You don't understand" Deku says looking at be me.

"Can you help me understand then?" I say back

"You wouldn't be able to."

I guess I have to take him out by force.  I take a fighting stance as Deku puts Kirishima down, he has a tear glistening is his eye. It could be possible that he doesn't want to fight but he apparently 'has to do this'. 

He takes out his knives and also takes a fighting stance.  His eye contact shifts for a second.  Then looks me square in the eye.

He threw a knife and immediately after a second one.  I blocked both.  That move worked on my students but I've been watching the training. I know his moves.

I throw my scarf and it was immediately blocked and dodged.  His reflexes are nothing to be trifled with.

I run behind him and wrap the scarf around his leg pulling his legs from underneath him causing him to fall forward. 

I see some of his blood appear from his right shoulder.  He must've cut himself on his own blade. 

He strugles to stand.  Getting up he disregards his knives and walks over to Kirishima and Kaminari, dragging them in the direction of the portal.

I run over but just as they got to the portal Deku collapses not having put anyone through the portal. 

In the faintest whisper I hear him say "save my mom" and then he fall asleep leaving me to wonder what happened.

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