9-even more training

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I never know what to say for this intro thing. So into the story we go.

Dekus pov


That bi-coloured hair kid inspired me what can I say.

Using the knives I slowly climb my way down, looking up I see the red head looking at me. I probably could've taken him down, but it would be difficult to knock him out with his hard-head and I couldn't stab him, so it's just easiest to get out of there.

Ugh, if I was allowed to kill I would of pushed him off the building, but Aizawa said I couldn't kill anyone.

I got down from climbing the wall and dart into another ally way.

As I'm running I hear footsteps behind me, I turn my head quickly and see the one big guy that ate the sugar and got stronger.

I should really figure out these people's names, eh it won't matter once I escape.

Anyways, I need to deal with the task at hand. Good thing he came to me, if not I would of had to find him.

I stop running and turn to face him. He looks tired already.

"Prepare to go down villain"

These hero's always try to say such heroic things, they realize how dumb they sound, right.

We both take a fighting stance while I also take out my knives. Spinning them in my hand for the intimidation effect.

I smirked as he started running at me. These hero's always make the first move as well, they have a lot to learn. I do the classic 6th grade boy move and psych him out by stepping in one direction but then really going on another.

He just missed catching me, and sense we were in close proximity I was able to get a scratch in with my knife. It was a hit but not enough to put him out of Commission.

I put my knives away, knowing Aizawa is watching I'd love to show him some of my other moves.

This guy runs at me again, he grabs my arm and tries to spin me around. He has a tight grip on my arm. He ends up throwing me.

I slam into the wall, knocking the air out of me. He has strength I'll give him that. I pretend to be unconscious. He comes over to me, and nudges me a bit. He yells over to some of his other class mates.


he walked over to the other hero's who were just arriving.

I get up without him knowing, I grab a throwing knife and throw it at him, hitting him square in the back.

3 down 16 to go

Walking over to the hero's he met up with, I grab my knife back.

The muscle guy walked away in defeat as I greeted the people he was meeting up with.

The people there where the shy rock guy, the guy with a tail and the short one with with weird hair.

I better handle these guys before more show up.

I throw 3 knives at the same time, one scrapping the short one, getting blocked by the one with the tail and hit the shy rock guy.

I see here my biggest threat is the guy with the tail. I'd assume that his quirk is his tail and the short ones quirk has something to do with the balls on his head.

Getting out one of my daggers I take slow steps toward them, the tail guy standing his ground while the short one is clearly panicking.

Weakness has to be the worst thing to show a villain. I go from walking to a full out leap at them, grabbing the short ones arm I put a knife to his throat and slice. I let go of him and he walks back following the path the shy rock guy took.

All I have left is the tail guy now.

After how easily I got rid of the other 2 he looked scared. I don't blame him, this is probably his first time encouraging a live villain who's only goal is to kill.

Based on this guys hero costume he probably knows some form of self defense and uses those tactics while fighting.

He goes into a fighting stance and I stand up tall, fixing my posture, I grab the last throwing knife I have on me, once this fights over I'll need to pick them back up.

I noticed he blocked with his tail the last time I threw it at him.

I throw the knife, adjust so that I have a dagger in hand and run next to him, and stab him in the back.

While he was busy stopping the blade I had a opining.

6 down 13 to go

I start walking away, after about a few blocks something falls on my head.

It's a net

I look around and don't see anyone around. I cut through the net but just then I see a floating piece of capture tape coming at me. Using the backswing from my net cutting I cut through her stomach.

"Dang-it, and I thought we had you." The invisible girl said.

"We?" I respond, clearly she isn't working alone but how many others?

"Who else is with you?" I ask

"Sorry can't answer I'm dead."

Her tone had a amazing amount of sass for someone who is 'bleeding out'

She wouldn't be dead yet, she would just be bleeding out, actually practically all of them would be bleeding out, if not dead.

"I've seen a lot of people stabbed, you wouldn't be dead,yet. you would actually just be bleeding out, so you can tell me, who else are you with?"

"Not saying, I'm going to take this to my grave"

I hear a noise behind me... probably the person there working with.

I lean in closer to the invisible girl.

"Fair enough." I stab her again just to make sure she knows that she's dead. While stabbing I kick backwards hitting their person behind me.

It was the black haired girl that was actually pretty smart.

She looked disheveled from the kick, I mean I don't blame her, my shoes are fierce.

She stood her ground tho, she has my respect. I think she just underestimated how observant I am. That was her big mistake.

This time I make the first move. I start running at her, knives in hand while she makes a pole form in her hand.

She swings it at me while I dodge.

"That was a close hit, you really know what your doing."

I say, it's fun giving random compliments to people in a fight, generally if it has anything to do with there looks they get caught off guard and leave a opining, then, I attack.

"Thanks I've been training."

She responds with

You can tell a decent amount about someone just by there voice. I can tell she's tired and out of breath. She won't be able to fight agents me in a long term battle, that's for sure.

She swings the pole at me and I catch it, and pull her close to me. As soon as she got close I stabbed her in the chest.

I back away, smiling, "you fought well"

"Thanks you too" she responded

And with that I slipped down the back alley streets.

8 down 11 more to go.
Word count: 1306

That was a fun chapter, there is more fighting and all that spicy stuff in the next chapter, so strap in. Thank you for all the reads, l love you guys. And I hope you get sleep eventually because I know at least half of you haven't slept in the past 24 hours.

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