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Deku's pov

Please cooperate with me. It would be a waste to kill him. If they just come with me peacefully there won't be a issue.

This is even the guy I SAVED earlier. He might not admit it but how could someone forget that ego of his.

"Can I ask a question?" Kirishima asks

"Go ahead ask away"

"What will you do once we go by you?"

"Well that depends, do you want the answer you want to hear or do you want the truth?"

"I want to know what I want to hea-" kaminari starts off saying then is Interrupted by Kirishima

"No, we want to know what you are actually going to do." 

"Why don't I say both of them."

Monoma turns his head to look at me. "You just like the sound of your own voice." He says

"Takes one to know one" I say back

"Here's what you want me to do.  What you want me to do is that once you walk over here I tell you to go and fight the other villains, and you want me to betray the people that trust me, and fight alongside the hero's . That would be the best thing to happen. What is actually going to happen is-"

I cut myself off "you know what, why don't I just show you. All you have to do is walk over to me. Just one foot in front of the other."

"I know how to walk, thank you very much" Kaminari says. I honestly am not sure if he knows the gravity of the situation or not. He just seems very... how do I put it kindly? Naïve? I think that would be the best way to put it.

Denki's pov

Ok so if I electrocute the entire room then everyone will be out and I will have probably short circuited leaving us all vulnerable to any other villain attacks.


I am tired from training as well so I won't be able to give it all my power so Deku might not even be unconscious making a whole lot easier to get ahold of us.

I could try aiming a attack at him but I could hit Monoma instead. Would that be so bad. I mean he is like really annoying. I might be doing us all a favor.

Ugh but if I hit him instead of Deku, then Deku will have time to attack and could probably take us out very easily. He practically massacred during training.

I'm also a bit upset still over him lying to me saying that he was ditching his fist day when he wasn't. I'm pretty sure Aizawa Sensei gave me extra homework because of it.

Anyway back to the task at hand

Deku's pov

It seems like their stalling for time.  Probably waiting for a pro to walk in or something. I guess I have to make the first move.

I shove Monoma into Kirishima not before slicing him a little bit so that the tranquilizer is in his system.  While everyone is distracted I run to Kirishima and slice him while he's busy catching Monoma from falling over.

They both collapse to the ground

Now everyone is on high alert.  Well at least I have one of my targets.  But I still need to get Kaminari. 

I slowly walk towards the group of four.  They take fighting stances.  I don't like having to fight a big group but if I could knock them all out and grab my targets it won't be that bad.

I keep walking towards them as they all look up?



Isn't that one of the pros quirks, communicating telepathically.  What in the world is she saying to them.

"Well I guess we don't have to hold back" Kaminari says

"Well you should probably hold back" Ashido says in return.

Oh ok, I get it.  They were probably told that they could fight if needed.  Well they can't stop me from taking my targets.  If I don't get at least one of them my mom is as good as dead. 

They probably won't let me just walk off with one of their friends either.  It's either kill them all or knock them out.  Or I could just make it so that they physically can't follow.

I am now standing in front of the unconscious people.  With a knife in each hand I throw one to the side of Ashidos head causing her to use her quirk on it right before it hits.  While right after I throw a knife at her leg causing her to fall over in pain.

That's one out of the way.

While everyone is distracted by Ashidos yelling in pain I also go up and tranquillize Kaminari. 

That's the thing I noticed they get so concerned for their friends that they don't keep there guard up, so I use it as a opportunity to attack.

I get Kaminari in the pile of unconscious people.  I realize they haven't thrown a attack once.  Is it because?  No it can't be.  They wouldn't have grown attached to me.  Oh no, they probably are thinking of a way to take me out without killing me.

Ashido is now on the floor with Sero putting fabric around her wound then taping it into place.  Actually kinda smart, but she still won't be able to do much in stopping me.

"So are you guys ever going to attack or am I just going to pick you off one by one?" I say.

I don't like making the first move.  A lot of the time the opponent is able to counter it but I guess with these people they are more worried about each other.

You know what frick it, I'm going to make the first move because if Eraserhead shows up my mom is as good as dead.  I throw a knife close to Sato's head and throw another one at his leg.  Same trick twice.

He falls to the floor in pain and I watch as not the last one standing is Sero.  He looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Do you want to bandage your friends leg so he doesn't bleed out?"  I say

Sero nods in return.

"Go ahead"

He kneels next to his bleeding friend and tapes his leg like he did Ashido. 

Soon after he stood up and faced me ready to fight. 

"Oh not you too, I really hoped that by now you would have taken the hint and you would've just let me take who I need to take and go.  But nooo you have to be a brave hero and protect them.  This is a loosing battle."  I say practically yelling at this point. 

He launches tape at me.  I dodge but he probably saw that coming because he launched tape where I dogged aswell.  With the tape stuck to my face he pulls me in.

I take out my tranquilizer knife and slice him as soon as he's in range.  I peel the tape off of my face.

I go to the two injured and slice them with the tranquilizer knife since I am not going to risk them healing super fast.

Oh great now I have to carry the two.  This is really going to slow me down.

Word count: 1225

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