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Well I told myself I wasn't going to Wright another chapter bye here I am. Feel free to comment anything, it really makes me smile knowing someone took time to comment something. Also congratulations on making it this far into the story! Hope you enjoy the rest of it.

Time skip to the morning of the first day of class

Deku's pov

I wake up to hearing a annoying alarm sound. If I had my knife on me that clock would be stabbed by now.

I roll my eyes and slowly start getting ready. I showered, brushed teeth, hair, all that Jazz.

Still wearing a towel I look inside the drawers and pull out the UA uniform. Ew, it looks like hero threw up on school spirit. I put it on sadly.

Turning my head to look at the clock that I almost stabbed this morning I read the time. 7:00. Wow, I feel early. The classes start at 7:30 so I have some time.

I wonder what pro hero they will send to take me to the class since I'm only allowed outside the school and outside the dorms if I have a pro hero with me.

Getting lost in thought I look to the clock and see that it's already 7:25, I might as well go into the commons area and wait.

I walk into the commons area and see the room empty except for 2 students. The one that goes by Denki Kaminari who is frantically putting his shoes on, and the girl that is called Mina Ashido, who is waiting at the door for Kaminari.

Ashido, just now realizing I'm standing here frantically says "how late I'm going to be", and "how I'm going to have a detention".

I don't think she realizes that I can't leave unless I'm with a pro. I just laughed and said

"I'm actually planning on ditching today."

"Really?, ok just you will suffer the consequences"

And just like that Kaminari and Ashido ran out the door trying to get to class on time.

Looking over at the clock on the wall, it reads 7:27

Well the pro better get here soon if not I will be late, but I mean like why would I care

What if the pro got attacked by villains on there way over, ha, I'd laugh

As soon as that thought popped into my head All Might bursts through the door.

"Ew" I say

"Young Midoriya, are you ready for school?"

All might practically was yelling in my face, I gave him a scowl and walked out the door with him close behind.

"I have a quicker way we could get to UA" all might exclaimed.

"I'd rather crawl then supper speed my way there, thank you very much." I say with the least bit of interest in my voice.

"But your going to be late!" All might exclaimed again

"And it's your fault for showing up at the dorms late."

With that he was silent for the remainder of the walk there.

Time skip to when Deku enters the class

As soon as I enter the classroom all eyes fell immediately on me.

"So I guess our favorite villain didn't decide to ditch today" Aizawa said looking at Ashido and Kaminari. Once I wasn't in class at the time of the bell they probably told Aizawa that I decided to ditch.

I think I'm going to mess with them a bit.

"I never said I was going to ditch, I was waiting for all might to get to the dorms because I'm not let outside without intense supervision. That's what I told you two as well ."

"No, Aizawa sensei Midoriya is lying what actually happened wa-"

Aizawa cut Ashido off

"I really don't care what happened, Midoriya, take your seat"

"Sure thing teach, oh and everyone"

I turn to face the class, "call me Deku, stop calling me Midoriya, or you could also call me The Reaper if your more comfortable with that."

" just sit down problem child"

Time skip

After a day of classes we all get to go back to the dorms. I decide that I'm going to play a fun game with all might. While there was a wave of people in the hallway, all headed outside. I slowly merged into the crowd and followed the flow of traffic. In my peripheral vision I see all might go to Class 1As door only to find out that I'm not their waiting for him.

I eventually follow the traffic all the way to the front gate. As soon as I attempt to pass the front gate the school goes into lock-down and the front gate immediately sealed up.


This fringing bracelet needs to go NOW!

I start looking around for the best possible escape route. I see, I see... ah yes

A tree

I start sprinting, headed towards be tree. As soon as I get close to it I start to get really dizzy and tired. Maybe if I shut my eyes for just a second-

And just like that I'm unconscious

When I come to I look around and see that I'm in the nurses office.


I try sitting up but to no avail

Those restraints are on again.  I turn my head and see, Aizawa, All Might and recovery girl.  The door starts opening and I see Nezu walk in. 

"Hi-ya teach, did I do something?" I have a face on that is obvious to the fact that I'm tied down.

"Can't you go one day without causing some form of trouble?"  Aizawa said while holding the bridge of his nose.

"Yesterday I didn't cause any trouble."

I was expecting Aizawa to respond, but instead I heard Nezu talk instead.

"That isn't he point, your supposed to cause no trouble."

"Well what else did you expect from letting a known criminal into UA?" 

"Listen Midoriya,"

"Don't call me by that name" I snapped at him.  If I wasn't tied down I would of drop kicked this bear/mouse thing by now. 

"Ok then, listen Deku, you have so many amazing talents, we as the staff here would love to see you succeed in life, but you can't get far by breaking the rules we have set for you.  What were you going to do if you got past the gate?"

I take a moment to think, what would I of done, I kinda wanted to go to the dorms just to see All Might's face once he realized I got there by myself without a pro, but then I also wanted to runaway and continue a life of crime. 

"First off, I already had succeeded in becoming one of the most feared villains, and second, I would of run, I would of got away from you heroes, and uhh, slowly killed you all off. One.  By.  One."

I did my creepy villain laugh at the end.  I like that laugh, it really seems to freak people out.

Nezu looked at Aizawa and as if they were communicating telepathically the restraints were undone. 

Wait a minute how long was I out for.  I look out the window and see the sun, RISING.  ITS BEEN AT LEAST A DAY??!!!?

"Are you sure you want your student to go through  this?" Nezu cryptically says while looking at Aizawa.

"If my students can't handle it they shouldn't be at UA."


Word count: 1259

Any comments or questions please say something.  Besides that I hope you have a fantastic week. <3

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