21- villan class

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Welcome back to the story, I do have exams coming up so if I don't upload as frequently that's why, anyway back to the story.

Random student in the classes pov

As I'm looking around this class there isn't any major criminals, only kids like me who have been busted for things like robbery, and murder but not like mass murder. Tho most of us couple potentially be called cereal killers with only needing three kills.

Well there is toga, she has her name known.

I've really only heard rummers about her tho. Mostly people say things like she's eaten a heart, or that she drinks monster energy like it's water and she isn't affected by it.

I hear the door open and look to who it is out of curiosity.


Isn't that...

The reaper?

Yeah that definitely is.

I did hear that he was here but haven't seen or heard much of him besides rumors from the class I'm in.  He looks younger then I thought.  Like he definitely has a baby face.

He looks very uninterested in what was going on but then again we all look like we don't want to be here.  I mean non of us are here by choice or anything.

He looks around the room and starts having a conversation with toga.  Of corse, the popular villains already are buds.  Guess I'll just sit alone in here and hope no one pays too much attention to me.

After a minute or so the teacher person who is going to be teaching us walks in.

Oh no


All might

"For Christ's sake why does it always have to be you" I hear the reaper say to All Might.

I snickered a bit because he just said what I was thinking.

"Ah yes, young Deku, I'm not surprised by that reaction" he kinda mumbled the last words.

All Might is showing some weakness and with weakness shown, we, as villains, pounce. This is not going to be a easy class to teach, All Might.

Dekus pov

This is boring

Toga keeps poking me in the back with a pencil. It's probably going to start either bleeding or bruising soon.

"So Deku do you have a answer" almighty said while looking at me.


He caught me off guard. Let's see how to answer the question, on the board there are four answers, now let's see which one is the oddball out.

It's either
A) pickpocket
B) Walkpast saying nothing
C) Help her cross the street
D) Stab her

Well based off those answers it's painfully obvious that the correct answer is to help her cross the street, but I'm going to mess with this hero for a bit.

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