8-more training

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Dekus pov

I start running on the rooftops of the buildings. Eventually I catch up to the bird guy. I don't know his quirk, all I can tell tho is that he likes to work away from everyone else.

I climb down the building and hide behind a garbage bin placed in the street.

My plan is to sneak attack him so once he walks past the garbage bin I throw the knife at his back. That way he won't see it coming and I can get a clean hit in.

He walks past...

Then he stops walking, and turns around


how did he know I was there??

Then next to him I see another creature, what is that thing, ugg no time for the questions, as soon as we made eye contact I smirked and threw not one but 2 of my throwing knives at him and the thing next to him.

Once I let go of the knives I run up behind him as he dodges the knives, him being too focused on not getting hit with the blades dosent notice me behind him as I stab him in the back.

This hit would've killed him if i had real knives on me, anyway, he turned around and looked at me. His expression was shocked with a bit of fear mixed into it. Oh how I love the look of fear on people's faces.

I pick up my throwing knives that I threw at him and walk away. He also started walking toward the exit.

One down 18 to go.

As I'm walking out of the ally way that I took down the bird guy in I lock eye contact with who other than Kaminari, who, without looking at the person next to him tugged on the girl with the cords in her ears jacket.

She turned to him with a annoyed expression, while he pointed at me. Her eyes widened as she saw me.

Now that both of them know I'm here I run into another ally way knowing they would follow.

I hear them yell

"We found him!"

I duck behind a building and wait. As soon as I hear someone running down the ally, I grip the knife harder. As soon as the hero turns the corner I swing my knife at them, the blade hitting their throat. I looked to see who I hit.

It was Kacchan

I smirked at him, winked and ran off.

2 down 17 more to go.

I knew I was a bit rusty but it's been like 5 minutes and I only have 2 'kills.'  I need to pick up the pace. 

I climb another building because I needed the vantage point.  Once I get to the top I see someone else standing up there.  They had red and white coloured hair.

A Canadian flag, if you will.

(If you have a good todo name please say it.)

This hero hasn't noticed me yet.  I take aim with one of my throwing knives, and just as I get ready to throw it,

HE JUMPS?!?!??



I rush over to the edge he jumped off.  Looking down expecting to see a dead body I see...


That must be his quirk.  I need to keep a eye out for him.  That quirk could be problematic for me in the future. 

I chuckled a bit to myself.  Oh god I love my villain laugh.  I've been perfecting it since I was a kid. 

Ok I need to focus.  Looking at the ground I am able to find 15 of the 17 left.

Ha weird

I feel something slightly brush against my left leg.  This must be where the other two people went, they were following me.

Without skipping a beat I kick whoever was touching me, only to find out that the kick didn't work!?

The person felt indestructible, like I just kicked a rock. 

It was the read haired kid.  He was trying to tie the capture tape thing on me.

I jumped back and assessed the situation.  No building is close enough for me to jump to, and I can't jump down without ending up dead or worse, severely injured.  My blades seem like they won't cut them, but these knives only mark a person, so maybe I found a loophole in all this. 

I spin the knife in my hand and take up a fighting stance.

There is still someone else who I don't know where they are, so I need to keep a eye out for them. 

"So am I going to take you down or are you going to give up bro, because I'm feeling very confident in my fighting"

He may of said he was confident but his face said that he was horrified.

"You seem too confident, let's change that."

Kirishimas pov

Damm this guy looked scary,  as long as I stay in rock form he should not be able to stab me, so I at least have a chance. 

I start running at him, before I knew it he was behind me.

I felt something hit my back but as soon as it did it shattered into peaces.

I hear Deku say "darn" under his breath, clearly something didn't go as planned.  At least this benefited me. 

Deku grabbed another knife from his villain outfit, he now had one in each hand. 

I make sure I have the capture tape ready.  I run at him again but this time instead of running at me he runs



He realizes that he's on a roof right?

And just like that he jumps off


What is with these villains

I peer over the edge thinking he had a secret quirk or something, like a quirk that made him fly or bounce or something like that. 

As I peer over the edge I see him hanging from the wall of the building over.  His knives plunged into the walls.  Wow this guy is skilled.

Word count: 1049
There will be more of the training in the next chapter so stick around. Hit the star if you liked it and I hope you have a fantastic next hour. <3

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