5- Bakugous biggest regret

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The photos I choose have nothing to do with the plot, I just think it's good artwork, anyway here's the story you have been waiting for.
Small recap: Deku basically told everyone that bakugou told him to kill himself.

Kirishimas pov

Wow, that was intense...

We all knew bakubro was a bit of a asshole but saying someone should kill themselves, a bit much. 

I looked at bakubro and he looked

Baku is never sad.  Most the time he's just angry, or, or... no he's just always angry.

I decide to see if Baku is ok.  In a gentle /soft voice I say
"Bro?  Do you want to talk a bit."

Baku looked up at me, tears in his eyes, nodded.

I walk over to him, and we walk out of the room down the hallway into his dorm room leaving everyone else silent in the other room. 

As we walk out I hear the villain say/practically yelling "oh no poor baby Kacchan can't fight his own battles, grow up Kacchan.  Welcome to the real world where villains won't care if your feelings get hurt." 

There was probably more but I shut the door not wanting anything else to affect my bro.

There was what felt like a eternity of silence

"So how do you know the villain?"  I ask trying to not get Baku into any more emotional pain.

To my somewhat surprise he answered

"Deku and I grew up together...       we were friends.  Well he was friends with me and I kinda bossed him around.  We both were set on being hero's, or so I thought." 

He was probably thinking about how the villain mentioned earlier that he always loved villains and hero's was just a cover.

"Deku was so kind hearted, and I bullied him.  Eventually I got accepted into UA and I left Deku home.  I didn't talk to him, I actually kinda forgot about him..."

Baku face got sad when he said that last line.

"A few weeks after arriving to UA I got a call from Inko, uuh Deku's mom, she called asking if I knew where he was."

"What did you say back to her Baku?" I asked

He answered, crying heavily now, "I said he was probably off playing hero or something, I didn't care, at the time.  That was the very same day headlines were made, saying 'NEW VILLAIN HIT THE STREETS! 58 DEAD! THE NEW VILLAIN GOES BY: THE REAPER'. We all thought that Deku could of been one of the 58.  Yesterday was the day I found out that he was the one who killed them all."

Baku was fiddling with his cuticles now, he was also shaking.  Only if my brain knew what to say, damn it, I was never good at comforting people. 

"And do you think that that's your fault?"  I ask even tho the answer is clear.

"Yes... because before I left for UA I told him that..."

"What did you say Baku?"

"I said that he would have a better chance at being a villain, because him and villains have one thing in common, that there both good at being stepped on, with that I kinda kicked him in the gut and left."

"Wow Baku, that is deep bro, but you do regret you actions, right?"

I looked at him and he was crying and shaking

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