Chapter 8: Meeting Two Girls and a Feline

Start from the beginning

He began to pet the kitten again to which it began to purr once more, then he began to brainstorm ideas about the kittens name. Then a sudden thought had occurred in his mind.

Y/n: ('What is it's gender?')

So in order to find out the gender of the kitten he had to look at it's... undercarriage. So he picked up the kitten and tried to look at it's undercarriage, but the kitten had other plans.

The kitten immediately hissed at him and brought it's claws out of it's paws and struck his face, leaving a claw mark, and making him drop the kitten and yell,

Y/n: "Ow, Fuck!"

He then felt liquid roll down his cheek, but he didn't care at the moment, what he cared about was the kitten.

He looked at the kitten who had their back fur standing up and the back arched like a cat would when it felt threatened. He smiled and said,

Y/n: "That was my bad, I should have asked first. Let's try a different way to find out."

This made the kitten relax a bit and it's fur on its back went back down, then it sat down with its tail swaying side to side again.

Y/n then began to think of a way to find out it's gender, until an idea popped into his head. He looked at the kitten once more and said,

Y/n: "I have an idea, how about you meow once for boy, and meow twice for girl."

The kitten sat up, slowly walked over to Y/n again and sat down on his lap and slowly nodded it's head.

Y/n smiled at this and said,

Y/n: "Ok, are you a boy or a girl?"



This made Y/n nod his head and say,

Y/n: "Ok, so you're a girl kitten, so that means we need a girl name for you."

The kitten stared at him as he put his head on his fist in order to think of a name for her. She waited for him to come up with a name for her.

After a few minutes of thinking, he had finally come up with a name for her. He looked at her and said,

Y/n: "What about Snowflake?"

When the kitten heard that name, sparkles appeared in her eyes as she meowed like she was trying to say that she liked it.

Y/n smiled at the little kitten that is now known as Snowflake and said,

Y/n: "Alright, Snowflake it is then."

Then he heard two doors slam open and three pairs of footsteps run down the stairs, he looked toward the stairs and saw three silhouettes running down to the first floor and turned on the light.

Y/n then saw that the three silhouettes were Papyrus, Sans, and a girl. Papyrus was wearing race car pj's and holding a teddy bear.

Sans was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and the same black shorts with the white strip and the girl was wearing a white undershirt and pajama shorts with many sheeps jumping into the blue sky design of the shorts.

The girl's hair was short and brown and her eyelids were shut but somehow she could still see.

Papyrus: ¨Y/n!! Are You Ok?! Did You Hurt Yourself?!¨

Yelled Papyrus as he ran towards him. He held Snowflake close to his chest, picked himself up off of the floor and with a smile he looked at Papyrus and said,

Y/n: ¨I'm fine, I'm not hurt.¨

Papyrus continued to freak out as he said,

Papyrus: ¨Are You Sure!? I Heard You Scream And A Loud Thud!! Wait, WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING!?¨

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