Is making this strong and permanent impact in Mafia's life,

in his heart

That Mafia himself didn't know he has until now.

Because it had never accelerated this fast

And right now, his heart is hammering against his rib cage

threatening to burst out of his hard but pale chest

Whatever is it

he wants to cherish it,

To never want it to go away

And he will do everything in his power to never let it go

"Should we play music, I'm bored?

— he is still sleeping."

As if he heard in his not so peaceful sleep, Taehyung stirred up

Stretching like a cat

Jeongguk looked at him softly.

There was a mysterious glint in his dark gaze .

"Did you sleep well, brave tiger?"

Jeongguk whispered

Wiping the drool from younger's mouth, who is rubbing his eyes with sweater paws.

Jeongguk suddenly got the urge of wanting to wrap him in blankets and hide him from this cruel world.

"He woke up now play music hyuuuuung.

— geez calm down Jimin."

Namjoon smiled and played the music.


Yeosung from passenger seat and Jimin from back sit started jamming in the beat like there is no tomorrow

another moment swaying their body

Jimin shaking Yoongi and Hoseok in the act, not minding Yoongi's blank stare making a hole on his side

While Hoseok just smiled.

Yeosung dancing like he is about to jump from the window and There is Taehyung sitting up looking at them wide eyes while Jungkook put his seat belt never seeing them like this before. Seeing Jimin hitting Yoongi and Hoseok side to side with his body. Taehyung also moved softly side to side imitating elder's action, pushing Jungkook on his side and one hand hitting the window glass like Yeosung is hitting oh God what are they doing?

Jungkook looked at him when Younger push him lightly, then saw Younger is looking at Jimin and Yeosung back and forth with doe eyes and repeating what they are doing...

Taehyung saw Yeosung is grabbing his seat belt and he also about to do that

"Yeosung stop playing with your seat belt Taehyung, he is also doing same you fool. "

Jungkook said calmly and all of them looked at Taehyung. Seeing him doing softly now Jimin and Yeosung is ready to play with Younger they start to dance slowly… Taehyung also did same oh attempt, but he pouted looking at his hand when he doesn't know how to move it like Yeosung and Jimin is doing making everyone laughed out loud. He also laughed when others laughed.

Like that, everyone joined eventually jamming and dancing in car while Yoongi and Jungkook is with Stoic face questioning their life.chuckling from time to time and carefully making sure younger's safety….

Finally, FINALLY they arrived at their destination…

Finally, FINALLY they arrived at their destination…

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