Fluff/whump-Icy Willow

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Etho watched Doc go for a moment, and started to head after him, but taking a detour around the pond. He wanted to see if that beavers dam (PJO anyone?) was still there.

He moved across the ice slowly, eyes flitting around and looking at the fish frozen in the ice. There where always fish in the ice, its just that there were more sometimes. This year seemed to have less.

A otter popped out of a hole on the shore, two pups darting up to her and chowing down on the fish. Etho smiled, watching as the mate ambled up to the mother and nuzzling her. It was beautiful, life. Fragile though. Very, very fragile.

He couldn't have predicted the timing that his ankle gave out. He couldn't have predicted that the ice would be thin in this patch. He couldn't have predicted that he'd be just heavy enough to break through.

All he knew was that one second he was watching the otters, the next his back was breaking through the ice with a truly loud crack and shattering noise. He managed to cover his mouth with his hands, and the cold hit him hard. He attempted to gasp on reflex, but thankfully his hands prevented that.

His leg spasmed slightly as he moved around, trying to find the surface. Dark, dark, dark-light. He reached up, moving upwards and his head thunking against the ice. Where was the hole? He felt around for a moment and didn't find anything, so he started pounding against the ice.

It cracked, and he bumped his head against it again. Continuing to hit the ice, it broke and he appeared on the surface, clinging to the ice, gasping for air. Docs form could be seen moving quickly towards him "Etho? Etho?!"

His hands couldn't grip the ice, and he was having rough time staying afloat already. Doc spotted him and sped up, skidding to a stop next to him. Doc didn't even hesitate, undoing the strap that kept the metal on his skates and turning them into ice gripping boots.

Doc dropped to his knees, trying to remember what Beef had told him about freezing waters. "Etho, vat do I do?!" "B-back u-up, eh, I-I can't ha-have you fall-falling in."

Moving backwards, Doc began undoing a rope from his waist, he watched tensely as Etho tried to get himself onto the ice, but he just couldn't. Throwing him the end of the rope, Doc watched as Etho wrapped it around his arm multiple times and nodded shakily.

Doc gripped the rope tightly and began to back up, effectively dragging Etho out of the ice and, eventually, onto thicker ice. Moving fast, Doc began to undo Ethos skates and dropped them, moving onto getting his jacket off. "can vu valk?"

Etho shook his head, unable to speak as the cold shock set in. Doc moved his arms under Etho, pulling him into a bridals style hold and moved across the ice, carefully because he no longer wore his skates.

Ignoring their supplies, Doc rushed towards the Nether portal. It was six minutes away. "Communicador, call Schtress."

'I'm sorry, I can't understand you. Could you repeat that?'

Running faster as Etho began shaking violently, Doc snapped "I zaid call Schtress! Vork for once vu damn machine!"

'Please speak calmly and slowly.'

Dropping into his natural language as Doc's worry for Etho heightened, he shouted "Ich bin ruhig! Ich bin der ruhigste mann am leben!(2)"

Etho was cold, he was so cold. He was starting to drift off from time to time, drowsy and Doc clenched Etho's shoulder everytime he did so, so his eyes opened again.

'Please state who you wish to call.'


'Calling Stress.'

Etho grasped at Docs scarf, hand missing it multiple times, trying to speak but the words coming out in a jumbled mess. "Shh Etho... Helbs coming."

The communicator in his pocket buzzed once, twice, three times, and was answered on the fourth ring. "Doc? I thought that you and Etho were-"

Without a ounce of remorse Doc cut her off "Schtress-Etho fell into zee ice, get to zee nezer hub now!" Stress, to her credit, was fast at translating Doc's thicker then normal accent and immediately yelled at Joe to grab his medkit and winter supplies.

"We'll be right there Doc, how is he doing? Is he incoherent? Muscle spasms?"

"Ja to all zat vu chust zaid. He's really cold as vell, bleaze hurry." Stress hung up a few seconds later, she was in hurry to get to the hub. Doc, to his credit, was running extremely fast. The noises of the portal came into earshot.

He saw the purple waving around and jumped into the portal, clutching Etho closer to his chest. Lunging into the Nether Hub, he started to run towards the central area. He saw Stress and Joe running towards him, and a curious Ren and Tango jogging after them.

Doc set Etho down on the ground and was shoved backwards by Joe as Stress got to work getting the wet clothing off the freezing Etho. He followed as they took him back through a portal, a portal to the medbay.

He would be okay. Right?

~--2 days later--~

A fire crackled in the fireplace, warming Etho as he snuggled up to Doc, exhausted. His bones ached, and he felt so cold.

The fireplace was warm, and Joe was asleep in the armchair off to the side. He had insisted that they stay with him until Etho was healthy enough to go home.

It had been very close. Doc had practically clung to Etho when he woke up, and he was currently wrapped in the cyborgs arms and under a mountain of blankets. Etho watched the fire flicker, and the light fluctuate throughout the room.

A lamp sat in the corner, forgotten for now. Joe's collection of books lined the walls, and Etho let his eyes close. It was safe here.

And life would go on. With much, much less ice skating for Etho.


1. My little bird

2. I am calm! I'm the calmest man alive!


Soooooo-Whadda think? I think I did a pretty good job, but I'm pretty biased.

I decided against a bad ending, I couldn't bring myself to do one. The beginning was way to cute for that. And I couldn't do that to you guys :)

It's actually been a long bit since my last angsty ending-Am I going soft?... No... I can't be...

*thinks of the Hetalia fic I have going on a different account*...I'm going soft.


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