Tape 12 : Pt. four

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Sierras pov


No one knows I'm doing this. I don't even really know what I'm doing...or how I'm gonna go about it. All I know is I have to do whatever I can. I have to talk to Bryce Walker. Yeah...I'm going to talk to him. Well...more like I'm trying to get a confession out of him...anything. If Hannah is right...if Bryce will actually talk to me. If I can be the one to get something out of Bryce, I'm going to do it.

I know what everyone would say. They'd tried to stop me from doing it. They'd say I'm crazy and this is going to fuck a lot up. But, I'm willing to take my chances. And...what could it possibly fuck up? Worst case...Bryce stays silent and we don't get what we want. I'm standing in front of his house just staring at it. This house....this damn house. How could so much go wrong at one place? So much damage was caused here. So much pain.

I walk up to the door and sigh and then I ring the doorbell. I stand there anxiously and wait and then start to doubt myself about coming. Was this seriously a good idea? For me to come here alone?

The door opens and I see Bryce standing there and his face goes to confusion. I get a sick feeling rush over me and I just stand there and stare at him.

"Sierra? What are you doing here?" He said. All right....you gotta come up with something.

"Hey, Bryce, um...I was...I was wondering if you wouldn't mind....Look, I know it's weird, and not expected from me, but I was hoping to buy some weed" I said and mentally slapped myself. Really, Sierra? Out of all the things you could've said.

"You want to buy some weed. From me? You...Sierra Baker?" He said on to me.

"Yes. I've been stressed and I thought I'd try it out. Justin doesn't know" I said and he nodded.

"Ah...I see." He said.

"Do you mind?" I said.

"Of course, I don't. Come in" He said and I walk into his house. I look around at the familiar scenery in the house and then he walks into another room and I follow him.

"The house looks nice" I said and he turned to me.

"Okay, look, I'm willing to help you out. You know I always am...but what the hell is really going on? Not even a day ago...you were pissed at me. You've been pissed at me" He said.

"Like I said...I've been stressed, and a lot has been going on recently" I said.

"Right. Look, I'll hook you up this time for free. I've got a little extra I'm willing to spare for you" He said and then went into a box.

"You just...you keep it out in the coffee table?" I said.

"Yeah, my parents are in Ibiza. They won't be back for a week. You can come smoke here anytime you want" He said and I just tried to keep my cool. I can't act off or show any anger towards him. It's so hard.

"Yeah" I said.

"I'm still shocked you're getting weed off of me. I won't get in trouble for this, right?" He said.

"It can be our secret." I said and then walked over to the window to look outside to where the guest house is.   

"Secret, huh?" He said.

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