Tape 12 : Pt. three

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Sierras pov


Hannah and I said we were gonna go on a quick walk...but it ended up being a really long walk.  The both of us just kept walking.  No one made the move to turn around to go home, or even say anything about it.  It just feels nice to walk right now...to look at the stars and just enjoy the night.  There's been so much going on recently...this just feels nice.

"So...are we okay?" Hannah said and I look to her.

"Yeah...we're good" I said.  I don't really have energy in me to fight anymore or to be angry.  Of course I don't forget certain things, but I'm trying to move past them.

"Do you really mean that though? Because I know we've drifted apart" She said.

"There's just been so much happening." I said.

"Yeah, we both have our own problems...and we have our differences.  I just...I don't want us to hate each other. Or have bad tension" She said.

"I don't hate you, Hannah.  I could never hate you.  There's just been a lot of fucked up things that have happened...some of which you partook in, but it's in the past." I said.

"I'm really sorry, about everything.  About Justin.  About the night of the party.  About the accident.  Just my overall attitude.  I am really...Sierra" She said and I looked to her.

"I forgive you.  And, I'm sorry too." I said.

"We're supposed to be the iconic duo.   We've been slacking" She said jokingly and I smile.

"Indeed we have, Hannah Baker.  I say it's time we get our title back" I said.

"I like the sound of that, Sierra Baker" She said and we both laughed and smiled.  I look in front of me to see that we've reached the other side of the neighborhood.  Wow...we must've really walked far. 

"We made it all the way up the hill where the rich people live...wow" I said.

"These houses are insane" She said.

"I can't even imagine living here" I said looking at all the houses.

"Let's go look at some" She said and we continued to walk. As we've walking I hear a faint noise.  It sounds like music and people talking.  Where is that coming from?

"Do you hear that?" I said.

"Yeah...I'm hearing it" She said.

"Lets go investigate" I said and we continued to walk closer to the music.  When it starts to get louder, I finally pin point the exact house and I just stare at it.  It's huge....and also familiar.

"Wow" Hannah said.

"This house looks familiar.  Like I've seen it before" I said.

"How have you ever even been this far into rich people town?" She said.

"I've driven in here a few times with Justin..." I said and then it clicked.  "Shit" I said.

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