Tape 12 : Pt. one

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Sierras pov


Subpoenas. Yeah...a trial is actually happening. My aunt and uncle wouldn't settle for anything less. Not money...nothing. So, the only thing left is to go to court, and to have a trial. And now...everyone on those tapes are getting subpoenas. Why? Well, my aunt found a paper in Hannah's room. One that had all of our names on it. Everyone on the tapes. She came to me asking for answers, but I couldn't give her any. I mean, what could I say? I can't say anything yet. Not about the tapes. Not until Clay finishes...not until I hear my tape.

I'm holding onto the yellow envelope in my hand and my aunt walks into the kitchen and looks to me. "It's only because you are related to Hannah. And since your name was on the paper too. We couldn't subpoena the others and not you" She said.

"No...it's...it's okay" I said.

"You really...you really don't know anything about the names? No idea what it could mean?" She said.

"No...I don't know why Hannah wrote those names. Or mine" I said and she sighed.

"You would tell me if you knew anything, right? Because our chances here may be low" She said.

"Of course I would" I said and then felt guilty. I wish I could just spill everything.

"Okay, well, don't stress about the subpoena.  Just go up there and tell them everything you told me.  It'll be okay" She said and I just nodded.

"Okay" I said and then she smiled.

"Off to school?" She said.

"Yeah, uh, I think I'm gonna go pick up Justin on the way" I said and she nodded.

"I'll see you later, sweetie" She said and I smile.  I leave the house and just sigh and then I get into my car and head to Justin's.  We had no plans whatsoever of me grabbing him for school.  But, I just have a feelings he's going to skip and I need to talk to him about these subpoenas.

I arrive at Alex's house since I know Justin stayed there and I knock on the door. I wait for a minute and then Alex opens the door and his eyes widen. "Sierra" He said.

"Hey" I said.

"Is everything okay?" He said.

"Yeah, uh, is Justin up? Like is he okay?" I said.

"Yeah, he's up. I got him up...surprisingly" He said.

"Did you get a subpoena?" I said.

"My dad gave me mine earlier." He said.

"What about Justin?" I said.

"If he got one, it would've gotten mailed to his actual house" He said.

"So does he know?" I said.

"I didn't say anything. I didn't wanna freak him out anymore" He said. I go to talk again but stop when I see Justin walk over to us and we both look to him.

"What?" Justin said.

"Hey" I said smiling and he came over and kissed me.

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