Chapter 20: Drama off Set Part 1/2

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I got to special effects and the team made me look like I had a hickeys. God, if I knew that makeup would do this I'd let Chunta go at my neck.
I went back on set and the director was explaining the scene. But to be honest, all I was thinking is that I need to go back to Ryō, so I gotta make this scene count.
We finished our scenes early and some girl on stage crew commented.
"Wow, that was really good Sajou-San! It seemed like you really didn't want to be there." I turned around at her halfway out the door.
"Cause I don't." I felt like I was put on as being rude but I was really concerned about Ryō.
I went down to my dressing room and grabbed my stuff and then gone into his. He spun around in his chair and smiled brightly at me and it melted my heart.
   "So are you ready to go?" I ask.
   "Yeah, just one question. How are we gonna get there?"
   "Wha-" I found myself dumbfounded. I didn't think much of this through. I just went along with the whim of a teenager.
   "I mean, no offense but I never see you drive anywhere; do you even have a license? And its not like I can drive because under Japanese law I need to 18." Every point he made felt like a jab to my body.
   "I guess my manager can take us if it's alright with yours." She gave off a nod and I took him to my manager.
It didn't take too long to find Sasaki-San and ask him.
"Hey Sasaki-San, I know this is sudden, but can you take Ryō and I to the tennis courts." He gave off a chuckle.
"Yeah sure." Narumiya pouted and Sasaki ruffled his hair.
"Hey, don't take it that way, it's just the way Takato asked reminded me of a child asking their parent to have a sleepover, that's all."
"Hey." I said while crossing my arms. He gave off another laugh.
"Come on let's go." We walk to his car and I got into the passenger seat while Ryō got in the back. I texted Chunta so we don't have a repeat of last time and asked him if he can pick us up later. I look back at him.
   "Okay, we're all set bud." I look back at Sasaki-San and thanked him.
   "Thanks again for doing this."
   "Eh, no problem kids." He says.
   "But I'm 28 years old." He laughed. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the Ryō still looked a little blue.
   "Hey, are you good back there?" He stiffened and went a little wide.
   "I'm fine, I'm just a little bored waiting to the court." He flashed me a quick smile but I could tell that something is on his mind.
   We have arrived to the court and waved Sasaki-San goodbye and rented our tennis rackets and tennis balls. We started to play that was the first time today I really saw him light up today. He scored another point.
"Four - love, I win again Onii-Chan! You really need to step up your game if you wanna repeat with me." (In Tennis, the scoring is like 1,2,3,Game, and if I'm not mistaken, Love means Zero which I find cute and you need at least four points to win the match) He did a boisterous laugh while I was on the edge of collapsing. Seriously how does he move so fast? Gosh, now I'm sounding like an old man. I quickly drunk down my water and gained back my energy.
"Come on Ryō, let's do one more round!" I got of the bench and stepped up on the court. He stopped drinking his Gatorade.
"Okay, but I'll win again Nii-Chan!"
My enthusiasm did last the whole game and the score came down to 4-3. I was a little irritated about it but when I saw Ryō's face, who could really stay mad at him. He looked so happy.
We decided that it was time to call it quits because it's almost 7 and Junta was 'bout to pick us up. We sat down on the curb looking at the dark blue sky and the stars were just waking up. I looked over at Ryō and he looked happy yet conflicted. But this time he was the one to reach out first and talk to me.
"Thank you for today today... you really made me feel better." He continued to look up at the sky.
"Anytime, although... I still don't know what made you so upset today." I was cautious when talking to him. I didn't wanna pry but I was still curious as to why he was so upset. He looked at me straight in the eyes.
"Hey... can we go to one more place before you take me home."
   "Umm yeah, sure..." I didn't know what to think. All of sudden his mood shifted and he seemed down again.
   The car pulled up and we got inside.
  "Hey babe," I buckled up my seatbelt and looked back at Ryō.
   "Ryō, do you have everything before we go?" He buckled his seatbelt and nodded and the car drove off.
    "So did you guys have a fun play-date? Little sad that you didn't invite me though," Chunta joked.  
   "Play-date? I'm older than you." I shoot back. "but to answer your question, yes we did. Ryō's very good at Tennis." Chunta readjusted the rear view mirror.
   "Oh, is that so?" He kept quiet. I tried to make the situation less awkward by starting a conversation.
   "Which reminds me, Ryō, didn't you say that you wanted to go somewhere to take you home." He sat up and nervously said,
   "Yeah, the coordinates are on here." He handed me a piece of paper and I typed the coordinates into my phone and we were off.

970 words! (Excluding this outro and that little foot note) I did what I told myself I wouldn't do. I have to make another part or else it would be too long. Had to keep changing the part numbers. I swear, I have a problem. This is already twenty chapters long. Not to mention that I'm still a mess. I barely got this done in time, I finished this chapter just in the nick of time and am currently writing this outro at 3:09 in the morning after finishing this so you know when I wake up a few hours later this chapter is going to be quickly edited. Also, not like you guys read these but the only reason I finished this before deadline was because I was too scared to sleep because when I went downstairs to go to the bathroom a FUCKING SKINNY ASS RAT was in there and I retreated on top of the sink, too scared to get down. And usually if they're appear like once I can calm myself down, but NO! This motherfucker decides to scurry around the floor scaring me, where I was screaming like bloody murder, waking up my whole family. And when I get scared I forget English so I was screaming in Español screaming '¡MAMÍ MAMÍ, APURARSE! ¡HAY UNA RATA!' (Mom, hurry up! There's a rat) And she's like '¿DÓNDE?" (Where?) And I'm screaming in the bathroom. '¡EN EL BAÑO, PERO SE FUE!' (In the bathroom, but it left!) And she was getting closer to where I last saw the rat and mind that I closed the door and that thing squirmed in the little space under the door so I don't know where it went and I was yelling '¡NO TE ACERQUES MÁS!' (Don't come any closer) Then my sister came into the bathroom, opening the door and I saw my mom and she looked up at me and told me to get down off the sink and I tell you guys my legs were shaking, no convulsing like the devil has possessed them. After my unexpected story time and if you read this far, I'd like you to thank the rat we'll call him Ricardo, who scared the living daylights out of me so that I finished this on time. With that out the way, Peace out my Peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon