Chapter 28: Mío Dios

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   We went back to 'Mi Colina' and this time I was in the front and I won't lie that I was being a little bit snobbish to Antonio. What can I say, he brings out the worst in me. Always bragging about being childhood friends. Well that doesn't matter because this boy is mine.
"Hey Junta, Antonio, Takato, what you guys do while I was preparing dinner?" Asked Celes,
   "Oh, we were at Tivilo World." Chunta said snuggling up to me.
   "Oh, did you guys have a fun time?" I nod and  Chunta was still clinging on me, gosh, this guy. I had a small smile on my face. 
   "Antonio, help me set up the table so we can eat." That bull was starting to get emotional.
   "But then that niña will-" Celes gave him a stern look. He sighed.
   "Yes Celes..."
   "Fantàstico!" (Fantastic) Exclaimed Celes. Antonio sulked and went into the dining room before turning around quickly making a face and I flipped him off. Honestly, how childish. Chunta giggled.
   "What's so funny?" I ask. He laughed again.
   "Oh nothing, I just find you incredibly cute." He hugged me tighter and gave me Eskimo kisses and I pouted but secretly I enjoy when he gets like this. Celes came back in.
   "Hey Guys, are you gonna join the tea date tomorrow in the Garden with Antonio's mom and the people of this block?" I turned down his grandfather.
   "No we're fine." Chunta looked at me and asked.
   "Why? Don't you wanna meet the people here?"
   "We, have wedding preparations to do. And you, will help me with them since it is our wedding." He nuzzled his face closer to mine.
"Come on Taka-Darling, aren't you taking this a little too seriously?" I pushed him off.
"Don't you think you aren't taking this serious enough? Unlike you who has dual citizenship, I have a visa and I'd like to be married before that runs out." He grabs my hand and walks me to the dining room.
"Don't worry about that right now baby, worry about if Antonio has already ate all the arroz rojo (Red Rice) already." He pushed in my seat and there was garlic marinated shrimp and rice with vegetables on my plate. (He's describing Gambas al Ajillo)
"I hope you like it, dinner was served a bit early today so I made the portions a tad bit smaller since I'm amusing that everyone had lunch." The food looked so good and I was ready to dig in. I clapped my hands together and bowed my head.
"Oh Takato, would you like to start off the meal's prayer?" Chunta leaned over to Celes.
"Abuelo, estoy seguro de que está budista." (Grandpa, I'm pretty sure he's Buddhist) Then Celes cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry Takato, my lover is agnostic, and never taught me about Japanese believes. Tell me, what is it you do?"  I cleared my throat and felt a little uncomfortable.
   "Umm, nothing really, we just give the people who feed us thanks by bowing our heads and saying 'itadakimasu'." Celes clapped his hands together and bowed his head.
   "Itadakimasu!" Then he started to eat.
   "What are you doing Celes?" Antonio said confused.
   "I'm showing appreciation to his religion." I could see things were heating up and I was trying to descalate the situation.
   "No, no, that's okay. It's more of a formality than anything." Antonio banged his hand on the table. 
   "See, if he doesn't know how to start off the prayer then you should've  let me start it off." Celes remained calm and continued eating.
   "Takato is a guest in my home, as well a guest in this country. Not to mention Junta has presented his lover to us and I expect that you show hospitality. I mean, I've showed you nothing but hospitality for all the years you've come to my home, niño." (Little boy) He growled and yelled out.
   "If he's welcomed as a guest then I'll be sure as damned to have him be presented as Junta's some sort of pale doll-faced consort!" He stormed off out of the dining room.
   "Antonio!" Junta looked at me for confirmation and I allowed him to pacify his friend. I crossed my arms and leaned back in the seat, not caring for proper etiquette.
"Takato, I'm sorry that Tonio made you uncomfortable." I growled.
"Honestly, what's up with him! He has too much pride for his own good." He sighed.
"You know, Tonio and Junta have a history more than friends," My eyes widened, and I was resisting the urge to choke on my wine.
"Excuse me, what?" I kind of, can't believe he was with someone before me. I mean, I never asked about it before but still. Celes continued to sip on his wine.
"Yes, even though it was mutual agreement for their consummation to end, Antonio still tried so hard for their relationship to stay the same as friends. But I could see that their relationship was straining. And when things were finally going back to normal, he left for Japan." I started to contemplate questioning if I was in the right.
"He was elated that he came back after 5 long years with out him. Though, when he came back, he was so different. I bet Tonio was just hoping for a different reason for him to come back to Spain." I never thought of it like that, I suddenly felt the means to make amends. I quickly stood up and spoke hastily
"Celes, I need to talk to Antonio, may I be excused?!" He let out a soft laugh and swirled his wine.
"Yes you may." I raced all over this place and I finally found them in the Gardens talking discreetly, and I know it was wrong to sneak but then again... I hid behind the corner and I over heard their conversation and I can tell it's heating up, well I think it is because I'm not very fluent in Spanish. Then I heard Junta coldly say,
"¡No tengo tiempo para tu mierda!" (I don't have time for your shit.) I heard his footsteps. Shit! I quickly saw a big vase and hid behind it. He walked past and seemed not to get noticed. I let out an audible sigh. I heard Antonio come up to Chunta.
"¡Detente! Platiquemos de esto!" (Stop! Let's talk about this!)
"Creo que no es el mejor momento para que platiquemos." (I believe it's not the best time for us to talk.) He continued to walk away.
"Por Favor, nos vemos en mi habitación, así nadie nos puede oír." (Please, let's meet, in my bedroom so no one can hear.) He shook him him off.
"¡Vale, Mío Dios!" (Fine, My God!) I gasped. Just what in the hell were they saying? Well whatever they were saying, it must've been really serious because Chunta only has that face when he's serious or angry.
I ready to make my leave when I accidentally break a small flower pot next to the vase I was hiding behind.
"Shit!" I said a little bit too loud. I quickly covered my mouth and hid behind the vase again, and I don't know if he caught on to me or if he was tired speaking in Spanish, but he spoke his last line in Japanese before walking away.
"I'm going to bed with Takato. Goodbye Antonio." I started stressing. I need to get out of here and get in our bed before Chunta does or else he'll definitely know that I was spying.
I got up and tried to find Chunta's and I's bedroom before he finds out I overheard on their conversation.

1234 words! (Excluding this outro and Spanish translations) I was finishing up the chapter and I realized that I can be a soap opera writer! I never realized how dramatic my stories are until I reread them, but on a serious note. Do you guys want me to continue with the Spanish or nah? Because I don't you guys getting irritated at me for adding too much in where the point you're getting annoyed. I mean, it's not a hassle for me to add it in there, all I have do is switch my keyboard on my phone to Español (América Latina) But if you guys don't want it then I won't put it in there. Also, it's going to be a majority Junta POV chapter in Chapter 29 after the QnA so if there's anymore questions about me or where the book is headed then ask away. I'm not stopping you, you can literally ask me anything and I won't be offended. So with that out the way, peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now