Chapter 26: Meeting the family

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I groaned as Chunta was shaking me awake.
"Ngh Chunta, five more minutes." I turned the other way. He shook me more vigorously.
"But Taka-Darling, if we don't get ready soon, then we'll miss our flight." I was trying to get comfortable again and he was grabbing on the comforter so I glared at him. I am not a morning person.
"I'm sorry Takato, but if you continue this you leave me no choice!" He pulled off the comforter in one fell swoop and laid his body upon mine.
"If you're not gonna go then let the reason be me and not your comforter." He snuggled closer to me and his arms wrapped around me.
"Okay! I'll get up." I was trying to get up but he wouldn't allow me to sit up, I couldn't even move a little bit. Damn that angel, and his muscles.
"Chunta let's go, we have a flight at 1:00 (13:00) and it's already 11:10." He started kissing my neck.
"Takato, give more minutes." I was trying harder to get up.
"Chunta! This is not the time. Chunta!" He continued to kiss me.
"Itadakimasu." He said. I started to squirm more and yelled.
"There'll be no 'itadakimasu', we have no time for this!" He lessened the weight on me and I was finally able to push him off. He laughed.
"You're no fun Taka-Darling."
"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes and crossed my eyes. He kissed me on the cheek,
"Come on Taka-Darling, you're no fun~" He tried to hug me so I pushed him away.
"Don't even think about it you perverted angel."
We got ready and went to the airport and caught our plane, of course boarding in first class as we're on our way to Mijas, a city in the Province of Málaga.
   We went of the plane and Chunta rented a car to go there. I was about to go into the car on the left side when Junta said,
   "I didn't know you could drive Taka-Darling."
   "What do you mean?" I was about to go in and I noticed the steering wheel.
   "What the Hell!?!" He just giggled.
   "What's the meaning of this? Is this car mismanufactured?" He smiled.
   "No, no, Takato, steering wheels are different in Spain then in Japan." What is with this foreign country? I got into the car and muttered.
   "Whoever heard of steering wheels on the left side of a car."
   "Actually, most Western Counties have their staring wheels on the right, only 1/3 of countries have their steering wheel on the right side like Japan." I was still sulking for looking stupid and then I noticed all the pretty scenery.
  "Woah, it's so pretty!" The lights and the lovely brick buildings and pretty dirt roads along with the street lights, the outside of the window looking like those impressionist paintings.
   "We're almost near my old town. The most beautiful place in Spain."
   We first went into a bar called 'Mi Colina' (The words a slang for a girl that's you want to be ya'know sexy, funny, smart, popular, can beat you in a fight)
   "Chunta, are we even supposed to be here, the lights aren't even on." Chunta grabbed his phone from his pocket.
   "I don't know, my old friend told me that he would be there." He opened the door and surprisingly it wasn't locked not one step into the door and the lights turned on with people holding a banner yelling,
   "¡Bienvenido a casa!" (Welcome Home!) I was so confused but Chunta looked liked he knew them so I didn't pay them no mind. Chunta walked up to this Muscular guy with black hair and put an arm around Chunta. I swear, why is everyone so strapping and burly. Some people have all the luck. Then he went over to me and started to inspect me. Looking at me for a good second before saying saying,
   "¡Oi! Por qué estás con esta niña?" (Why are you with this little girl." I don't know what he said but I'm guessing it wasn't nice cause the way he said it.
   "Perdóname," (excuse me, but like rudely) He smirked.
   "I didn't know you understood me." I was shocked.
   "You speak Japanese?" He crosses his arms.
   "Enough. You speak Spanish?"
   "Enough." I lied, but he doesn't need to know that. He put a hand on my shoulder.
   "So you don't mind if I speak my native language." He had an evil grin on his face. I just nervously laughed. He kept eyeing me down and I was getting more and more nervous and Chunta finally came to my rescue.
   "Can you stop intimidating my Fiancé?" He kissed my cheek and he acted like a whole other person.
   "Excuse me, where are my manners." I rolled my eyes, like he had any to begin with.
   "My name is Antonio, and I hold the occupation of Junta's best friend, and won't let someone of the likes of you take my sweet angel away, you devil!" Oh God. Junta walked up to him and said to me.
   "Let me take care of this." They start having a conversation in Spainsh and it was hard to follow; but whatever he said to Antonio must've made him calm down cause he went back to me and said.
   "I don't know how you took Junta away from me but s-sorry. Though I'm telling you, if there's even the slightest thing to challenge you on to prove my love, then so be it. Michael be our defense the wickedness and snares of this Devil." I was confused, who's Michael? Chunta tapped my Shoulder and explained.
   "Spain is majority Catholic." I just nodded and he walked me up to his Grandfather.
    "Takato, this is mi abuelo, abuelo, este es mi novio y fiancé." (Grandpa, this is my boyfriend and fiancé) Junta's grandfather pulled me into a hug and kissed my on both cheeks.
   "What a pretty faced fiancé."Okay, what's up with everyone I bump into knows how to speak good Japanese? He laughed.
   "You're probably thinking how can Antonio and I speak good Japanese." I wrapped my arms around my head. Is he a mind reader? He laughed again.
   "No, I don't read minds either." I was skeptical, Junta has this same ability. Was it that scary 'Church Black Magic' I've heard about, because people say it's very prevalent in Europe. I tried my best to say
   "¿La magia oscura? (Black Magic) They both looked at me and laughed.
   "No no, nothing of the sort. My spouse was  from Japan and I just have this certain Allure." That makes more sense but I still had little suspicion. Chunta's grandfather patted me on my back and while walking us out the building.
   "Hey Junta, why don't you take your lovely fiancé and friend out for sight seeing, show him the best spots in Málaga Province while I prepare a feast, okay?" He nodded his head.
   "Oh and Antonio, ask if your Madre can cook us up some nice pastries while you guys are away?" He asked.
   "Okay Celes, but I don't think Máma is going to let you put anything more on your tab." Celes just chuckled,
   "That's fine, just hang out with your friend, you haven't seen him in almost 5 years."
   "Okay." And with that, we were out on the town, with the love of my life, and... a my antagonizer.

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now