Chapter 22: Last Day on Set

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I woke up laying next to Junta in our bed same as always. I lay on my back thinking; I took a breath. Today is the last day on set. To be honest I'm gonna miss everyone on set, Ryō, Ayagi, The set crew, Lee, everyone there was so great. I almost wish it doesn't have to end, not to mention... if the drama's ending then I would have to start preparing for the wedding! A blush creeped up my face and I turned out facing Chunta. He's really cute when he's sleeping, but I'll never tell him that. I combed my fingers through his hair and kissed his nose.
"You're cute like this," I whispered. My pride won't allow him to know I said that.
"Why thank you!" He popped up all giddy like a puppy.
"Ack!" I screamed and fell off the bed with a thud.
"You're awake?!?" I yell. He got me off the ground and smiled 'innocently'
   "I've been awake. You've been asleep so that I made breakfast but I didn't have the heart to wake you so I went back to bed with you." I turned away do to embarrassment.
   "J-Jeez, don't play like that, ham actor... I legit thought you were asleep." He hugged me from behind.
  "Good enough to fool you though." I blushed and pouted.
   "S-Shut up already! You know my heart can't take it." He dragged his arms lower my abdomen.
   "Can't take what, mi amor?" I blushed some more and pushed him off.
   "Not today Chunta, it's our last day on set so I  need to be presentable for the camera." He got off me and jumped on the bed excitedly.
   "I'm so excited!" I pouted some more and stuck my nose in the air.
   "Hmph, I thought you said last time you'll miss touching me at work."  He laid down on the bed and then looked at me with his stupid adorable smile.
   "Did you forget what I said, after this production will get married." I went laid on top of him expressing my concerns.
   "Are you sure we're not rushing things? We have this unhealthy habit of doing things in the spur of the moment." He kissed my forehead.
   "Don't worry, we'll be fine. I promise." I hugged him and he held me back.
   "Okay, let's eat breakfast and prepare for work Taka-Darling." I shyly give him a peck on the nose, got up, and stretched.
   "Okay, let's do this."
   We did our essentials, ate, and walked out the door for our final day on set.
   "Nii-Chan!" Ryō waved us over and he got real sheepish pressing his two indexes together.
   "I... I just wanted to say thank you, for yesterday, I really appreciate what you did for me and..." He was getting more nervous and I smiled and patted his head.
   "Don't worry about it, talk to us if you need anything, got it?" I handed him my phone put on contact list.
  "Put your number on it." His eyes lit up and he smiled all wide.
   "THANK YOU!" He types his digits in there and he gave me back my phone and had his arms extended out with phone in hand bowing.
   "PLEASE, ADD YOUR NUMBER IN MINE AS WELL!" I gave off a chuckle.
   "Goof, you don't need to bow to me." I got his phone and held it close in his chest.
   "YES! I GOT MY IDOL'S NUMBER!" My eyes softened at him and smiled. I was watching Ryō being happy and then Lee tapped my shoulder.
   "Saijou-San, Azumaya-San, they're waiting for in set #3."
   "Okay, thanks Lee." He walked away happy saying something on the lines of 'Someone actually remembered my name!' Poor guy, gotta give the dude more props.
   We walked to set and the director greeted us.
   "Saijou-San, Azumaya-Kun, glad you're here. We can finally finish season 1. I'm all about production" He was explaining the scene to us and he just stopped in the middle of the explain to yell at Lee.
   "B-But didn't you tell me 39 minutes ago to drop everything and try to find Saijou and don't come back 'till I do?" The director pinched the bridge of his nose.
   "Um Lee, DID I ASK FOR YOUR BLOODY OPINION?" He stiffened up.
   "Umm, n-no sir."
   "I suggest, if you wanna keep your job," He grabbed his megaphone and turned it own the loudest setting.
   "GET ME A FUCKIN' COFFEE, COLD BREW, EASY ON THE CREAMER, HAZELNUT, ON THE DOUBLE, COME ON, MOVE YOUR ASS! ACT LIKE YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!" My ears were ringing and Lee was crying and people on set crew were comforting him. He talked throw the megaphone again.
    "Oh grow a pair." Lee started headed towards the door to get the rude directors coffee.
   "Oh, and Lee," he stopped and looked at him.
   "Don't get tears in coffee."  He tried holding back tears and excused himself. 
   "Okay, so back to business..." He finished explaining the scene and I got ready for the scene.
"Lights, Camera, Action!" He yelled. Okay, game face Saijou.
"I know you want me Hiro." Ayagi grabbed on to my arm. I looked away all teary eyes.
"I don't know what I want Nastu, the things you do to me, it messes with my head." Ayagi pinned me to the wall he went close to ear and whispered.
"You're speacial, I never felt any attachment towards anyone, I mess with you the same way you mess with me." He pressed his lips on my neck pretending to give me kisses. I fake moaned.
"I don't know how... to feel about you. I'm sorry." We did a fake stuggle and I pushed him away and went out the door and Chunta purposely bumped in to me.
"Oh, h-hey M-Misaki." I got off his chest and he stared down at me as I acted really nervous.
"That," He pointed to the fake hickey on my neck. I lightly feel on it and acted embarrassed.
"Oh t-this, it's nothing." He grabbed my arm and pinned me to a wall. I know that this was in the script but I didn't think he would do it so abruptly. I let out a shaky breath.
"What's up with you, you're acting scary." He looked at me and kissed me suddenly. My eyes were wide open. Damn him being off script. I grazed my lips playing along.
"Why... did do that for?" He was about to kiss me but then leaned back.
"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU, THAT'S WHY!!!" I hitched my breath.
"You, what?" He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me with his intense green eyes.
"I have loved you since we were in Junior High. I thought, if I just stood by you then I could okay but... I want something more Hiro! I..." His voice was starting crack and he started to tear up. I grabbed his face he sunk in a little but pushed my hand away.
"God, you're such an idiot." He got off me and walked away.
   "Cut! Next scene, hurry! Move your arses unless you wanna get fired." It was the next scene and Ayagi and Chunta were in a corridor and Ayagi was was passing by but Chunta stopped him and the glare they gave each other was the one of lions staring each other down. Ayagi smugly put his his hands up and said,
   "Excuse me." He stepped away but Chunta cornered him and had a hard mug on his face.
   "What?" Asked Ayagi with a complacency smile. Chunta glared harder.
   "I know what you did to Hiro, take my advice and leave him alone."
   "Oooooh~ I'm shaking in my boots." He sarcastically said.
   "Look, he's mine, so stay away." Chunta said. Ayagi sneered.
   "What you're doing here, isn't working. Trying to intimidate me with this whole act is kind of out character with the whole nice guy shebang. See that's the difference between me and you, you hope for the best praying for things to turn out your way and I, well I take what I want when I want. Maybe that's why I've done things to him that you wished you can do in your lifetime." Chunta acted to punch him and Ayagi smiled and spat fake blood. 
   "Ha... you like him that much to punch me. I've got my fair share of punches in high school. But I won't loose to you Misaki." Junta started to walk away down the corridor.
   "I won't loose to you either, Nastu." He continued walking and the director yelled.
   "CUT! Okay that's a wrap!"  Indistinct chatter started up about.
   "Now that we're done, let's party!!! Hi Five, first round on me!"(Foot Note: Hi Five is a popular bar in Japan which apparently serves great cocktails) Crew cheered and I got a whole lot of partying ahead of me. Pray to god I don't do anything stupid.

1517 words! (Excluding this outro, & the Foot Note) I feel like subconsciously, I'm making these chapters longer because I'm ready for this to end and start on new stories. Pole suggestion, what do you want Takato's and Ryō's contact names for eachother? I mean cause for my close friends I give them quirky names like my best friends name are saved as Whole Wide World, Mad Scientist, Aurora Borealis, The Ship Has Sailed, and Shrek. Heck, our Group Chat is called 'We, The Trash Kings' So what do you think they should save each other as? Comment below. I have nothing else to say except when they go to Spain for their wedding you guys will get free Spanish lessons from Una Cubana 🥳🤩🥳 so excuse me if my Spanish is not Spain-Spanish. I'd say Cuban language is more influenced on DR and Hatian slang in my opinion but I spent most my life in the states with other Caribbean kids so I can be totally wrong.😬 But tell me Ahora means now and I'll be triggered. It means later, tell me I'm wrong!😤 But anyway, 😳 That's all! Have a swell day.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now