Chapter 33: The Legal Drinking Age is Lowered in Spain Part 2

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"Who was calling you, it seemed urgent." I quickly grabbed my wallet and chugged my final glass and slammed it down.
   "We need to leave." Ayagi grabbed his beach shirt confused.
   "Why are we leaving so soon, I'm still a little tipsy." I grabbed his shoulder and stared at him.
   "It's Ryō." He seemed confused.
"Ryō, what do you mean, what happened?" I was pulling him up and out of here.
   "We need to get out of here. We need to save Ryō!" He stopped in his tracks and I kept pulling on him.
   "Come on Ayagi, we need to go!"
   "What do mean by save, what's happening?" I   became confused.
   "What do you think I mean, Ryō's has been kidnapped by a old man in his white van, lured by his Spanish candies and wine, so let's go!" I started pulling on him but he wouldn't move.
   "How come you're not moving? We need to go and save him." I started pushing him with all my might but no alas.
   "In any other case, I'd be concerned but this, coming from you; I know how you like to over exaggerate, and  overdramatize well, almost everything." I crossed my arms.
   "I don't over exaggerate plus, we don't have time for this! We need to go now move it!" I started pushing him with all my might again and he still wouldn't budge so when he moved out the way I fell flat on my face and it hurt. I started rubbing my pain away, mumbling on how that was uncalled for.
   "I can that you're obviously worried and to be honest, I find it a little funny that you're trying so hard but can you tell me what he said so I can know you're like this?" I grabbed his hands and tried to get him to go.
   "I already told you what happened." He looked at me all skeptical.
   "Do you're saying, that Ryō somehow got kidnapped and is now under some mind messing drug?" I groaned.
   "Yes!" I yelled as I grabbed him.
   "Did he say that man was trying to do things to him." I thought about it and he didn't say anything.
   "B-But I could tell he was under the influence." Ayagi pulled his face.
   "Have you ever thought that we left him in custody of a bar owner, in a bar." I felt really stupid for a moment.
   "B-but he said that there was an old guy, with candy and weird drinks." He pinched the bridge of his nose.
   "Celes is nothing new, and it's not surprising for him to like lemon candies or butterscotch or hard old people candies." All his points really logicial but I want to make sure. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.
"Can we just check up with Celes, please?" He groaned.
   "Okay, call him and put me on the the phone." I nodded and punched in his digits. I held my cell close to my ear in anticipation. He picked and I yelled out,
   "Celes-San!?! It's me Taka-" He automatically hung up and my thoughts of what happened to Ryō seemed more realistic. I became as white as a ghost.
   "What, what happened?" In a quiet voice looking down, I answered.
"He hung up..."
"Here, hand me the phone." I dialed in the digits again and handed him my phone.
"Hello, Hello!" Ayagi yelled at the phone. Celes finally picked up and Ayagi put it on speaker.
"Celes, Celes. Thank you for picking up! Do you know what happened to-" I got interrupted by Celes speaking Spanish.
"No lo sé ummm ¿Japonés?" (I don't know um, Japanese?) I groaned.
"I know you speak Japanese Celes! You talked to me in Japanese earlier this morning!"
"Perdón pero, no entiendo lo que dice." (Sorry but, I don't understand what you're saying) There was a lot of commotion going around on the other line and quickly he said,
"¡Tengo que irme!" (I have to go!) I yelled at the phone for his attention.
"Celes, Celes! Get back here!" He quickly picked up the phone.
"¡Nos Vemos!" (See you!) He then hung up. I yelled out In frustration.
"CELES!" Ayagi grabbed my shoulders.
"Woah Takato, calm down. Let's just get down to the bar and see what's happening and then it'll be appropriate to freak out."
   "Y-yeah, you're right." I quickly grabbed his hand and shouted,
   "¡Andalé!" (Hurry)
   "You've been practicing Spanish?" Ayagi asked.
   "A little bit." I say while running us out the casino.
   "¡Olé!" (A type cheer) Ayagi cheers.
   "What does that mean?" I ask out of breath as we're nearing the car.
   "I don't know. It's Spanish, you tell me." We shared a laugh and buckled up driving towards Mí Colina to see what happened to Ryō.

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now