A Special Thanks to You

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Before Note: Not an actual chapter so you don't have to read if you don't want to, but if you want me to make a fool of myself, then keep reading I guess.

For those who stayed, thank you and oh my gosh! I just think about this book and how much love and support it's got in the time I wrote this. I literally wrote this in May of this year 2020 and I somehow managed like 8.5k views in around half a year. I mean, I had faith in my writing but I never expected for my little story to blow up that fast. I am SO thankful for all the votes and comments, and when someone comments it's makes me so happy you have no idea, I'm grinning like an idiot right now. My mom thinks I'm texting a 'boyfriend', little does she know it's you guys. I'm gladly single btw, I'm high maintenance but that's besides the point, I'm here to thank you!
You guys are the reason I continued this because and tried to maintain some sort of schedule so I don't keep you guys waiting on my story for like 3 months and no one wants that, especially if it's interesting. I don't know how this is coming across but my main message I want to say to guys is that I love and appreciate you guys for giving my story a chance, reading, voting, and commenting it just makes me happy.
This story was a roller coaster, most of the things I wrote in here, I did on a whim. The whole reason I added Spanish was I just thought, 'Hey, Junta's 1/4 Spanish, Takato's in a foreign land, let's make him seem relatable by not knowing Spanish' and with my whole Narumiya arc, I just liked him so I wanted more attention on my baby. Same with Ayagi, I liked him too much to just be a side character and Chunta sometimes I be questioning his actions, that sometime he too rough and who doesn't like a reoccurring rival who has that good character redemption arc. I added too many references for my own good and nobody would understand but me. Like Elio Berhayner was a real person, and Lee being a common name from ATLA, I made a reference to Brandy's song 'That Boy is Mine', and how Trivilo World is a real place in Málaga, along with that gambling place Takato and Ayagi went to. Basically all the places I put in this story are real except Celes's grill and bar. I did a lot of unnecessary research for this story but I feel like it makes a story better but with all that gushy stuff out the way, let's talk business.
First things first, I'm deleting all the non-chapters so it doesn't interfere with the story telling of the book, except for the QnA.
Also, Imma edit all the typos and make it flow nicer after this chapter comes out because I got kind of lazy towards the end, not making time for editing, cause I was more concerned about posting and not making it look nice so that's a thing.
And last announcement, I do plan to make a second book of this, with Narumiya being put in the spotlight
more, maybe some more Lee references but that's not a top priority right now so you'll have to wait for that. And that's pretty much it. I have other books out so read them if you want to. There's a Tododeku book and also a Tododeku oneshot so enjoy.
It's been fun, catch y'all on the flip side. Peace out my peeps.
Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

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