Chapter 16: Forgiveness Part 3

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I toss a little trying to go back to sleep  even though it's well into the morning. Wait- oh no! I sit right up as I'm freaking out that I'm late for work. How come Chunta- A wave of realization hit me as I felt the other side of the bed. I just hoped that it was all a dream but, it wasn't. I am here, in someone else's apartment, hiding from my fiancé. Or, should I even call him that anymore.
   I look around and saw that Ayagi's apartment has a very minimalistic style, like him. I was gonna get ready and ask why Ayagi didn't wake me up sooner but then I smell something good cooking.
   I walk down in the kitchen to see Ayagi with an apron on, making breakfast. He turned around and noticed me.
    "Hello Takato," I yawned and sat on a stool pulled up to the island.
    "Hey Ayagi," He was still working on the meal and I still felt the tension from last night and tried to lift it.
   "I'm... sorry for last night, I was a mess and... I put you in a really awkward situation. And if you hadn't found me, I don't know what I would do. What I really wanted to say was, thank you, for everything. You did so much and I don't deserve this, really." I mentally face palmed. What was that!?! That was so embarrassing! I couldn't even go I couldn't even go 10 words without pausing, or choking on my words! I probably made things worse. I was still freaking out in my head until he spoke.
   "It's fine, I made you breakfast but don't expect this every time you come over." He slid me a plate of tamagoyaki and a fruit bowl. I smiled for the first time since I got here.
"I didn't know you were into cooking." He was cleaning up the pan and sat next to me.
"I'm not, I just wanted to do something nice, that's all. But that's it! This treatment is rare so don't expect it every time you come over. You got it?" I gave off a little laugh and bit into the tamagoyaki. It was way too salty. I was trying not to gag and swallow it.
"Is it good?" He asks. I couldn't hurt my friend's feelings, so I just nodded my head.
"Really? I thought I might've added too much salt." He took a bite and his eyes bulged out of his eyes.
"I guess I did. Well, we can't eat this stuff that I fucked over. You wanna go out to eat?" It sounded nice but I have concerns.
"I want to but we are famous and could get noticed. Plus, we can run into him..." Ayagi put a hand on my shoulder.
"You're still mad at him, aren't you." I took a sigh and my head in my hands.
"The truth is... I'm not even mad." I turned over to him and explained.
"I mean that, I'm not mad that he was mad. The way he handled the situation. I feel like we don't speak. I dunno, it's complicated. Sometimes I feel like in our relationship we move too fast and other times, much too slow. I guess you can say I'm... hurt. I didn't expect him to do that. Do I not show him that I love him! The only reason I don't do coupley things in public, or if we're on set is because being in relationships, especially gay ones you are up for criticism and people don't hire you. I'm like, 'you should know, you're in the show business' " I was explaining my emotions and he patiently heard me out.
   "It just sounds like you two need to talk." He went up and grabbed his phone and sat next to me.
   "I have a confession to make." He then, went and showed me messages from late at night.
   "Look, Azumaya went and messaged me asking your whereabouts. I told him the truth but I told him he can only come here if you want to see him. I advise you guys talk things out but I'm not forcing you to do anything." I took a breath.
   "No, not now anyway. I just need time to think, now that my heads in a better space." He patted my head and took off his apron.
   "Are you sure that you don't wanna go out and eat? I mean, I heard that Chick-Fil-A serves a mean breakfast." He smiled at me and waved his car keys.
   "But doesn't Chick-Fil-A stop serving breakfast at 10:30 AM? He checked his phone.
   "We have time." This is all so sudden.
   "But I'm still in your pajamas," He grabbed my arm.
    "They won't see you in the car, let's go or else they'll stop serving breakfast." He rushed me out of his apartment and into his car.
   We rushed down to Chick-Fil-A and we made it there at 10:17 and Ayagi started ordering.
   "I would like the hash brown scramble burito entree, and Takato what would you like?" I couldn't decide what to eat so I said that Ayagi could chose.
   "Hey lady, what do suggest for my friend here?" He said nonchalantly in the intercom.
   "How slender is friend?" He quickly glanced up and down and me and responded.
    "He'll have a 5 entree with sausage so that will be, 638 yen ($5.97 USD) at the window please." Ayagi gave her his visa and we thanked her.
We went around and parked in the parking lot and he handed me my number 5.
"Wait, you're just gonna park here and eat?" He was in the middle of eating his burrito.
"Umm yeah. Don't worry about it, I have sanitation wipes for when we're done. Now eat up before your food gets cold." I undo the box to reveal a sandwich and I took a bite. My eyes lit up; like this sandwich is really good. He saw me ogling my sandwich.
   "Is it really that good for you to look at it like that?" I took another bite.
   "Well it's my first time here and I didn't expect fast food to taste like this." He laughed.
   "Well, you two should get out more instead of being so stagnate." He said you two, so I guess he's referring to me and Junta. I look down, I'm so confused right now. Ayagi looked over at me.
"Hey, what's wrong? Was it something I said?" I was still looking down.
"I'm confused. I wanna see Chunta but I'm scared. What he'll think, If he's mad, If I hurt him, If he even wants to see me." He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Trust me, he wants to see you. He told me he was looking all over for you. Look, you're a prize gem, and he's an idiot if he can't see that."
"Ayagi," I started to tear up and hug him which was a little awkward due being in a car.
"Thank you for being such a good friend." He shrugged and then smirked.
"Eh, no problem. Plus, I didn't want you to get tears on my seats." I nudged him and laughed.
"Hahaha, Ayagi you're the worst!" He laughed while pushing me off.
"What they're white leather." He continued. We just laughed at how silly were being.
We were back at Ayagi's apartment and I changed into my clothes from last night, washed thanks to Ayagi. He was on the couch looking through his phone. I sat next to him.
   "Hey," I had my knees to my chest and relaxed my head on my knees.
   "Hey," Ayagi replied.
   "So umm, thank you for washing my clothes from last night. I'm so indebted." I feel like I can't say thank you enough.
   "Don't worry about it, I already had a load of of dark clothes in the wash so I just put them in." He continued to scroll on his phone, not paying any mind.
    "So, how come we didn't have work today?"
    "My manager called and said some intern, um Lee dropped the camera and they didn't have a replacement for when the film got caught." It was silent for awhile but I still tried to make conversation.
   "So uhh-"
   "I see that you're trying to distract yourself from what's been on your mind, so tell me." He's right, I've thinking about what I should do this whole time.
   "I... I want to see Chunta again. I wanna apologize." He put down his phone.
   "What do you wanna apologize for? You did nothing wrong." He asked.
   "I could've handled the situation better, we both could've handled the situation better. I wanna see him, tonight." He let out a sigh.
   "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I smiled at him.
   "Positive." He casually tossed his phone at me.
   "Here you go, you can text him saying you're going home." I nodded my head.
   I believe texting this message to Chunta was one of the hardest things I did in my life. My fingers becoming heavy with doubt. Without looking I sent him the message.

Ayagi Chirio
Read at 17:53 (5:53 pm)
-This is Takato, I'm coming home

   1554 words! (Excluding this outro) Be prepared for next chapter, It's gonna be good! Also, when I have my 'Forgiveness Saga' over Imma do stuff with Narumiya because, he's my fav! And I can't wait to write my final chapters because my story is halfway to 3/4ths done. It's been nice. Anyway, Peace out my peeps.
   Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang