Chapter 14: Forgiveness

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"Goodbye Chunta." I walked away and say he didn't pursue me but looked at the keychain and I went to the elevator and just getting out this place.
I pick the lobby button and I go down. The doors open up and I walk out of the lobby and reached for my phone in my back pocket. It wasn't there! 'Dammit me! My phone is still up with Chunta! It's not like I can go back up there and get it. I'll look like an idiot!' I mentally faced palmed myself for not being smart and grabbing my phone and wallet. Ah shit, Chunta will notice and will think that I'll comeback and get my stuff and then he'll corner me. Well jokes on you Chunta, I'm rich I can get a new phone and just cancel my visa. All I have to do is call Sasaki-San and- yeah, that's right. I don't have my phone so I can't call him. I've been to his house plenty of times. I'm sure I can remember how to get there. I stand up straight, determined, Amazing! 'I'm Takato Sajou, winner of multiple awards, including an Oscar for 'best actor in foreign film', I was voted 5 years in a row for #1 most huggable man in all Japan! I don't need Junta in my life and I can sure as well find Sasaki's house without any help.' I'm done gassing myself up and march in no certain direction in hopes of finding Sasaki's home.

After an hour and a half of walking I have come to the realization that I am completely loss. I would ask about Sasaki'-San's information, but the only people who would know his information is the people I have saved contacts on, on. my. phone! This is really aggravating that I don't have my phone with me nor wallet so even if I see a hotel, I can't go and rent a room. I continued to keep on walking because that's all I could do was walk. I'm surprised that no one has noticed me yet. I get tired and sat down on a bench near a bus stop. I just sulk at how unprepared I was and how I left behind two valuables. After some time, I hear a car stop and I yell at it.
"Can you stop any louder? I'm trying to mope here!" The car window opened and said.
"Takato?!?" Wait, that voice, It can't belong to who I think.
"Ayagi? What are you doing here?" He put car in park and got out.
    "You're by a near convenience store. More importantly, what are you doing here?" I averted my eyes.
    "I don't wanna talk about it."
    "Did you have a fight or something?" I just huffed and crossed my arms. Ayagi gave out an aggravated sigh.
    "Uggh, I don't have time for this just; I'm getting snacks so when I'm done we can talk about it at my house, or are you still gonna sit on your ass and pout like child?" I'm offended, but what other choice do I have? I followed him into the convenience store, feeling the cool A.C on me giving me a chill.
   "Do you want anything Takato?" I shook my head no and he went into the chip section leaving me awkwardly alone near the clerk. He came back with flavored corn chips and two snapples and got up to pay.
   He paid for his stuff and we went back to his car and drove to his house.
   "I got you a drink, I don't care if you said you didn't want anything because I don't want you to drink my snapple. Plus, you like shit." He hands me the drink while still keeping his eyes on the road and I shyly took a sip.
    We finally reached his apartment and it was the total opposite side of where I lived. He reached for his card key and opened the door. I reluctantly went inside and took off my shoes. He looked back at me.
"I won't bite." He joked. I turned my head away and his eyes softened a bit.
"Are you ready to talk about it?" I was trying to hold back the tears remembering the fight I had with Chunta. Ayagi went up and hugged me and I started to cry uncontrollably. After awhile my cries hushed down. I sniffled and looked up at Ayagi. Caringly he said.
   "Take a bath, you look terrible. I'll find some pajamas for you to wear." He got off of me and started to walked off.
   "By the way, the bathroom's down the hall, you cam't miss it." I just stood there for a bit before walking to his bathroom and started the water.
    I took off my clothes and got into the nice warm water. I was left alone with my thoughts and just they started to replay the fight with Chunta. This isn't the first time we had a fight but we never had one this big before. I have never yelled at him like that, ever! Am I the bad guy here. Uggh I shouldn't be thinking about him. I don't need him in my thoughts right now. I'm just wondering if Ayagi haven't of  found me. He's a good friend. I have to treat him to something when this whole situation is over. Minutes were passing by and every second my thoughts were keep escaping to him and I don't need that. I don't need him.
   "Takato, I got you some clothes that I hope will fit."
    "Thanks." I got up and dried myself and got dressed in his clothes. I got out the bathroom and Ayagi was on the couch.
"So are you ready to talk about it now?" I sat on the couch, crossed my arms, averting my arms, and letting pride take a hold of me.
"It's was nothing of your concern." He glared at me.
"Really, if it was nothing then why would you cry so much about it!" My eyes were blood shot. His words hit me like a bullet.
"I-It's stupid, nothing really happened, I don't care anymore." I got more nervous as Ayagi started to pry. He uncrossed my arms and held them in his hands.
"You're not telling me the whole situation Takato, tell me what happened." He just kept looking at me and I got irritated and yelled at him.
"ME AND JUNTA GOT IN A REALLY BAD FIGHT OKAY!" His glare softened and he let go off my hands.
"Takato..." I turned away from him.
"It's not like I care now. I'm over him, I don't care what happens to me. My hearts already broken." Ayagi let out a growl and grabbed me tightly on my shoulders, reminding me of... him.
"How can you say that..." I couldn't hear him well.
"Speak up please," He gripped on my shoulders tighter and yelled at me.
"W-what?" I was so confused.
"You say how you don't care about what happens to you but don't you see where you are?" He let go of my shoulders and hunched over looking down.
"I don't know what you mean?" He exploded at me.
"OF COURSE YOU DON'T, YOU DENSE FUCK!" He let out a breath.
"Do you know how hard to it is to have a person you really like so close to you? Hell, it hurt me that you said that you didn't care what happens to you, idiot!" Ayagi pushed me down on the couch. I know what he's trying to do. I moved my head giving him more access to my neck.
"Do it." I know what I'm doing is wrong but at this point, I don't care. I just want to, even for a little bit, just forget about him.

1321 words! (Excluding this outro) We start off the 'next season' with a bang! Do you think Takato going to really want to cheat on Junta with Ayagi? Did you like the secret surprise that was a shocker. (Was it really a shocker?) What do you think will happen next. Remember, I post every Monday on this one. Also, check out the other story I made. It's a Tododeku ❤️💗💚 and after my shameless self promotion, Peace out my Peeps.
Adiós, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu