Chapter 30: Speak Now, or Forever Hold your Peace

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Everything was coming together for our wedding and we were in the garden's placebo having a coffee with mí abuelo, Taka-Darling making the invitations. He's so good at this.
"Chunta, is there anyone else you'd like to invite before I'm done?" I thought for a moment.
"Did you invite Julio Mitsudani?" He checked his list,
"I did."
"Did you also invite his his brother, Romio, oh and Tomio Torimachi!" He was still decorating the cards.
"Yes, I've also invited Totaka-San as well."
"And the R.S.V.P?" He's face became unamused.
"I didn't know you were interested in the food, because we've been too worried to find a venue and decorations." I went over and hugged him.
"I think you're just worrying too much, take a break, you deserve one. I mean, you've barely touched the coffee in front of you." Abuelo then started to speak up.
"Oh, leave him be. I mean if it wasn't for for him, you wouldn't have the motive to live like you do." I just laughed. Then I heard someone cleared his throat so I looked to see Tonio. I just glared up at him.
   "What do you want?" He nervously scratched the back of his head.
   "I-I asked your grandfather if I could come here." I looked back at him and he continued to sip his coffee and read the newspaper.
   "You kids should talk things out, leaving yourself on a bad note after such hiatus is kind of cruel, no?" Tonio looked at me and I just stared.
   "Can talk to you privately for a moment?" I crossed my arms and spoke in Spanish so Takato doesn't need to know about this.
   "¿Por qué, para que puedas trates de dormir conmigo?" (Why, so you can try to sleep with me?) He looked really bad and started twiddling his fingers. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
   "I have nothing to say to you." Antonio was walking away and mí abuelo angrily set down his newspaper.
   "I suggest that you apologize to him right now." I was resisting the urge to yell at him.
   "Though I did nothing wrong." He looked at me dead in the eyes.
   "He had something to say to you and I suggest you listen to him." I balled up my fist in anger before letting it all go. I took a breath.
   "Si, Abuelo." I went up and stopped him by the stairs, grabbing his arm.
   "Wait!" He looked at he and immediately started to grovel at his feet repeating,
   "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" He started grabbing onto me and I groaned.
   "I didn't mean for you to get upset at me!" I got mad and yelled at him.
   "Then what DID you expect from me! We're teenagers anymore Tonio..." He looked at me with heart shattered eyes and I groaned.
   "Get up, you look pitiful like that." He immediately got up and brushed his knees. I could feel that he was getting more nervous. I pulled on my face.
   "Look Tonio, I still care about you. I know I left abruptly and, that must've made you sad and I should've said something. But I came back because I felt comfortable coming back, to show all the things I did, to show I got my life together." He looked away from me while choking out words.
"I... I wanted to say sorry... again for that night. It was selfish of me to ask, let alone ask to an engaged man. I was just so astonished that you changed that much in your life without me, it felt like almost as if, you didn't need me at all." He started shaking.
"That's not true Tonio, you were my only friend out here even though I kept to myself. The kids were so mean and you scared them away remember?" He started to rub his eyes.
"Yeah, I would scare them away with my amazing muscles." He started to smile and I got a pleasant memory.
"And hehe, that's how you got the nickname 'Bull' cause people would've swore you saw red when you're angry." He smirked
" 'Cause they would make fun of you by doing that stupid pulling on eye thing, how did that chant go?" I sat down on the stairs and looked up at the sky.
"I don't know what those kids said with the slanting of their eyes saying some Chinese, Japanese, type stuff." He sat down next to me.
"You know, It's a little different, seeing you with that niña. I can't respect that he straightened you out like this, but I do like how you've changed." We were embracing the silence for a while, enjoying the light breeze. It was a minute or so before I broke the silence, telling him,
"You know my offer still stands to be best man. If you still want you to be it." He got really excited.
"Does that mean we're good now?" I had my arms out,
"Bring it here." He excitedly hugged me. We stayed like that for a second or two and he let go.
"Come on, let's go tell mí abuelo that we've made up. He might have my throat otherwise wise." He got up and excitedly said,
"¡Vámonos!" I got up and we walked back to the the garden and Takato was done with our cards, now sipping coffee, holding a conversation with mí abuelo.
"Oh, it looks like you guys have made up." Said Abuelo now probably on his third glass. I smiled.
"Yes we've made up and now he's officially my best man." Abuelo got up and congratulated Tonio.
"Congratulations Tonio, I'm sure he made the right decision." He gave me a death glare while saying that, so I'm wondering if that was somehow directed at me.
"Okay guys, let's finish up our coffee break, and then after bar hours we can watch one of my Grandson's and Grandson to be movies." We all started to clean up the table and heading back to the bar.

1003 words! (Excluding this outro, and translations) I'm super tired, but I got it finished today, even though it's a couple hours late. 😣 Sorry guys but school is taking up my time, cause I do my homework and try to finish this on weekends but things happened where I couldn't work on it so yeah... But I am COMMITTED! And I'll try to get these chapters done. That's all, so peace out my peeps.
Adíos, ¡Hasta Luego!

A Little too Realistic Acting Role [Junta x Takato ]Where stories live. Discover now