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PLAY:Agar tum saath ho by Alka Yagnik and Arijit Singh

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PLAY:Agar tum saath ho by Alka Yagnik and Arijit Singh.
(Naina and Kabir's picture above)
Today was the day of funeral.Me,Veer and Rehaan along with Aarav had planned out everything.
Aarav was not really the same.It was difficult for him to cope up with the situation,but then I guess he deserves his time for mourning over this loss.
Now,I was on my way to pick Naina from the airport.I wonder how Naina might have taken the news.I had called her friend Tanya to watch on her before telling Naina everything.I didn't want her to be alone at all. Tanya had assured me that she will take care of Naina.She was even coming along with her in the private plane that I had arranged to get them here.
Naina has this strange habit of bottling up her emotions.
She wont let people see what was going on in that tiny brain of her.Its like,one moment you see an emotion in her eyes and the next moment it goes blank and then you never get to know what she's going through.I know its going to be tough to handle her now because she loved Viraat bhai and Ratee bhabhi a lot.
She would always fight with Aarav over things like how he would not let her go to her friend's place for night stay and stuff and then she would go to Viraat bhai and complain about it.
Viraat bhai always treated her like a princess.He would always scold Aarav infront of everyone for annoying Naina.
I reached the Airport and was soon walking towards the area where my plane attendant was standing.Naina hadn't come outside yet.
Then,I saw her getting out of the plane with Tanya trailing back.She was wearing blue jeans with my hoodie that I left at her apartment in New York when I went there 2 months back to check on my office branch there.Her long hair were put up in a messy bun
And her face was the same-EMOTIONLESS.
She walked towards me and I pulled her into a hug as soon as she was right infront of me.
This was the first time when she didn't wrap her arms around me.This was more then enough for me to guess her state of mind.
She was broken and she hadn't cried yet.
I greeted Tanya and decided to give Naina some time.I put my arm around her shoulder and started walking her outside to the car.We were followed by Tanya and one of the staff members of the plane who was carrying their luggage.I had already made sure that the media doesn't bothers us in airport.They were already difficult to manage since they received this news.Veer's connections had helped a lot to keep them away.
I opened the backseat door for Tanya to sit and then opened the door of passenger seat for Naina and she got inside quickly.I went to my side and then looked at Naina who was sitting with her head connected to the window.She was just silently looking outside.I leaned in towards her side and pulled out the seat belt.She turned towards me and I looked at her with concern.
Naina-I am fine huh Bir?
It was more of a question then a statement so I just smiled sadly looking into her eyes.
Kabir-You are fine Naina.
She nodded and I started driving and not even once she looked towards me.I narrated her everything about how Aarav and Raahat got married but the entire ride she was looking outside and listening silently.She needed to cry so I thought maybe once she's home with her family members she will cry.
We reached the Raichand Mansion and I removed her seat belt carefully.I opened the door for Tanya and then for Naina.She came out and then we walked inside.She was hugged by Aunti,Uncle and many other of her extended family members and I was waiting for her tears to come out but they didn't.When Aarav hugged her,She hugged him back and patted his shoulder.Maybe she was trying to stay strong for everyone else.I brought her to the room where Raahat and Vihaan were already present.
Aunty and Mrs.Verma said that Vihaan should not see anything in the funeral as he is a child and it will put a bad impact on him.Vihaan was laying on the bed.Naina walked to Vihaan and Raahat.
Raahat's eyes were red,tired and swollen.
Naina gently ran her hand through Vihaan's hair and then kissed him on his forehead.She stood up and then pulled a crying Raahat into hug and patted her back softly.
Her face was still void of any emotions.

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