Rd: "Applejack listen to me!" I yelled back while placing both my hands on her shoulder. "Stop yelling please.. It will affect our child.."

Aj: "It wont matter anymore if her mother will not be there!"

Rd: "Applejack Im not gonna die goddammit! I love you so much and Im not gonna leave you.. Understand?"

Aj: "If you do love me.. Then stay! Let's just call the cops to make sure Fluttershy's safe."

Rd: "Baby, you know Im a woman of loyalty, I need to be there to protect her!"

Aj: "Screw this whole loyalty crap! Your ex doesn't need your help! I think you still love her and that's why-"

Rd: "APPLEJACK! I dont love her anymore.. Why would you think that?" I asked while even more tears form in my eyes.

Aj: "I- Im so sorry.."

Rd: "Screw this.." I muttered before running up to our closet to grab my shirt since Im not wearing one.

I immediately wore it and grabbed a baseball bat in the corner, still ignoring Applejack's sobs which was hard for me to see or hear.

Aj: "Rainbow.. Please dont leave, stay!"

Rd: "I.. I need to do this Applejack, I promise I'll come back for you. " I replied after opening our bedroom door.

When I slowly turned around, I saw my lover falling to her knees while she continued crying. As mush as I hate to leave her, I still need to protect my friends even though Im in this condition.

Rd: "I love you Applejack.. Dont worry anymore please? I'll fix this." I lastly said with a forced smile before closing the door.

Guilt was still overthrowing my body as I walk halfway down the stairs but nothing will stop me from saving my friends.

My arm still has the same unbearable pain from before, my vision was slightly blurry and anger was raging inside of me.

I then grabbed my phone on the desk and immediately dialed the number I needed the most for this moment.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Rd: "Flash, it's me Rainbow."

"Dash your awake! You okay? I heard all about the incident at the mall."

Rd: "No Im not f*cking okay Sentry. I need your help!"

"On what?"

Rd: "I need you to help me protect Fluttershy in her place, I know she's being targeted right now."

"In her old house?"

Rd: "Yeah please hurry up! Im on my way now."

"Want me to bring my team with me?"

Rd: "Its up to you loser just please hurry up!"

"On it, we're on our way."

As soon I ended the call, I quickly grabbed my car keys and ran to my car, starting the engine afterwards.

Rd: "Come on you piece of sh*t, work already!"

After the car finally started to work, I stepped on the gas pedal and made my way to Fluttershy's place which was a 10 minutes drive from her.

I know the exact way to her place since I've been there to sometimes make out with her in the past but that's not the point! I need to save her before Rarity could even touch her.

But I was still guilty for leaving and making Applejack even more worried. She's pregnant with our child and Im worried something bad will happen is she continues this..

Wait- If she knows about Rarity being alive, does that means.. She knew what did she made me do? Is this why she told me Im still in love with my ex? This whole thing is literally making Applejack freak out.. And I need to stop this.

While I was still driving with the full speed limit, I noticed that my phone was constantly being ringed everytime Twilight and Applejack calls me.
As soon I made it to Fluttershy's place, I immediately stepped out of the car, bringing the baseball bat with me. Minutes later, I heard police sirens coming this way, making me turn around to see a police car parking behind my car.

Fs: "Dash! You okay?" Flash worriedly asked while stepping out of the car.

"You okay ma'am?" Another cop asked.

Rd: "Im fine! T-that's Fluttershy's house." I yelled back, flicking my finger to point to a flower filled house in the distance.

"On it, check the surroundings rookie." The other cop asked after grabbing the gun in his holster.

Fs: "On it sir." Flash agreed while grabbing her tazer gun from the police car.

Flash then slowly approached the house as he tightened his grip on the gun. But something's odd, the house seemed to be empty and dark inside.

As soon Flash made it to the doorstep, he immediately kicked the door to bust it open, pointing his tazer gun around to defend himself in case an attack happen.

Fs: "A-all clear captain!"

"Great, check the bedroom, I'll search downstairs. "

Rd: "How about me?!"

"You stay here young lady, use that bat of yours in case anything bad happens."

Rd: "B-but!"

"Dont refuse police's orders. Let's move Flash." He lastly replied before walking into the kitchen.

Flash on the other hand slowly walked upstairs as he was tasked to do.

The odd thing is Fluttershy would have been heard the cops bust in her house right now but.. Why isn't she showing herself yet?


"B A N G !"

A gunshot was heard inside the rooms, which made me scream in fear.

"Flash? You okay? Answer me cadet!" The captain yelled before running upstairs.

I couldn't barely help myself so I quickly followed the captain inside. But as soon I made it to front of one of the rooms, the first thing I saw was blood coming out of the door.

"Hey you! Why are you in here?"

Rd: "I-I heard a gunshot!"

"Didnt I told you to stay away from here?!"

Rd:"Im sorry sir but where's Flash? Did you see fluttershy?!"

"Not yet.." He responded, placing his hand on the door knob.

But after he opened the door, my eyes widened in shock when I saw-

Rd: "Oh my god Flash!"

"Crap! Cadet.." The captain yelled in shock, running towards him to check his pulse..

"He's.. Dead.."

"Final shot at love: The Unknown User" |Appledash Fanfic| Book 3Where stories live. Discover now