2: Windfall's Birthday Special

Start from the beginning

she's spacey all the time, and when you ask her what's wrong she would give plain, boring replies.

she clasped both her hands and smiles, "Happy Birthday, Master Roro. Enjoy the feast."


20XX, 21: 58



after dinner, cross offered (y/n) help. she look rather graceful and nodded, now, we were in our favorite room with alcoholic beverages placed in front of us. 

"it's either accept the dare, answer the truth or chug the crap?" killer asks and we nod, his brows furrowed. "we're low on those! we'll get drunk in hours!"

dust chimes, smiling. "are ya afraid of it?"


error growls, annoyed. "wHo heRE hAs HiGh aLcOHol tOlERaNCe?"

all of us stayed silent, it seemed none of us were used on alcoholic crap. 

to lessen the heavy atmosphere, i decided to change the topic by asking, "where's night, by d'way?"

killer shrugs, looking away. "nowhere. said he's not in the mood for anythin'"

bummer that skeleton, the bad oman here. he's super killing the mood anytime he sees the chance.

we hear footsteps coming in, sure enough, it was (y/n) and cross, who look happy as before and joined us after in the table.

"sooo," cross hums, raising a brow. "what did we miss?"

(y/n) examines the table, frowning. she has been with these eh? the drinks were from a different grillby's, eh, dust's words.

she seems to understand what was going on and she took the honor to explain, why, dust suck at explaining, don't let anybody tell you any different.

cross eyes the girl next to her, smile faltering. "are you joining?"

she shakes her head. "Someone had to stay sober, I guess."

"i'm quite sure monster beverages has little effect on humans." dust winks. liar.

all of us shrugged, leaving (y/n) doubting dust's words. she has good guts, for a human at least.

she eyed him, brows furrowing. "I think I'll be fine staying sober, thanks."

with that, he shakes his head. he's quite dumbfounded, heh, jackass.

"let's get this done." killer chimes, bored. we all nodded and cross already had a bottle with him, that guy, where did he even get that?

as the bottle spins, it landed on error, which annoyed him further and rolls his eyes. without further ado, he says, "tRuTh."

cross, who was in charge of the bottle, smiles and asks. "is it true that you and blue are friends?"

error eyed him, as if saying he'll kill him on the spot. somehow, jaws drop and some chantering came from us.


"what?!" dust chimes, confuse. "how?"

error groans. "wHeN i CapTurE—"

"you captured him before?!" now, killer was the one who asks and error cracks his neck, seemingly piss.

"yEs, YoU iDioT."

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