Chapter 13

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Mark woke up cold and uncomfortable. He grimaced when he looked for Jack and swung himself out of bed. He went downstairs to look for the man, but was unable to locate him. For once, he realized, he was awake before Jack, which was a weird sensation. He wasn't quite sure what to do with himself, but he started by making himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. He took it back upstairs into his office, playing around a bit before starting to work. A while later Jack poked his head in and said good morning, but that was it. It was still awkward between the two, and Mark wasn't really sure what he could do about it. He figured Jack had really forgiven him, but was still in a strange mindset with Anti.

The majority of the day they spent working as a scapegoat, eating separately and keeping to themselves. It felt shitty to both of them, but neither was sure how to work through it. Mark spun in his desk chair with his hand on his chin, thinking. He wanted to make it up to Jack, even if he had forgiven him, because it hurt him to know that Jack might be in pain. He decided on dinner, he wanted to make them a surprise meal of some sort. At first he planned to just make their kitchen table look nice, until he had the idea to make a picnic. He knew Jack loved the outdoors, and he did as well, so he quietly made spaghetti using some of the fresh ingredients they had bought yesterday and packed a small meal for them to take outside. He wanted to go and sit under the tree Jack had shown him.

He couldn't find a basket to carry it all in however, so he put everything in plastic containers and took a towel from his bathroom and brought it himself to the spot. It was still early in the evening and the light glistened through the trees, and he began to grow excited thinking about Jack's face when he saw all of it. He hoped it would make him happy, and that maybe he would get that cute, childish smile on his face. Mark shook the smile from his own face and looked over his work, it was quaint looking in a sort of hand made but heartfelt way. It definitely wasn't perfect, but he thought it would do.

He walked briskly back to the house and accidentally banged open the back door, causing Jack to pop up around the top of the stairs and look down curiously. Mark beamed up at him.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art though Romeo?" Mark called up to him. A smile spread across Jack's face and he started laughing.

"I think it's supposed to be the other way around."

"What do you mean?"

"Isn't Juliet supposed to be on the balcony?"

"Actually I think she's supposed to be in my arms." Mark smirked at him and winked. Jack blushed lightly and made his way down the stairs. He swayed over into Mark's arms and looked into his eyes playfully.

"Did you just call me a girl?"

"Maybe. But whatever you are, I love you." Jack's fingers curled against his chest. He hummed in agreement and leaned in, smoothly pressing their lips together and passionately kissing him. He let all the longing he had built up throughout the day flow out. Mark's tongue slipped into Jack's mouth, causing Jack to hold back a laugh that just ended up coming out as a moan. Mark gripped at his side and pushed in closer to him before regaining his thoughts and pulling apart. Jack pouted at him while breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, but I have to show you something." Jack looked questioningly into his eyes, but Mark just gave him a lopsided smile and grabbed him around the wrist.

He tugged him out the back door, with only minor protests, and into the woods. Jack looked at him funnily when he saw where they were headed, but Mark ignored it. He smiled uncontrollably and slowed down as they approached the spot. He watched Jack's face closely, wanting to catch the first emotion on his face once he realized what was going on. It was worth it too, even if he did almost run into a tree and make Jack laugh at him, because then he turned his head and a small gasp left his lips. It looked even more surreal the second time and Mark was proud of the effort he had put in. Jack stopped and covered his mouth with both hands, then turned to Mark and laughed in surprise.

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