Chapter 6

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He returned to Mark before he woke up, and even though the sun had rose long ago he expected still for Mark to remain asleep for a while longer. When Mark did wake up, he would have no idea of what had gone on that night, or so Dark hoped.

It was around noon when Mark finally awoke and he was glad to have wasted some of the time he would inevitably spend waiting around for Jack to come over. He knew he needed to get some work done too, however, and for that he promptly got out of bed and dressed himself. He walked into the kitchen and stretched, popping his back. He dug around in his pantry and grabbed a single protein bar from the back of a shelf then took his breakfast of champions into his office and sat down in his chair, leaning back and biting into the bar.

The first thing he did was check twitter on his computer, texting Jack on the side. Jack made fun of him for waking up so late and it made him smile despite himself. He pulled up his email and quickly scanned his inbox, groaning as he saw one from the bank. He shook his head and closed the browser, resolving to deal with that at a later date.

Once he was all caught up he began to record. His videos for today were already set to go up, but he knew how crucial it was for him to stay on his recording schedule. He sat there for a few hours, getting as much done as he could until he decided he needed a break or he would go out of his mind.

He took the time to make himself some coffee and watch whatever he could find on T.V., which usually ended up being something on Food Network. He suffered through an episode of Chopped that he had seen ten times already until he couldn't stand it anymore and got up from the couch. He paced about his apartment, wondering what to do until Jack came. He figured he could probably stock up on candy and junk food and make sure everything was situated for later, so he left the house and walked down to the nearest grocery store.

The nearest grocery store was a Publix just down the street. He walked there and grabbed a basket on his way in. He knew exactly what row to go to- third from the left held all the chips, and the one next to it the sweets. He threw a big bag of Hot Cheetos in and some of his favorite potato chips, then moved to the next aisle. He dropped a bag of M&M's in and all the candy he knew Jack loved, debating whether or not he would be in the mood for Oreos tonight. He ultimately decided yes and moved on to the drinks.

He grabbed a case of sparkling waters and paused next to the alcohol. Of course, he couldn't have any since he was deathly allergic, but he couldn't remember if he had any beers left in the fridge for Jack. He thought he could remember seeing more in the very back and so decided to leave them out this time. He walked down the toy isles to see if there was anything he could use for future videos, but nothing was too interesting and he kept going. He walked over to the big bins of half-priced movies by check out and dug around for a moment, pulling out the first one he found that looked semi-good.

He walked up and down the check out lanes, turning into the first one he found that was empty. The lady behind the register looked over to him and smiled brightly as he unloaded his items onto the counter. She had short blonde hair and seemed to be having fun at her job, even if it was barely above minimum wage.

"You planning on eating all this on your own, because I won't judge. We've all been there," she said, beginning to scan his items. Mark smiled shyly and shook his head.

"No, unfortunately."

"They're very lucky then." Mark laughed warmly, making the cashier's face light up.

"Yeah, he is." Her eyebrow edged up slightly, smile slowly widening as she nodded.

"What's his name?"

"Jack." Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, sliding out a 50 dollar bill and setting it next to the card reader. He ducked his head as she took it from him and handed him the change back.

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