Chapter 9

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When Jack woke up it was to the doorbell ringing. They rarely had visitors and so Jack was immediately confused and stumbling to his feet. He wiped at his eyes desperately as he tried not to fall down the stairs in an attempt to make it to the door. Of course, once he got to the door he was significantly less worried, because who else would be at his house but Mark. He opened the door and smiled tiredly. Mark put a hand over his mouth and giggled.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but its fine."

"You know its past noon?"

"Is it?" Jack paused. "I wouldn't know- because I just woke up." He looked pointedly at Mark, who shrugged innocently. Jack realized he hadn't let Mark in yet and moved to the side, allowing him to pass.

"I didn't mean to intrude. I was just wondering where you were and I wanted to bring some stuff over, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, of course. But for right now, I'm not ready to do anything." Jack walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water, Mark walked in and stood behind him. "Want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good." Jack quickly put some bread in the toaster and made himself some buttered toast to eat. Mark followed him to the kitchen table and seated himself on the other side.

"This is what all our morning's are gonna look like in a few days," Jack said between bites.

"It's not even morning." Jack grinned goofily at him.

"What's your point?" Mark shook his head, looking down at his hands.

"Did you have a good night? Anti's all good now?" He looked up at Jack.

"Uh, yeah," Jack said, averting his eyes. He didn't want to worry Mark with the fact that he had been working into the late hours of the night. "And I don't really know, it just seems like something's off with him."

"He'll sort himself out. He always does." Distress shone though Jack's eyes.

"What if he doesn't have enough time?" Mark froze, his mouth closing slowly as he swallowed. Suddenly Jack stood up and picked up his plate. "Alright, alright. Enough of that, I wanna show you your room." Jack put his plate and glass in the sink and took Mark upstairs. At the top he turned right, down the hallway away from his and Anti's rooms. He led Mark into the closest one, soon to be his bedroom. The room was fairly wide, but held only a set of drawers and a queen bed. It was plain compared to Mark's current bedroom, but that would be easily changed once he simply transferred everything over. He walked in and spun around in awe.

"It's perfect, Jack. I can't wait to decorate it- can I do that?"

"Of course, you dork. I'll fuckin' help you, it needs some life in it." Mark turned to Jack, who still stood in the doorway, and beamed at him.

"Now I'm really excited." Jack laughed.

"Me too, but come on I wanna show you one other thing." He walked into the last room, which was completely empty as Jack had moved the bed out of it sometime in the past few days.

"This can be where you record," he said, looking to Mark for approval. Mark's face lit up.

"Seriously? It's amazing, thank you!" Mark, overwhelmed with happiness, stepped forward and pulled Jack into a hug. Jack chuckled and wrapped his arms around Mark as well.

"I'd do anything for ya' buddy." Mark broke the hug and grabbed Jack by the arm.

"Let's get the stuff I brought," he said excitedly. The two ran down the stairs and out to Mark's car. He had brought over a few boxes of stuff he didn't think he would need to survive. When they walked back in another met them in the front hallway, an unreadable look on his face.

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