Chapter 8

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Anti paced back and forth restlessly on the bank of the same lake he had a few nights earlier. He had been there all day, wanting to just be alone, but now he had begun to grow tired of it. He wanted to leave, but didn't know where to go, nor what to do. He still didn't want to face Jack yet, and it frustrated him to the point where he actually clipped a few pieces of his hair off by accident while tugging at it. He turned and swung at the closest tree trunk, pounding his fist into the wood and crying out at the same time. He paused for a moment and listened to the sound of his heavy breathing. Within the second another sound joined it, however. The subtle shifting of air just barely sounded in his ears, only able to hear it because of his heightened sense of hearing and the way the water carried it.

He turned around slowly, hand still resting on the tree and face angled downward, his greasy hair falling over his eyes in spears. On the bank of the lake opposite of him landed the familiar figure. Anti groaned lowly, gradually transforming it into a loud growl. Dark remained unmoving on the other side, a glowing pink silhouette backed only by the stars.

"You don't know," Dark said, the sound traveling across the water and reaching Anti's acute ears.

"Know what? Of course I know," Anti said, eyes flashing angrily. Dark surged forward and flew across the lake at a high speed, coming straight for Anti. Anti took a step backwards despite himself and watched Dark land a few paces away from him.

"You're aware, then, that Mark is moving in with you?" He said menacingly. All the muscles in Anti's body tightened at the words, and even more so at the implications that came along with it. Dark laughed at him and moved in closer. He reached a hand outwards to tuck back a stray piece of Anti's hair, but Anti's own hand snapped forward and stopped it midair. "Oh, you poor thing. And to think- it never even occurred to Jack to ask you about it." He took a tantalizing steps forward, bringing himself even closer to the other, so that he could feel his cool breath. "But that's your fault, isn't it?" Anti remained quiet and stared pointedly into a spot on his chest, avoiding his eyes entirely. Dark grabbed Anti's limp arm by the wrist and lifted it up until it was even with their shoulders, then slid his fingers in between his and clamped them overtop his hand. "You know what that means, don't you?"

In a sudden burst of energy, Anti yanked from Dark's grip and took off on two feet into the woods as fast as he could. He slid through mud puddles and flung tree branches back behind him, knowing full well that Dark was right on his tail. He twisted about, pumping his legs and letting short bursts of air out through his nose. The night around him whizzed by and the air pressed against his face, cooling him from the heat of running.

An outcropping of grass opened before them, leading them to burst from the tree line and tear through the patch. Flowers ripped beneath them and floated upwards in confetti-like pieces, littering the air around their faces. Anti took a glance behind him and met the angry pink gaze of Dark a foot or two back. He faced forward again quickly and pushed himself even harder to move faster. He glided back into the trees and leapt over a fallen tree, a small grin of excitement crossing his face for a split second before hardening once more into concentration.

Asleep at home, both Mark and Jack groaned and turned restlessly in their bed. Jack dreamt he was being chased that night, and Mark dreamt he was chasing someone, but neither knew why.

Anti gulped down air and swerved desperately, then grabbed onto a thick branch nearest to his head. He gripped it tightly and swung himself around, landing skillfully on top of the same branch and moving off of it again within the span of a second. He propelled himself to the top of the tree and crawled out onto the edge of a branch before hopping over to the next tree and the next. Dark ran beneath him, chin to the sky so that he could follow his movements precisely. As Anti jumped to the next tree, however, Dark jumped up and wrapped his wings steadfast around him and the two plummeted to the ground. Dark took the brunt of the fall and unfurled his wings, allowing Anti to roll off of him and onto his back beside him.

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