Chapter 2

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As night took over the sky once again Jack walked back into his home. It was dark and quiet and even having lived there for a few years he still felt slightly on edge alone at night in the place. The only light remaining in the house flowed dimly from the kitchen. The soft tap of his feet on the hardwood floor echoed after him as he made his way around the house. He found himself standing at a large window overlooking the land to the back of the property. A chill passed from his shoulders down, the black eeriness of the outdoors getting to his head. He took a soft breath in and out, then turned and walked back into his living room.

He flicked the light switch on as he walked by and moved to sit on the couch. All of a sudden a spell of dizziness overcame him and he placed a hand on the back of the chair nearest to him. His eyes squeezed shut involuntarily and an image pieced together in the blackness behind his eyes. He could barely make out the edge of a building, rotten wood. A hand gripped it in a way similar to his own currently, though the skin of this one grew red towards the fingers and sharpened into claws.

As suddenly as it had come about, the vision flickered away, leaving him bewildered and more than a little distressed. This was what Mark had been talking about- Jack had just flashed. For the first time ever he had done so without the aid of a dream, completely aware, and it had stumped him completely. His head throbbed dully and he lifted a finger to it, a look of awe still plastered on his face. He had planned on sitting down to play some video games, but now he didn't feel so well. He made his way slowly up the stairs, listening to the loud creaking under his feet.

He opened the door to his room and flopped onto his bed sideways, debating on whether or not he wanted to tell Mark. It didn't necessarily give him any insight into Anti's whereabouts, but then again how often did this happen while they were awake? He supposed he didn't actually know if Mark had ever flashed during the day. He would ask him, and tell him, tomorrow. For now, he just wanted to go to sleep and forget all about Anti's antics.


Anti himself, however was far from any form of sleep. He was the opposite of tired, filled with his always boundless mischievous energy, hopping from one foot to the other. He brought his claws down the wood they had been laid on, leaving marks ingrained into the surface of the shack he was stood in front of. It couldn't really be called a 'barn', it was run down as all hell and was barely ten feet in any direction. No one could really be sure how it still stood. A small, molding, shed that had become a place of significance only for the night and that was only because of the two who intended to meet here within the hour. Well, they were both present actually, just not quite aware of the fact.

Anti shook with excitement, and what could possibly have been nervousness, something altogether foreign to him. He was not often scared of anything, and definitely wasn't scared currently, but more anxious. He wasn't sure what to expect, and that sent shivers of anticipation down his spine as well as a burning rush of adrenaline.

Dark stood in the woods lining the back of the shed, watching on with a look devoid of any emotion. He observed Anti pace and cackle in the chilly night air, trying to decide if this was what he really wanted to do. It was a mere few seconds before Anti knew he was there though, having sensed his presence within the trees. He turned towards the woods with an evil grin and tilted his head to the side.

"I know you're there," he said, a certain playfulness laced within his tone and a short giggle promptly following. Presumably, Dark had already made his decision and therefore had not left, confirmed by the steps he took forward to meet the other. They shared a look made only by two demons who had always known each other.

Now a few feet away, they each took in the presence of the other, trying to decipher the current mood. Anti took in a deep breath, slowly releasing it through his nose and catching his tongue between his teeth. He began to move curiously around Dark, making a circle around the demon, who followed him slowly through the corner of his eye. Anti opened his mouth to speak, but before a word could form Dark lunged towards him and tackled him to the ground. He pinned Anti to the cool grass, hands placed firmly beside his shoulders, faces mere inches away. It took Anti a fraction of a second to recoil from the impact and return to his natural, aloof demeanor.

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