Chapter 4

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Jack arrived at Mark's apartment after Mark and walked in to see him rummaging under his cabinets.

"Whatcha doin'?" He said, after just letting himself in. Mark jumped a little and looked over his shoulder.

"Looking for a movie we can watch."

"It's a movie kinda day, is it?"


"Well, what are we watching then?"

"I just got Inside Out, can we watch that?"

"Oh yeah, I never had a chance to see that." Jack nodded happily, then sat on the couch while Mark set up the movie and went to get them popcorn. He turned the T.V. on and clicked over to the DVD player, then waited for Mark. Mark brought in a bowl of popcorn and two blankets, turning off the lights and nudging the blinds shut on his way over. Jack mumbled a thanks between a handful of popcorn and snuggled down into the couch.

Halfway through the movie Jack fell asleep. It wasn't that the movie wasn't good, but he was so tired and it was so comfy- how could he not? His eyes were begging to be shut, what choice did he have? Mark didn't notice until the movie was almost over and it had gone quiet for a moment, allowing him to hear Jack's soft snores. He looked over with a wide smile on his face and sighed. He looked so comfortable, with his hands curled under his head and his feet touching Mark's leg lightly.

He waited until the movie was over to get up, moving carefully so as not to wake Jack. He thought about what to do, then decided to just let him sleep for a little while and go do some work. Jack woke up a few hours later, and opened his eyes.

"Mark?" He said groggily, looking around through blurry eyes. He sat up when he didn't see him, then got up from the couch and walked down the hallway to where he knew Mark's office was. He peeked in and, noticing he wasn't recording at the moment, walked in. Mark looked up from the chair he was sitting in and smirked.

"Hey, finally. You really knocked out," he said. Jack groaned and yawned, stretching slightly.

"Yeah it was fantastic," he said, slurring a bit causing Mark to laugh at him. "What time is it?"

"4:41." Jack's eyes widened slightly.

"Jesus, I did sleep a long time."

"Yeah, but its fine, you needed it."

"I guess, yeah. So what are you up to?" Jack asked, moving behind Mark and leaning his chin onto his shoulder.

"I'm making thumbnails," he said, turning his head to look at Jack's an inch away from his. Jack nodded his head and made a noise of acknowledgment, allowing a moment of silence to pass between them.

"What should we do now? Or should I go home?"

"Nah, you can stay if you want. I'm gonna order pizza for dinner, but I'm not entertaining you." Jack pouted at him, he couldn't just offer up pizza and then make him wait on his own. Mark rolled his eyes playfully.

"Fine, well I'm gonna take a walk I guess, since there's nothing else to do. Don't order it too late though, I need to get home before the storm."

"Alright, stay outta trouble." Jack stood up again and walked back out to the living room, making sure he had his phone and wallet before calling a goodbye to Mark and leaving the apartment complex. He didn't know where he was gonna go, he was just trying to waste time. Soon he had reached the part of town that held all the small shops, store fronts of all assortments lined the street, most of them were family owned businesses.

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