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Yo, this one angsty, heed my warnings. 

TW: Nightmares, like 1 swear word i think, lots of verbal abuse, insecurities, crying, talk of parent leaving, I just bully Dolf basically. Tell me if i missed anything!

Ship sailing: Dolf & Neil


Dolf....didn't know what was going on.

"V-..vhat do you mean?" He asked, looking up at all the people he once considered friends. The glares hardened, even Space kid looked pissed, and Dolf shrank in on himself.

"You know we all hate you, right?" Ered laughed, her voice edging on a bone-chilling echo. It shot shivers through Dolfs spine. A cold feeling bubbled, uneasily, in his gut.

"B-but I-"

"You're a freak!" Neil snapped, cutting him off. Dolfs head snapped to him so fast that he felt a little pain in his neck. Not as bad as his chest ached though. That pain was unbearable.

"G-guys, I don't-I don't-" Dolf gulped in large amounts of air as his eyes began to water. He hated how much he was struggling to get out a few simple words. He hated he was showing weakness. You never show weakness here.

"Ew! He's crying!" Nikki giggled. It was so...unwelcoming. Nothing like the bubbly and too loud laughs and snorts that usually came from the girl.

"Why are you crying, huh?" Nurf yelled, voice like acid to his ears. "You definitely don't deserve to cry!"

Dolf wiped the tears from his eyes with vigor. "I-I'm sor..sorry-"

"No wonder she left. Who could love you?" Max mocked, nasally voice causing icicles to torpedo themselves into his chest. They melted, leaving a cold feeling behind. did they know about his mom? He never...he never-

"God, toughen up," Max groaned. "You're nothing but a fucking burden and yet you cry? Jeez!" He whined, stomping a foot in the ground. The others either laughed or nodded.

"Vhat-vhat did I do? I-" he fell to his knees, tears leaking from his eyes. The others just continued to hurl insults at him. Even space kid, getting in a few painful ones. Their voices seemed to echo as they mixed together. Whirling around him like the world's saddest waltz.

Dolf didn't know what kind of sicko threw balls like this.

"Please...please stop...I'm sorry...please," he begged, hands covering his ears but the voices seemed to move from outside to in. Bouncing around his pounding skull, hitting every part that mattered. It wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop. It would never stop. This feeling-this feeling would never stop god someone please make it sTOP-

"DOLF!" Someone, he doesn't care who, yelled in his ear. Dolf sat up, quick. Tears continued to leak from his eyes as phantom taunts echoed in his mind. They were quieter though. Not as daunting and painful. Well, no still painful but not like before.

Someone put a hand on his back and he flinched, throwing himself away from the person. He fell onto the ground, backing away as much as possible

"Vhat do you vant! I'm sorry, I von't do it again I'm sorry just stop I-"

"Hey...hey, it's okay." A voice...was that Neil?

"Neeyle?" He asked. The figure came closer, his face materializing as he got closer.

"Yeah, it's me. Space kid got scared 'cus you were screaming 'nd stuff. He ran to the first tent he saw. He woke Max and I up and I came to wake you up and stuff," he explained, his words far more simple than usual. Probably from just being woken up. He didn't sound upset but all Dolf felt was horrible. Not only did he disturb Space Kids sleep but he also woke Max and Neil up from they're sleep and forced Neil to come and comfort him.

No wonder they hated him.

" you. Uhm, I'm good now. You can leave." Dolf said, not unkindly. Neil still scrunched his face up though.

"Why would I leave? You're still upset?" he asked. Dolf bit his lip.

" is fine, Neeyle. I am sorry to disrupt your sleep. Tell Max I am sorry too." he said, getting up to walk back to his bed.

He tried to stand but his legs seemed to not want to work and he fell right back onto the ground. Neil rushed to pick him up, bridal style, and carry him to his bed. This made Dolf feel worse but he said nothing.

Neil placed him on the bed with the fragilty of a wilting flower. Once he was sure Dolf wouldn't fall he sat next to him. Dolf set his head on his shoulder.

"Wanna talk about the dream?" Neil asked. Dolf hummed.

"Space kid said you were screaming things like 'stop' and 'please' and 'why'...was something happening? Were you....were you being hurt?"

Dolf thought it over. That was a good question. Was he being hurt?

Well, technically no. Nobody had touched him. He was not being punched or kicked or bit or even spat on. Not a mark.

But was he hurt? Kinda. His heart ached at the words that dug themselves into his brain through his ears and echoed in his skull. His chest achingly dull due to the harsh words seemingly stomping on his heart.

He was taking too long to answer.

"Uhm...I...I am fine, Ne-"

"Don't lie, Dolf, or we'll be here all night," Neil interrupted, his face sloppily resting on his fist. It seemed as if the sleepiness was infiltrating his mind once again.

"It vhas...It vhas just..." Dolf gulped and looked down at his feet. "I just dreamed that you all vere, uhm, telling me things-"

"What kinda things?"

Dolf grimaced.

"Things like...I am useless...a-and a burden an-an-and that I vas dumb for crying," he lowered his voice to a whisper. "That it vas no wonder my mohzer left."

Neil didn't say anything for a while. He was...shocked? Yeah, shocked. He didn't know...I mean Dolf is so young and...shit this kid had some issues.

"Have these dreams been going on for a long time?" He asked. Dolf rocked his head side to side, deciding on an answer.

"Eh, define a long time?" He said.

"Longer than a year?" Neil asked. Dolf nodded.

"Hm," Neil hummed, rubbing his chin in thought. It made Dolf chuckle.

"Wanna go look at the stars?" he finally asked. Dolf looked up at him in shock, not expecting something like that.

"Are you not still tired? Vould you rather not sleep?" Dolf asked. Neil shrugged.

"Eh, I have coffee. Worse case scenario I take a nap tomorrow." he answered. Dolf thought it over before nodding and they headed out.  

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