Would You Rather

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Kacchan POV:

I hold the little omega in my arms as I kiss the top of his head, it hurt me to know that he couldn't remember anything. it hurt me even more to know that he remembered what those league of villains bastards did to him, or I'm assuming he remembered, sure he hadn't out right admitted it but I think I had a pretty good guess.

I pull away from hugging deku looking him in his eyes, his face was bright as a large smile spread across his face.

"Izuku?" I ask, I was making a point not to call him Deku again, after I had explained it to him he seemed to understand but still seemed hurt by the offensive name.

"I remember!!" he says excitedly jumping up and down as he held on to me hands.

Fucking adorable

"that's great baby boy, now lets get back to the dorms" my mind flashed as I thought of shitty hair paceing worriedly back and forth.

"Everyone must be worried" said the green haired omega said as he quickly darted past me as he made his way to the dorms. I smile, even in the worst of times Deku always thought about others feelings.

Deku burst through the door rushing to the center of the commons with a huge toothy smile stretched across his face. my heart flutters at the cute little omega.

my cute little omega.

my omega


I suddenly remember that Deku wasn't my omega, he was that bastard no touch man's.


he may not be bonded to me, but in my heart he was my omega and I would protect him till the day I die.

"I'm ok everyone!!" says Izuku causing me to walk in and stand by his side. I could see as people let out sighs of relief and worried expressions fading. I kiss the little omega's head.

"I love you" I mumble and the green haired boy blushed a bright red. 

god damn he is to cute for this world

"I love you too" he says smiling up at me, my heart melts.

"um so who wants to play a game" said rich bitch. I look over to Deku and he nods in agreement.

"that's a great idea Momo, what should we play?" asks the small boy as he pushes me to the floor in a seated position and plopping in my lap. I smile as I wrap my arms around his waist burying my face in his neck as I breathe in his scent.

his sweet scent

he smelled of honey with a hint of lavender, and....


I could smell it

the sharp smell of burning wood

when an alpha marks an omega their scent mixes with the scent of the omega.

it hurt my heart to know that Deku's sweet scent had been tainted by that no touch bastard.

"how about would you rather?" spoke floaty girl with an excited grin. Deku nodded.

"yeah ok, I know how to play that one" he said with a grin.

"ok I'll go first" spoke shitty hair "would you rather be a pro hero for one day, or a side kick for a lifetime" said the red haired alpha.

"pro hero for a day duh" flamingo said.

"yeah is that even a question?" piped in Denki.

"well I don't know, having the name of a pro hero is cool and all, but how many people can you really save in one day, I would want to save as many people as possible and to do that I would have to be on the job longer than one day, and even though side kick is not as appealing I still would be able to save people and...." Deku spoke as he adorable mumbled.

I grabbed his chin twisting his head and placing a quick peck on his lips, enough to tell him to shut up, but not enough to be sexual and cause pain to the little omega. as much as I loved his cute rambles everyone else in the room was not, not that I cared about their feelings or anything.

Deku nodded that he had gotten the message. 

"oooh me next" spoke up shiny belly button "would you rather be as fabulous as me or..... or.... or not" he finally decided.

"not" I spoke up without hesitating earring a sharp jab in my ribs from the omega sitting on my lap.

"be nice Kacchan" he spoke and I let out a sigh but didn't take back what I said after all I meant it.

"oh I'll go" said hero as he pondered for a minute "would you rather have a son or a daughter" he said with a grin.

"that's easy I want a daughter so I can dress her in cute little dresses" spoke up Tsu 

"You can dress a boy in cute dresses too" shrugged Satou causing a great number of people to laugh.

"if you want your kid getting bullied" spoke up Mineta

"I don't care I'll love my child no matter what" spoke up half and half.

"You mean like your father never loved you" I add with a snarl still mad at the bastard for kissing Deku during spin the bottle. we lock eyes snarling at each other.

"If I had a kid... I think I would want.... if I had a kid?..... oh shit" spoke Izuku causing me to snap my attention back to him.

"what's wrong angel?" I ask stroking his hair comfortingly he turns to look me in my eyes, wide with panic.

"Kacchan can you..... smell me.... do I smell pregnant." he asked and my eyes widen as he turns around in my lap so he is facing me.

Omegas when pregnant let off a scent letting other alphas know. I smelled deku again and I grimace as I caught the scent. how had I missed it before? there was no doubt about it he was pregnant.

my chest tightened in anger as I restrain myself from getting up and finding those mother fuckers and ripping their throats out.


I look into the fear filled eyes of the boy on my lap and give him a curt nod. he collapses onto my shoulder sobbing uncontrollably. I wrap my arms around him pulling him against my chest hugging him tight.

my little omega



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