The Alpha

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Deku POV:

I couldn't help it, I was sobbing uncontrollably.

I was pregnant

I was fucking pregnant

a million thoughts flooded through my head.

I'm too young for a child

I'm not ready

I'll always have a constant reminder of what happened to me


what if Kacchan hates me? what if he wants to leave?

I quickly dismiss that last thought the way the alpha was holding me, strong and supportive yet soft and comforting at the same time, that embrace told me everything I needed to know. I wasn't alone and he was here for me no matter what.

"uh Midoriya" spoke Todoroki kindly "it's up to you but you could always get an abortion" Kacchan shot the other alpha a cold glare as If to say, now is not the fucking time give him a minute to process all this, and he was right I needed a minute to wrap my head around all this.

I am pregnant

the words echoed in my head over and over again and yet they still felt strange and unfamiliar as if this really wasn't happening, like I would blink and this wold never had happened. but it was happening and Shoto was right I had options to make, abortion, adoption, or I keep it.

"I don't think I could bring myself to abort the child I know I would feel guilty for not giving the kid a shot in the world. then again do I really wanna raise a child in this dark and twisted world? If I keep the baby, my life will completely change, I would most likely have to give up being a hero to raise the child, my childhood gone, I am young and not prepared. of course I have my mom to help me but even if she agreed to take on all the responsibilities and raise the child I would still have to have that reminder of what happened. could I live with that? Then their was adoption, it seems like the only option left, but could I really give up my sweet little angel to some stranger that may or may not be good to him or her? Could I live with the fact that my child is living in the world without me and I have no way of knowing if they are happy or sad, if they had a good life or a bad one?" it took me a moment to realize I had been rambling between sobs and I wasn't just thinking it.

suddenly I feel my body getting lifted as Kacchan picks me up and leads me to his room setting me on the edge of the bed, not letting go even for a second.

"there now it's just us angel, I know this is scary and the choice is up to you just know I'll support you no matter what" I nod as I wipe my tears looking the alpha in the eyes trying to act brave but I soon burst back into tears and he pulls me tighter in his arms.

"I'm sorry... I can't stop..." I sob my body shaking as he pets my green locks gently running his fingertips through my hair and across my scalp soothingly

"It's ok baby, shhh I'm here, it's ok to cry no need to be sorry" he hums deepening his voice to cause his chest to vibrate almost like an omega's purr but for alpha's. this was enough to calm me down enough for me to speak.

"I..." I start to speak but am suddenly interrupted by a scream that caused us both to jump of the bed and run into the commons of the dorms. class 1A were all standing in battle stance ready to fight, they were all facing a broken window, I watch as I see three figures walk through the hole.

my eyes widen as I realize who they were, Shigaraki, Dabi, and Twice.

the blue haired alpha made eye contact with me, a sneer spreading across his chapped lips as he noticed how my legs quivered in fear.

"why hello there my little omega, thanks to the panic you caused a young student from general fields thought we were inside the school so he tried to get out opening the gate for us, he's dead now of course" said the man as he took a step closer.

I start to back up in fear as Kacchan suddenly jumps in front of me.

"your omega?" his voice was shaking with anger as he was clearly trying not to explode... litterly "YOUR OMEGA? FUCK NO HE IS MINE AND JUST BECAUSE YOU MARKED HIM DOESN'T MAKE HIM YOURS!!!!" he growled as his eyes burned with a new passion I'd never seem before.


"oh? doesn't it though? isn't bonding the same as claiming? claiming him to be mine" the alpha sneered as he got face to face with Kacchan "are you sure I'm the one you should be mad at? after all I only fucked him a few times" he shrugged and I gasp out a horse breathe.

"no don't tell him!!" I try and shout but coming out as a more whispered shout fear clogging my throat.

"tell me what?" spoke the blonde alpha and Shigaraki let out a manic laugh.

"he probably doesn't want me to tell you how we all had are turn with him" he leaned in to whisper in Kacchan's ear loud enough for me to hear but no one else "and sometimes all at once" Kacchan growled as he went to punch the evil alpha when he suddenly stopped.

Dabi stood behind me a hand on my neck, I was so focused on the scene in front of me I hadn't noticed him coming from behind, I was trapped, if anyone in the room moved an inch I was dead.

"oh? you stopped? what's wrong? you wouldn't be worried about the omega would you?" the man teased. "he's probably more scared of Dabi than me anyway, he had the most fun, not to mention the things he said" his cracked lips spread into a smile.

"go ahead tell them what you are" said dab harshly in my ear, a shiver of fear and disgust traveling down my spine "do it" he growled as he released a heavy amount of alpha pheromones. I whimper an omega is helpless against alpha pheromones one sniff and the alpha is in complete control.

"I... I'm a useless fuck toy... my... my soul purpose is to... is to please alphas" I shake as the sad truth was I was beginning to believe these words a few tears running down my cheek.

"go on" spoke Dabi biting at my earlobe enough to bleed causing Bakugou to flinch "tell them nice and loud" 

"I don't deserve love... I'm not worth loving... only good for alpha's to use and abuse a filthy cum dump!!" I slowly got louder it was clear to everyone I was fully believing this "it's all my fault, I deserved what happened to me, I'm a slut and deep down I like being violated and raped, I'm never good enough, born to please alpha's and I need to learn my place" I shout as I sob. Dabi starts laughing loudly.

"You remembered every fucking word" he laughed for a little while before collecting himself again. "and based on these facts would you say you deserve to be happy? do you deserve an alpha like Katsuki?" he snarrled.

"no I don't.." I mumble and dab grins.

"good now what do you say?" he says coldly, clearly having fun

"we... we need to break up Kacchan"

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