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Kacchan POV:

As I finally heard Kiri fall asleep I took it upon myself to try and calm down and go for a walk. I climbed out of bed putting on a fresh pair of sweats and a tight muscle T-shirt as I tiptoed out of the dorms.

I walked in circles around the UA dorms, the cold night air hitting my face and the freshness filling my lungs. As I walked I tried not to think about... well... anything... but thoughts of that green haired omega filled my mind and I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

What were they doing to him? Were they raping him right now? Were they beating him up? Torturing him? And why had Todoroki been taken as well? Why didn't he fight back? What did twice whisper in his ear?

So many questions yet no answers, I am in the dark and I hate it. I want to know that Deku was safe, but at the moment he was far from safe.

Deku was raped. There was no denying that. But deep down I just wanted it to be false I wanted it to be some kind of twisted lie that none of this ever happened. That his precious little omega wasn't harmed in that way. I wish the word rape isn't even a thing that people wouldn't steep so low as to rape another person.

I noticed the sun beginning to peek out from behind the clouds and I looked down at my phone to realize that it was already 6:30. To get my mind off things I decided to make my way over to the kitchen to make the dorm breakfast. When I got there I wasn't surprised to see no one was up yet so I went to the fridge pulling out some eggs and bell peppers as well as bread and a few other ingredients. I started with the eggs cracking them into a pan that I put on the stove, chopping up the vegetables and throwing them into the mix. I always love cooking, when I'm in the kitchen everything else around me fades. I don't have to worry about the world around me and I'm able to find peace in my own little world.

Once the eggs, bacon, french toast and waffles were done I turned around placing the dishes on the table looking around to see who was awake, so far it seemed Ida Ochako, and Sato were the only ones awake.

"Dig in extras before it gets cold!" He shouted and they looked up from their phones and Ida from his book.

"For us? Thanks Katsuki!" The burnette spoke up making her way over to the table whiffing the air above it "Smells delicious!!" She smiled grabbing a plate as she began to serve herself what she wanted.

"Yes, thank you Bakugou! I appreciate the meal!" Ida spoke in a voice that was a little too loud for my taste, especially this early in the morning. Sato simply nodded in thanks as he started to load his plate with sugary toppings.

Great. Cooking worked, I wasn't thinking about Deku but now I am again.

"I'll be in my room, tell everyone else to help themselves" I groaned rolling my shoulders back.

"Are you sure? You don't want any?" Sato asked mid bite his mouth full of food.

"I'm not hungry" I responded, but that was a lie, I was starving but I couldn't bring myself to eat. I just couldn't.

I made it back to my room and sighed as I plopped on the bed falling on something hard.

"The hell?!" I shouted standing up to see Kirishima, lying in my bed. "Fucking hell shitty hair you scared me! Get out of my bed!!" I said trying to push him out. His hand reached up clamping around my neck squeezing, and not in the fun way. I gasped in shock as I looked down at Ejiro who's eyes were glazed over and he panted.

"Your an alpha yet you smell so good" He licked his lips flipping me onto the bed as he climbed on top of me. Then it happened he bent over growling in my ear before sucking and biting at my neck aggressively. This was enough to snap me out of my shocked trance as I landed a large explosion onto his abdomen causing him to fall to the ground.

"What the hell?!!" I shouted as Kiri winced clutching his stomach

"Bakubro... fuck... fuck" He growled as a large amount of pheromones released from his body and I imedently covered my nose to shield both alpha and arousal pheromones.

"Shit... your in rut? Fuck alright uh... are you seeing anyone right now? Someone that can help?" I asked watching the struggle in the red haired alphas eyes as he tried not to jump me. He shook his head.

"Ok do you have supplies in your room? I could bring you there, just hold on shitty hair" I said as I draped his arm over my shoulder and I grabbed him with my other arm supporting him as I made my way to the door.

I managed to get him halfway down the hallway before Kiri pinned me against the wall his red eyes flashing with hunger, I growled trying to get him to back down but he was too far gone.

I placed my hand on his neck choking him until all blood flow to the brain was cut off and he passed out, I then dragged him the rest of the way to his room closing the door and leaving him in there. I let out a sigh of relief walking back into the common area. Plopping down on the couch.

"Oi everyone avoid Kiri's room he's in rut and apparently even alphas aren't safe" I said rubbing the bite mark on my neck.

A few people nodded and went over to spread the word to those that didn't seem to hear.

I sighed looking down at my phone seeing a missed message from an unknown number...

Who was it?

Why were they contacting him?

Was it about Deku?


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