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Trigger warning: forced abortion 

Deck POV:

After Dabi had practically dragged me out of the UA dorms he smirked, slapping my face and spitting in my eyes chuckling as I shivered at his touch from both repulsion and fear.

I was still shocked from everything that had just happened and I was not sure what to say or do so I decided to shut down completely, better not to feel at all I supposed.

"You really are a fucking whore, don't think for a second I haven't forgoten how you moaned like a little bitch while I fucked you, you even came all over yourself you pathetic little slut" He growled out his poison laced words loud enough to cause Shoto to turn his head and glare at him.

"He was in HEAT you bastard! Anything would make an omega in heat react that way; it doesn't make him a whore!" He yelled and with that Twice placed a damp cloth on his nose and mouth and I watched as Shoto drifted out of consciousness I tried to go to the alpha in danger but was stopped by Dabi also placing a cloth in the same area the smell of chloroform filling my nose before everything went black.

As I wake up I try to come to terms with my surroundings. Where am I? What was going on? I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what information I could. The first conclusion I came to was that I had a blindfold on seeing as my eyes were open but I couldn't see anything after squirming around a bit I managed to conclude I was being restrained in a suspended position hanging with my back facing down towards the ground, my head falling limp upside down. My legs were bent at the knee and tied open.

I tried to yell out to get someone's attention so they could tell me what was going on but the ball gag in my mouth made it so only muffled words escaped. Luckily the noise was enough to get the attention of Toga who was apparently in the room.

"Shiggy wiggy!! The green ones awake!!" She shouted as I heard the course voice of Shigaraki was now audible.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"Aww but I thought it was cute don't you Shiggy wiggy" She giggled.

"No it's not cute now get out!"

"No way!! I want to watch the fun"

"Fine" It was hard to tell where in the room they were but I then heard footsteps approaching and my heart dropped in fear.

This position... was he planning on raping me again? I felt a deep feeling of dread in my stomach and I almost retched at the thought. I can't take it not right now I can't, the blindfold got damp as tears spilled from my eyes.

"Since your awake we can get this party started" He said, lifting the blindfold off of my eyes and I blinked as I took in my surroundings. I was indeed tied in the position I had thought I was and I was also naked, at my head stood the teal haired alpha in one corner sat Toga who was smiling and giggling uncontrollably.

Then I saw Todoroki, He was chained up but still asleep, that was until Toga skipped over to him kicking him in the side and he groaned, opening his eyes. My entire body shook as I smelled the alpha pheromones and I whimpered before I realized it came out of my mouth.

"Here's the deal, Izuku here will listen to me due to my pheromones, Shoto you will listen unless you want Izuku to die, so don't even try to use your quirks" He began as my mind ran a mile a minute. What was he planning? What was he going to do? "Shoto you will impregnate Izuku, both of your quirks combined should make quite a child. The league will keep the baby, after the 9 months both of you will be returned to your life before" He explained

My heart dropped and I began to thrash around but to no avail the ropes holding me in place muffled cries spilling from my mouth as I shook in fear. Being raped by these villains was one thing but Shoto? No! He was a good guy!! I trust him!! I would never be able to look at him again in the same way!!!

"That's a sick and twisted plan only one issue, Midoryia is already pregnant" Shoto spoke up and I relaxed slightly, if he found out I was already pregnant maybe forcing Todoroki and myself to have sex was out of the question. Fuck what is wrong with me? Instead of worrying about my baby who will most likely be raised as a villain I'm worried about myself!! I felt sick with guilt, and that only caused him to sob more.

"Oh that is a problem isn't it?" Shigaraki hummed but he didn't sound troubled at all. "Toga go get Kurogiri" And Toga nodded as she walked out of the room returning seconds later with Kurogiri.

Without any instruction he walked over to my spread legs placing a brief case I didn't realize he was holding on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Spoke up Todoroki, but his question and my question as well went unanswered.

He opened the case to reveal a large array of drugs all neatly packed and organized and I felt my heart drop not sure what was going to happen. He pulled out an empty syringe and a small vial of clear liquid tilting the bottle upside down as he sucked the contents into the syringe.

What was in the drug? What were they planning on doing? I want Kacchan!! My mind drifting to the blonde haired alpha that was most likely scared out of his wits, but he'd never let anyone see as he would hide it with anger.

"Hey! What are you giving him? What kind of drug is that? Is it an aphrodisiac?" Shoto asked in a demanding tone, my breathing increasing rapidly. With an aphrodisiac anything sexual done to me I will feel pleasure and arousal even if I hated every bit of it which I know I would.

"Calm down will ya? It's just a numbing agent" Kurogiri responded then without any warning he slid a finger into my ass and I clenched in surprise "Don't clench, just relax" He said, the feeling of his finger in my ass was strange and disturbing as it had the texture and feel of merley air but the weight of a human hand. But as he commanded I took a deep breath making an effort to relax knowing it would hurt more if I didn't. He stuck a second finger in far too soon as I wasn't stretched enough, luckily even though he wasn't using any sort of lubricant I didn't seem to be tearing due to his hands being... well... smoke.

I tremble with fear. Why do they need a numbing agent? Where they going to fuck me so hard that I need numbing just to bear the pain? The thought caused me to whimper.

As he scissored me open as he stuck the needle deep in my ass and I yelped as I felt the pinch of the needle enter my insides. He pushed the liquid into me about a fourth of the syringe he then repeated this in different places inside me till he was out of numbing.

I whimpered as I felt my insides slowly turn to a tingly feeling. He then fed a tube through my ass but all I could feel was pressure. The tube was hooked up to some kind of pump. Kurogiri pushed down on the pump and I had a weird feeling, it felt like I was taking a shit, were they making me shit? Is that their goal? Why the fuck would they want that? And why would they need to numb me for that? But just as I thought I figured out what they were doing, what came out of the tube wasn't shit, but blood.

"Wait about 20 minutes and the baby will be gone," Kurogiri said closing his briefcase and making his way out of the room. My heart dropped... an abortion... that's what they wanted... thats... thats... thats disgusting!!"

I sobbed loudly, my whole body shook violently, Shoto was shouting at the league but my emotions took over and I couldn't hear a word I had let my baby die. I couldn't protect them. I was a horrible father.

I was the one at fault.

I was to blame.

I let this happen.

I murdered my baby.

I am a murderer. 

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